Post Surgery Self Reading



Late last month I had surgery to remove a benign mass on my ovary which was removed along with my ovary. Although I am thankful that it was benign, I am left with alot of anxiety and fear that I will not be able to conceive a child in the future. Also, currently I am not in a relationship so my concern of ever having a child within my childbearing years has been the root of recent panic attacks. (I am 36) I am planning to freeze my eggs January of next year to protect my fertility while I can.

I was inspired to do a self reading to gain more clarity and see if I am headed in the right direction toward having a family. And the spread is as follows:

Thanking you in advance for any additional insight.

Question: Will I eventually marry and have a child?

Celtic Cross spread using the Mythic Tarot Deck

Card 1: The present. 4 of cups- Finding it hard to find the positive aspects of my life

Card 2: The challenge. crossing card- The Star- My hopes and fears regarding my fertility and quest for a family.

Card 3: The past. 7 of Pentacles- Perhaps being confronted with the fact that I created many of the circumstances from which I now fear?

Card 4: The future. 10 of cups- Emotional contentment is coming. Positive card- perhaps a new relationship?

Card 5: Above. 7 of wands- Persevering, not settling, retaining hope in my vision?

Card 6: Below - subconscious, root of the matter . Ace of Wands reversed- Being weighed down by this worry, concern, fear, anxiety.

Card 7: Advice. Ace of Cups Reversed - Past trauma may create emotional blocks. Drained energy- burnout.

Card 8: External influences. 8 of Wands- Swift action- Perhaps this will be happening sooner rather than later. This card doesn't seem one of delays.

Card 9: Hopes and/or fears. 3 of Cups Reversed - The need to heal from past emotional trauma regarding relationships. Also, card indicates fear of infertility? Addressing the anxiety?

Card 10: Outcome. 3 of Pentacles- Big changes coming ahead. Since it is a card of Pentacles, perhaps the materialization of my vision? growth and laying the foundation for a relationship?

Overall, I would say this reading was very accurate in reflecting my current emotional state.

Please share any insights. Thank you so much.


Sorry I wasn't specific in my question.

Does the 3 of Pentacles indicate a materialization of my aspirations?