Precognitive dreaming?


I had a dream I was stabbed in the heart and in the liver a few weeks ago, and I felt it so much that I actually had trouble breathing in bed and separating the dream from reality. I didn't even realize I dreamt of getting stabbed even as I lay in my bed wondering why I felt breathless and in so much pain from it.

The next day I got backstabbed by one of my roommates, someone I thought was a friend of mine, and I honestly didn't see it coming. I felt really hurt that day and decided not to talk to anyone here anymore after that.

Later on, I decided to research what getting stabbed in a dream can mean, and it can mean being backstabbed or feeling betrayed by someone.

I've never really had dreams like this before where they relate to my life or show something that will happen soon, and they're getting a lot more frequent lately.

I've also been told my third eye is opening soon, so I'm not sure if it's because of that, but to be honest I'm a little creeped.

Has anyone else had an experience like this?


I've had precognitive dreams since I was 4 years old. The dream and the event got closer and closer together the older I got. It was kinda creepy at first, especially when I was a kid and a teenager, but when they started happening the next day I decided if you can't beat em, join em and I began my journey to embracing my "psychic" abilities. My precognitive dreams aren't usually symbolic, the events I see really happen- sometimes it's a situation and the people or place may be different, but usually it's exactly the same people and places I saw in the dream.


I would say by the sound of this dream and then what happened to you, Faerenheit, your 3rd eye IS open!

I often get dreams too about what is to come to be for me. Sometimes I'm not sure if it was a dream or if it is prophetic--then what I dream happens. So, pay attention more to your dreams and see if it continues for you.

I am sorry that you had such a terrible dream and a terrible time with your roomie though.

Now that you do know it is open, you should try to do some things and see if your abilities will work for you outside of your dream state too.


I've had precognitive dreams since I was 4 years old. The dream and the event got closer and closer together the older I got. It was kinda creepy at first, especially when I was a kid and a teenager, but when they started happening the next day I decided if you can't beat em, join em and I began my journey to embracing my "psychic" abilities. My precognitive dreams aren't usually symbolic, the events I see really happen- sometimes it's a situation and the people or place may be different, but usually it's exactly the same people and places I saw in the dream.

That sounds really cool!

I'm not sure if I've had that happen since I tend to forget my dreams after a while, but I have felt some crazy deja vu sometimes. I wonder if my precognitive dreaming will develop into something like that after my third eye opens. It does seem that mine are symbolic as of right now.

I would say by the sound of this dream and then what happened to you, Faerenheit, your 3rd eye IS open!

I often get dreams too about what is to come to be for me. Sometimes I'm not sure if it was a dream or if it is prophetic--then what I dream happens. So, pay attention more to your dreams and see if it continues for you.

I am sorry that you had such a terrible dream and a terrible time with your roomie though.

Now that you do know it is open, you should try to do some things and see if your abilities will work for you outside of your dream state too.

I wish it was, but I'm not really sure. Every card reader I've asked about the opening of my third eye say it'll open this month, the month of November, and I'll definitely know when it opens because it's a life-changing experience and I'll feel reborn, but I honestly haven't seen anything new or out of the ordinary. I just somehow seem to get the right answers for most things lately.

Like I took a test on Anatomy and Physiology the other day, didn't even study the chapters fully (I studied about 2/3 of 1 chapter and not the 2nd chapter), and got a 95. Higher than people who did study the chapters, and I'm not sure if I was just lucky or my intuition helped me out.

Maybe my third eye is just activated, which could explain the dreams, but not yet open.

So far it's happened twice in the same week, but only when something important comes up, so I'll see what happens during these moments.

Luckily I'm a loner and have no trouble moving on from people. Lol.


The more you believe in it the more it will unfold...

Doubts will keep it muffled...

A new world requires new understandings...don't drag the old world rulz into your new one...or you'll destroy that fledgling creation...

There are two powers in this world...One whispering and inviting changes and advancements ...The other loudly creating noises that will bog you down in the old ways....

Which will you listen to...?

This is the necessary OTHER POWER of the talented or gifted few...reasonably comfortable with the UNKNOWN.


I wish it was, but I'm not really sure. Every card reader I've asked about the opening of my third eye say it'll open this month, the month of November, and I'll definitely know when it opens because it's a life-changing experience and I'll feel reborn, but I honestly haven't seen anything new or out of the ordinary. I just somehow seem to get the right answers for most things lately.

Well, I'm not sure that you'll feel 'reborn'. I think when you just realize that you are able to 'know' things ahead of time--or like with your dream--dream things and then they come to be---this is how you'll know your 3rd eye is open.
Like I took a test on Anatomy and Physiology the other day, didn't even study the chapters fully (I studied about 2/3 of 1 chapter and not the 2nd chapter), and got a 95. Higher than people who did study the chapters, and I'm not sure if I was just lucky or my intuition helped me out.
:thumbsup: Good job & Congrats!

Maybe my third eye is just activated, which could explain the dreams, but not yet open.

So far it's happened twice in the same week, but only when something important comes up, so I'll see what happens during these moments.

Luckily I'm a loner and have no trouble moving on from people. Lol.
I bet it's open. Just keep working with it. Play the games here that can help with it. As for dreaming--why not try this exercise we use to do in the dream thread (which I haven't done in a few months now...) by asking a question and when you go to bed, ask your guides to give you the answer for that question. It might not happen the first night--when we played in the circle here, we'd take turns asking a question and everyone else dreamed for that person/question for a week. So, give yourself time to 'dream the answer'. And, don't give up, just keep at it. Before you know it, you'll have it going well and can dream for the answers you are searching for. That is just one way to exercise your 3rd eye--with dreams. Keep playing with it!


That sounds really cool!

I'm not sure if I've had that happen since I tend to forget my dreams after a while, but I have felt some crazy deja vu sometimes. I wonder if my precognitive dreaming will develop into something like that after my third eye opens. It does seem that mine are symbolic as of right now.

I wish it was, but I'm not really sure. Every card reader I've asked about the opening of my third eye say it'll open this month, the month of November, and I'll definitely know when it opens because it's a life-changing experience and I'll feel reborn, but I honestly haven't seen anything new or out of the ordinary. I just somehow seem to get the right answers for most things lately.


Well, I don't know how cool it is. Careful what you wish for and all of that. (Everything I see isn't cool or happy. ) I'm also not sure it will be such a life changing experience that you will feel reborn, but then again-I've had some abilities(such as "just knowing" things and picking up different energies from people)since I was very young so it's all just a natural progression for me. It may be different if you never had such experiences and then all the sudden you start to have them.



The whole accepting your third eye sounds easier than it actually is. I keep trying, but I don't see any results. I guess it's the actually seeing results that discourages me or makes me think my third eye is not yet open.

I'm more in touch with my intuition through my dreams than anything else, I definitely will try out that dream technique. Thanks for showing me that, Celticnoodle!

Well, I don't know how cool it is. Careful what you wish for and all of that. (Everything I see isn't cool or happy. ) I'm also not sure it will be such a life changing experience that you will feel reborn, but then again-I've had some abilities(such as "just knowing" things and picking up different energies from people)since I was very young so it's all just a natural progression for me. It may be different if you never had such experiences and then all the sudden you start to have them.

Tbh, I'd rather know something before it happens so I might be able to change it. Which is why I got into Tarot cards so I can dodge big bullets in my life and change my own destiny, so I admit that I do wish for vivid precognitive dreaming, even with the good and the bad if it's able to help me or other people out.

Sure I'm still kinda taken aback by the dream where I got stabbed and found out what my subconscious was trying to warn me about the next day, but it still awes me in a way.


There's no need to be frightened it's clearly protective, out of curiosity can I ask what or who you see as providing this info? :)


There's no need to be frightened it's clearly protective, out of curiosity can I ask what or who you see as providing this info? :)