Professional Reading Preperation

Little Baron

This thread is inspired by a post by Dadsnook.

In another thread, he suggested that during this 'comfort period' before actually reading live professionally, I look at some points and guidelines. I thought that I would sound out others here, to gain some further understanding and insight from those already experienced and those that are also considering reading live professionally.

I have added my initial responses (some will be a little vague to start with). Feel free to add your thoughts.

Which spread will you use for different types of questions?
When reading 'face to face' for friends in the past, I have always used the Celtic Cross. I am not sure that was always the best choice. I find that the positions often seperate the cards for me and recently, I have enjoyed and got more from reading cards in combinations. This said, I think I would just draw cards in short lines until I feel a need to stop.

What deck will you use for which type of querent?
At the moment, I think that I would use the RWS for all querants; possibly changing to it's clones if I felt the need to - the Universal waite for a softer approach, if needed.

How will you deal with "weak" questions or those who can't really articulate what their issues are?
Possibly a short talk before, to make sure that both of us are aware of what the needs of the querant is; to make sure that the question is posed in the best possible way. As Contrascarpe said in one of my recent readings, maybe throw a couple of cards first, to see what the general idea of the reading might be, before actually doing the reading.

Do you have a printed Code of Ethics? What types of questions will you not read for?
I don't have a 'Code of Ethics', but ...
I don't think I will read for questions on 'others' that might me a violation of their own personal thoughts or gain insight into other peoples opinions that are not actually the sitter.
I would not read about anything that could provoke harm to another person or that might disturb the sitter, once we get involved in the reading. I would appreciate others views on their own 'Code of Ethics'.

What will be your rates for various types of readings and what happens if you agree on a three card reading and it leads to further readings and time -- how will you bring up the added charges?
I was thinking that £10 for a basic reading would be okay - 20 minutes. To take it up to around 45 minutes, a further £5 would be appropriate. Not sure about that one. I would discuss this in the opening chat.

Where will you read -- at home, at bookstores or fairs, at home parties? Will you seek to advertise and solicit business in order to reach a particular income level?
I havn't considered this one completely, as yet. It is not really appropriate, for now, to do it at home, so it would probably be local home visits recommended from friends to start with. Then maybe advertise for similar in the future if it works out. There are no specific shops to take advantage of where I live but I will look out through a specific 'advertisement journal' that carries adverts and is local to this area.



First, write a business plan.

Well kinda like writing out planning for vacation. Gotta have plan B. What are your goals? Write them down.

Comfy with the Celtic Cross? Use that and only that. You’ll have enough to think about in the beginning, you don’t need to toss in a rouge spread too early into the mix.

Comfy with RWS decks? Start simple, keep it basic.

The question? Hand them a pad of paper, and a pencil; have them write their question down. Go over it with them. Explain the answers will be as ambiguous as the question. Work with them.

(remember – the PURPOSE of a reading is NOT to GUESS the sitter’s question)

Don’t post a code of ethics, just stand by a code of ethics. A sitter will have more respect over being told, as opposed to reading a sign, that you won’t answer specifics about their death.

Advertise. For starters, you can always do free readings – making sure that every sitter gets a business card. Every sitter gets a business card. EVERY sitter gets a business card. Print your own on your computer.

Absolutely not. Brochures get thrown away. Business cards don’t.

Start with 30 minute readings…see how you feel after a day’s worth. 1 hr readings can tax you.

Little Baron

Thanks Umbrae.

I will start on a business card this evening. I think that doing that will also mentally prepare me - make me feel more focused.

I have not been using the Celtic Cross much of late but I think I may ask a few friends if I can practice on them to see what kind of feel I get from it.

Cheers for your help. It is much respected and appreciated.


one good thing to do is to talk aloud when you read for yourself, that will give you much confident in your futur reading.

i don't have a printed code of ethics cause i tend to evaluate things in the present time, one of my line of conduct is to say thing that help and not do or say thing that caus harm, that's as easy as that for me.
often i tend to reprase question and make them accept by the querent, like putting alternate futur in their question so they know that the futur is not fix.

simple busniss card (i'v done mines on pagmaker/microsoft publisher) that i throw on the mailbox around are my best promotion but i also advertise on the local newspaper.

i'v printed a page with the pictures of my different deck so i can let the querent choose the deck he like for the reading (or if he want me to chose i evaluate on the present time which one is more in sync with the querent energys)

i charge 35$ for a reading that is between 30 minutes and 1 hour, when it's finish it's finish but i don't adjust money, that a fix price.

and finnaly i only read at my home, i got a place dedicated to tarot and i much more enjoy have people come here so i'm more in control of what happen.

Good luck


Use THE spread that works best for you. you don't want to struggle with "what does this space mean..."
Me, I've never used a C-Cross. I do 3-5-7 position spreads based on needs. If I want more cards I double up the number at each position (not recomended for starters).


***I don't think I will read for questions on 'others' that might me a violation of their own personal thoughts or gain insight into other peoples opinions that are not actually the sitter.***

This may be a tricky one because you're going to get a lot of questions that are variations on the "how does he/she feel about me"-------and I mean a LOT of them, which does entail getting into the mind of someone else not present at the reading and who didn't give permission. I find that questions I get are so often questions like that or else questions of what will happen in the future---the fortunetelling sort. The people who want insight into themselves have been in the minority. You can steer the question by saying something like "Let's explore your reasons for needing to know (whatever) about someone else's thoughts or opinions of you", but they still really want to know what someone else thinks or feels about them, so I think they may be unhappy paying for something they didn't really intend.

I've only read for others online so far, mostly. I'm working up the courage to go public. Magpie is a big help to encourage me to take that big plunge, so I think I'll have my "coming out" at Halloween by offering to read at one of the small shops near me.

As to price, I think you've chosen a very reasonable price to charge. I think I'm going to put out a donation jar myself. I just can't quite justify to myself charging upwards of $60 an hour/a dollar a minute for readings even if I get more experienced with public readings. That's right up there with lawyers and doctors and I have trouble equating tarot reading with being a professional of that level. Maybe I'll change my mind as I get more experienced, though, and it's not meant as a criticism of those who do charge that much.

Little Baron

I see your point Lyric.

I think that it may come down to what is discussed at the time and how I feel about it, rather than having hard and fast rules.

I wish you luck with your move towards public readings as well. I hope that we both learn a lot from the experience.


Little Baron

Umbrae said:
Advertise. For starters, you can always do free readings – making sure that every sitter gets a business card. Every sitter gets a business card. EVERY sitter gets a business card. Print your own on your computer.

What kind of information do you put on your business card?

At the moment, I am just thinking that I would include name, telephone number, website, email address. What do you call yourself? Is it as simple as tarot reader or do you call yourself something else? I thought that I might title the card 'LittleBuddha Tarot Readings' which would be self-explanatory enough. Then again, I don't want people to think the readings have a buddhist slant, as they do not - well, not exactly, anyway.



I've just done my very first porfessional readings and learned a lot about what i need to learn. And to my surprise most of it isn't about Tarot. I need to beef up on my court cards and spreads for sure but what i feel i really need to focus on to be a better reader is counselling, intuitive, and psychic skills. These things come through reading of course but I want to explore them in their own right as well. How do you deal with mental health issues, people who won't tell you anything, how do you make them feel realxed and comforted? This kind of thing is what I need to work at. It's very different to read for strangers than for friends. My reliance on personal knowledge about my friends lives was heavier than I thought in a reading.

As to the 60$ per hour question - medical school is 8 years, and it took me 10 to get here. I'm using a sliding scale for hour readings and the top is 60$. (30 - 60) Tarot is a profession. 60$ is a professional rate. Don't undervalue yourself.


You've just made me feel a lot better linabeet, without realising it, I'm sure. "It took me ten years to get here". That's the statement you made that made me feel so much better. I thought I was the only one that had to take actual years to "get it". I see so many people on AT who seem to have just dived in and taken to it like a duck to water while I've been struggling along for several years before getting to where I am now, where I feel like I'm ready to try some public readings. Thanks for giving me that boost!