Queen of Pents for sexuality?


I've been out as a bisexual for several years now, but I've been struggling with the feeling that I might actually be a lesbian.

I threw a few cards over the matter.

I got the Queen of Pentacles in the spot "Am I really a lesbian?"

Ideas? :)


I believe the Queen of Pentacles to be a very sexual card. A woman who is very comfortable with her sexuality. IMO I believe bisexuals to be very comfortable with their sexuality. Therefore, since you're already comfortable with your sexuality just be open to allowing love to happen be it male or female. You don't really need a label.


ahhh, pents...

This card in particular tells me of an individual who is very settled and comfortable with who she is.... emotional satifaction and complacency...

I find it respectable that you are comfortable with how you feel about things.




IMO, the Queen of Pents is uptight and very sexually repressed


SaucySiren and shadowedge pretty much covered it. :)


Since this was a yes/no question, I see the Queen of Pents as being a "yes" since Pentacles can represent the body and earthly/sensual pleasures. And, this Queen is pretty stable and comfortable with who she is and she sticks to what she likes....unlike, say, the Queen of Wands who can be saucy, sexy, and perhaps more the "bisexual" queen. I think the Queen of Pentacles would be quite sure which team she'd want to play for. :D

But ultimately, you decide what you want to be and to hell with labels. Just love who you will and in time, trust me...you'll know what side of the fence..or even if the fence itself, is what you prefer. :)



"Am I really a lesbian?" I got the Queen of Pentacles

This would strongly suggest a yes.


I disagree in the sense that I always see the Queen of pents as someone who enjoys pleasure wherever it may come from... she is sensual and delights in all of her senses... I think this card is telling you ~ you enjoy pleasure with whomever it may come from. There is a term for it but my brain is not firing on all cylinders at the moment... someone jump in and tell her. That's what I see with the Q of P - but at the same time she could also be telling you - you really enjoy the lushness of women, the sensuality - the feminity - they warmth.... so for me it could go either way....


franniee said:
you enjoy pleasure with whomever it may come from.
Pan-sexual? Is there such a word?


BrightEye said:
Pan-sexual? Is there such a word?

No I just got it! Thanks for sparking me hedonist. :)

btw I see her as someone who knows what she likes... nothing bad - she likes satin sheets and great food and cushy surroundings. Lush and lovely.