Question on the No Layout spread


I have a question regarding the no-layout spread. It seems when I read the cards in progresssion (going left to right with the keycard in the middle) and making up my "story" so-to-speak, it seems to give me a reflection of the situation as opposed to an answer to my question. For example, if I ask about a guestion weather or not to take a certain job, I wil get cards like the road +fox + anchor + birds + scythe. this is not a real spread but it seems it reflects my need to make a decision about a job as opposed to telling me what the decision should be?

I am not sure this is a good example as I pulled those cards out of left field, but I hope you can understand what I am trying to convey. It feels as though the spread is just a reflection of my situation as opposed to an answer.

Please help!

Golden Moon

Hello, Well I have found the no-lay-out spread to work for me. This is how its meant to be...

road +fox + anchor + birds + scythe

Anchor = Is the main topic.

Fox + Anchor & Anchor + Birds = Are the details, the surrounding theme towards the topic.

Road + Fox = Are the past or the present situation.

Birds + Scythe = Are the future outcome.

Now to interpret your reading...

road +fox + anchor + birds + scythe

1. Fox + Anchor = This job involves alot of sneaking around. I'd this this job is a detective or investigator job.

2. Anchor + Bird = This job involved alot of communication, Since there are 2 birds I figure you have to work along side with somebody else.

3. Road + Fox = In the past or present situation, you have been looking around for different jobs, something that calls your attention.

4. Birds + Scythe = In the future out come, You going to end up talking your way out of this job. In other words your not going to be fully happy with this job.

So the answer is no, This job is not worth it.

You have to sum up the answers, kinda like the Celtic Cross when reading tarot.

P.S. I use the Fox card as a Job card.

I hope I was helpful in any way.


flashdownglory said:
For example, if I ask about a guestion weather or not to take a certain job, I wil get cards like the road +fox + anchor + birds + scythe. this is not a real spread but it seems it reflects my need to make a decision about a job as opposed to telling me what the decision should be?

I am not sure this is a good example as I pulled those cards out of left field, but I hope you can understand what I am trying to convey. It feels as though the spread is just a reflection of my situation as opposed to an answer.

I think that's the case with reading cards in general; a lot of the reading can reflect what's really going on (and sometimes, things you don't know what going on). however, I also think that part of that is one's mindset. If you are focused on the present situation as you are reading, you'll tend to see the present. If you keep in mind that you're looking for an answer regarding the future, you'll be more likely to read about it. Just make sure you have the focus by mentally telling yourself that left is past, right as future. In this case, I'm echoing what Golden Moon has said, where the cards to the left are past-present, and the cards on the right are the future.

The short answer is that I think this spread would say no, you aren't likely to get the job. The Scythe seems to be an emphatic "no" or warning in this case. It could be helpful to see the card that comes after the Scythe and get a better idea of why; but it can also get more confusing until you're more comfortable with the cards. (I"ve had this sort of problem myself.)

road +fox + anchor + birds + scythe

I would read this as you've been forced to make a decision about your job due to the goings-on there -- maybe a lot of backstabbing and office politics, or someone who seems to sabotage your efforts at work. This is all the past.

Looking to the right, Birds could be stress, chattiness or communication. Or even a pair, couple. So I could say that you've looked at or interviewed for two other jobs. Alternatively, it may be a communications-related job. But Scythe comes in as a sudden and emphatic "no." In either case, this is pointing towards a negative answer for your sample question.

Golden Moon's example of talking yourself out of a job is one possibility. Another example could be that you'll receive a message, maybe by phone, that tells you this job isn't going to happen. (If you didn't interview for a comm job, that would be my likely interpretation.)

So for this example, I think the answer to your question is there, not just a reflection of the present. Again, it's all in the intention you have.

(I use anchor as work and fox as deception, although I have Secrets and am aware of the differences.)


Originally Posted by flashdownglory
For example, if I ask about a guestion weather or not to take a certain job, I wil get cards like the road +fox + anchor + birds + scythe. this is not a real spread but it seems it reflects my need to make a decision about a job as opposed to telling me what the decision should be?

I am not sure this is a good example as I pulled those cards out of left field, but I hope you can understand what I am trying to convey. It feels as though the spread is just a reflection of my situation as opposed to an answer.
Originally Posted by rif
I think that's the case with reading cards in general; a lot of the reading can reflect what's really going on (and sometimes, things you don't know what going on). however, I also think that part of that is one's mindset.
With either/or enquiries, Sylvies approach works best for me. The important thing is to ask a question for each of the jobs (or whatever...). If you make your question precise/clear, the cards indicate the pertinent conditions or outcome of that specific enquiry.

Bee :)

Phoenix Rising

the cards to the left of the key card is what is currently or recently going on as far as the job is concerned, the cards to the right of the key card (fox) employment, is the future. It is important the card to the left and right of the key card.

crossroad - your choice
Fox (key card)
Anchor+birds+scythe. a permanent job, working in media or communications of some sort. Scythe maybe decisions you need to help solve with the client.

Questioning is the most important on how you ask the question.



I have a couple additional questions on this reading style.

1. Are cards to the left generally further in the past, or does it vary according to the reading? Most of the examples in the book or the workshop threads (I've only done through "love") treat the left as the past, but it seems to be read as a "story" going mostly from left to right.

This is different from a common approach with Grand Tableau, where, the past is read from right to left. Although I guess even in that case, further left is further in the past.

2. Are five cards generally better than seven when using the no-layout? I've found that five cards tend to provide a clearer answer than seven with this method, particularly when looking for a cut-and-dried answer, or doing a quick spread. Maybe that's my fault. Especially when I think, "if only this extra card wasn't on the end; it changes the whole reading!" :D



I have a question too...and riff I find that 5 cards works much better for me too....
I don't know quite how to word this sometimes I wish I could pull some people here out of the computer screen set them down at my kitchen table and play with the cards.
Anyway Phoenix this is for you if you would be so kind as to give me your thoughts...I was going to pm but this question might help someone else.

When you do a no layout often do you bring the cards back to the key card?
Example...if I do a daily spread and the key card I use is the Sun...if I bring the side cards back to the Sun meanings in the book its always a pretty upbeat reading...and that's not always the case.
Or say another example a health reading....Tree as key and say the first two cards are bear and heart...well together those indicate financial generosity, donations, charity which have nothing to do with's only if I take Bear alone and and Heart alone and cross reference them with Tree do I get something to do with health.
I hope I'm explaining this OK.
Maybe I'm using the wrong key card for a daily reading?
This has been troubling me for awhile I can't seem to work it out.

Phoenix Rising

Rif: The no layout, the first card read is normally the card directly to the left, present situation. Then you start from left to right up to the key card, not from key card right to left.


So ship indicates this woman is thinking of or has currently moved.
Then read Moon+scythe+ship. Due to some emotional upset it caused the woman to make a quick decision to leave. 5 cards can be all you need, if you see in the book most of the examples are 5 card draws. If you feel you need one more card then by all means draw another one.

Lark: That is a good question, and I always bring the cards back to the key card in a reading, as the combination will not always fit the question.

So for a health question.

Bear can represent diet, obesity, tumor and heart- can represent the actual heart. or it can be a heart donor. It is a good habit to read the cards individually, sometimes the combination will fit, if not then individual.

If no key card is selected for a card draw, then it is read left to right. Or else I randomly choose a key card, so I think "the next card I draw will be the key card. So in a 5 card draw, I will choose the 3rd card as the key card.

So if Sun is your key card, then cards to the left of it is the past or present giving clues to how the "success" became, and the right of it will be what will eventuate from that success. Does that make sense?


Phoenix Rising said:
Rif: The no layout, the first card read is normally the card directly to the left, present situation. Then you start from left to right up to the key card, not from key card right to left.


So ship indicates this woman is thinking of or has currently moved.
Then read Moon+scythe+ship. Due to some emotional upset it caused the woman to make a quick decision to leave. 5 cards can be all you need, if you see in the book most of the examples are 5 card draws. If you feel you need one more card then by all means draw another one.

Lark: That is a good question, and I always bring the cards back to the key card in a reading, as the combination will not always fit the question.

So for a health question.

Bear can represent diet, obesity, tumor and heart- can represent the actual heart. or it can be a heart donor. It is a good habit to read the cards individually, sometimes the combination will fit, if not then individual.

If no key card is selected for a card draw, then it is read left to right. Or else I randomly choose a key card, so I think "the next card I draw will be the key card. So in a 5 card draw, I will choose the 3rd card as the key card.

So if Sun is your key card, then cards to the left of it is the past or present giving clues to how the "success" became, and the right of it will be what will eventuate from that success. Does that make sense?
OK, thank you so much that clears it up for me... so instead of pre selecting a key card for a daily reading just asigning the third card as key (whatever turns up) would work much better!
OK thats a very good way to do it. Thank you.
I was using the Sun card as my daily key card everyday it it just wasn't working out...I'll try the random pick today and see how it goes.

As for the example of the health reading that is what I've been doing reading each card seperatly and bringing it back to tree for health..
Bear tree then heart tree.
So I would see it as a possible heart problem related to bad diet if it was on the left of tree.
And if they were to the right of Tree it would say to me heart problem that can be helped/fixed by change in diet.