

Ok so I am fairly new to Tarot. I am wondering as there are so many differing opinions out there. Some people feel that the cards can only work off of your own personal energy. And others feel like you they can work off of anyone's energy whether they are with you at the time or not. The thing that isn't clear to me, is that if they can only work on the energy of the querent how would doing a relationship spread work. Wouldn't you need to have the energies of both people!?!? So confused lol any opinions would be great.


As far as I understand it, it works off the energy of the question. I won't actually do a relationship spread if at least one of the partners isn't my sitter, though (as in "Will my girlfriend break up with her partner ?")- and nor will I do "Does he really love me ?" - I don't think that works if "he" isn't also involved and I also think "he" has the right to keep his feeling to himself !

So in a way I would be agreeing with you but for a different reason ! But really - if you find something works for you - run with it. The cards will do their thing.


There are as many different answers to your question as there are Tarot card readers! Find whichever way works best for you & your understanding and don't confuse yourself by accepting only one person's way to interpret things...or worse - think there is only one 'right' way for Tarot to work.


Present or not

Hi there,

In my personal experience, which is not terribly extensive, as long as you have that particular person's permission to do a spread on/for them, then the reading will work as if they are sitting there.


There are many opinions to this question. I agree you must find what works for you. Personally I believe that the energy you use depends on your abilities to draw from them. We all use energy differently. There is no right or wrong way. You must find what works for you. Sometimes I can read others energies, sometimes not, then I have to depend on my own energies. I have done relationship readings in the past without one of those involved at the reading, but I prefer having one of those involved in the relationship asking the question as a matter of ethics. At least for me one of the persons involved is all that is needed, not both.


Like for an example, this happened which Is why I am asking this question. I went to a psychic medium who is very accurate a few weeks ago. He told me my ex was going to try and come back. We hadn't had any contact at all for the last couple of months. Then he texts me we had a bit of a conversation and then that was it. So I decided to ask the cards what his feelings for me are. I have done it over 3 days 3 separate occassions. The first time I pulled the ace of swords, then the page of pentacles and last night it was strength. Someone had told me that the cards will only tell me what I think he feels for me and not actually tell me how he feels for me. But then other people say not to ask because i don't have permission from him. So are the cards actually telling me his feelings or is it really just what I think he feels about me that comes through?


I know most on this site do their own readings, I was taught never to do your own readings. I never read for myself for the reason that your emotions cloud your intuition, the energy is blocked. You can ask about someones feelings about you, you do not need their permission. I would be out of business if that was the case. ;) I would recommend to get a reading, they do have reading exchanges on this site.


Double posted


Ok so I am fairly new to Tarot. I am wondering as there are so many differing opinions out there. Some people feel that the cards can only work off of your own personal energy. And others feel like you they can work off of anyone's energy whether they are with you at the time or not. The thing that isn't clear to me, is that if they can only work on the energy of the querent how would doing a relationship spread work. Wouldn't you need to have the energies of both people!?!? So confused lol any opinions would be great.

No one knows for sure how Tarot works. So all you can get is different opinions. But mine is none of the ones you mentioned.

I believe that divination is a communication with the Divine. Call that either God of the angels. So I do not try to connect to the querent's energy at all. I never try to. I am trying to use MY energy to connect to the energy of the Divine and pick up on the messages it sends back.

I don't personally try to connect to the querent's energy as I find that could get confusing. We, and humans, do not always see things clearly. Sometimes we are in denial about things or are seeing through our baggage...To connect to that source could confuse the truth. Also the querent does not know the future.

The Divine always sees clearly and knows everything it is possible to know, including as much of the future as can be known at the time.

So that is my answer. I try to use my energy to connect to the energy of life, the universe, God, the angels...and to perceive the answers from that source. I do not read with the querent present anyway. I only do e-mail readings and I have always been an online reader. But in theory someone does not have to be with you for you to connect to their energy.

That is what I believe happens anyway, at least for me. We all read differently. Possibly different readers connect to different things.



Like for an example, this happened which Is why I am asking this question. I went to a psychic medium who is very accurate a few weeks ago. He told me my ex was going to try and come back. We hadn't had any contact at all for the last couple of months. Then he texts me we had a bit of a conversation and then that was it. So I decided to ask the cards what his feelings for me are. I have done it over 3 days 3 separate occassions. The first time I pulled the ace of swords, then the page of pentacles and last night it was strength. Someone had told me that the cards will only tell me what I think he feels for me and not actually tell me how he feels for me. But then other people say not to ask because i don't have permission from him. So are the cards actually telling me his feelings or is it really just what I think he feels about me that comes through?

In my experience, the cards can answer anything at all that we ask. But the question is can YOU be unemotional enough to close off your feelings and do a really unbiased reading on the topic. This kind of topic can be hard to read on. If you have a preference for what you want the answer to be, that can make you misread the cards.

I believe that he cards can answer anything at all, that the right cards always come up to give us the answer in the best way, but that we are readers can veer off course and misunderstand when it comes to reading on issues we have any kind of strongish feelings about.

The cards should tell you what he feels for you, if you ask, But YOU might see only the answer to what you want him to feel in those cards that come up. There is the risk of you misunderstanding the intended meaning if you have feelings on the topic that come to the fore.

Although whether or not it's right or moral to read on what someone else feels for you is a topic of great discussion on AT. Opinions can vary greatly on that one.