

I have been trying to understand the I Ching. I have books and a
couple decks. I would like to practice a bit with the pictures from
I Ching by Richard Gill.

If you would like a reading post just one number 1 to 64
I'll shuffle the deck and count to the number of cards you
have posted for. Then I will look at the picture and meaning
and give you some insights. (remember I'm just trying this
to see how it will work for me)

Does the message make sense to you and...
take the number that you gave me for your reading and pick it from
any one of your reading decks and return a small message
from the card!




After I shuffle, cut the deck into 3 piles, took middle
pile and this is what I saw in card #4...

It looks as if you are climbing a mountain. There's many
issues here. Not knowing how high to climb or in which
direction. You are pausing and reflecting in the river
flowing below. Emotions may be overwhelming at this
time. Go with the flow and follow what you know is
I feel the mountain you stand on is giving you confidence &
in pausing you are gaining strength. The water shows
cleaning or clearing the path for the future.
Stay in the middle path and keep your thoughts clear.
Believe in your own truth, which you hold in your heart &
know to be true.


Hi Ros :)

I'm interested in taking part in this

number 17 please


#9 Mild Restraint

This card shows that you should stay focused at
what you are doing. There are a few people here but
they all seem to be working together. It's like you
should continue to do as you are until someone or
something makes a move to create different energy.
Stay centred and continue until the sun shines for you.
Something seams dull here and you need to know
what you are doing so when the sun shines you
will see it rising.
Try and stay neutral and grounded even if things
seam to be the same old, same old.
If there are obstacles, take small steps until
things are clear for you. :)


Thank you ros :)

Yes I can relate to it. It's about my studies at the moment, also its kind of how I have been feeling about things in general.


thank you

very accurate

i have made a lot of big positive changes lately and do feel i am climbing a mountiain. sometimes i wonder how much i want to change and miss the freedom of my past (river could mean old freedoms no?). i am stopping to reflect and wait but i know i must keep climbing. thanks so much!


Still reading? If so... 13. ;) Julien


#50 The Caldron

You are mixing or blending many things together.
Working for the good of all close to you. Taking your
talent of knowledge you nourish others without questions.
Knowing how to mix and match you always move
forward in any situation.
You have a trust within yourself that some higher
power guides you, and you inturn guide others.
Inner thoughts and concentration makes your
trust and innocence a truth for others to follow.
This shows confidence and independence to
get things done no matter what issue is at hand. :)


Rachey, Emelya & Julien!

I'm busy this week,
so readings are finished for now!

:) ros