Recommendations for good oracles for personal introspection

Aster Breo


I'm looking for a good deck for personal introspection and spiritual exploration -- NOT for divination or fortune telling. This is for my daughter to use, not me.

Physically, I'd like a deck that's not overwhelmingly large in terms of number of cards -- something on the 30-40 card range would be good. I prefer smaller size cards, too, because I find them easier to shuffle, but that's not a deal breaker.

Substantively, I want a balanced deck. Not one that's overly positive. But one that will be honest, even when that's hard.

Art-wise, I think more contemporary and/or abstract art would resonate best, but I'm open to other styles. I think bright colors would be best, but not aggressive colors. Preferably not black and white, but that's not a deal breaker either.

Nothing specifically religious. No angel decks.

No Doreen Virtue.

Any suggestions for decks that meet those criteria and that you like?

Thank you!


If it had fewer cards I would have said the Symbolon in the new pocket sized version, beautiful art snd amazing colours, and a joy to shuffle in the new dinky version!

Failing that, maybe the psycards?

:) :) :)


Oops, double post.


Cards by my good friend. The cards are borderless and there is no text on the front. On the back is a word or two, sometimes a pithy phrase suggestive of the card...breathe through your whole body, feel yourself as a river...that kind of thing.

BodhiSeed, I think you might actually enjoy these as well.


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  • PicassoMeditating.jpg
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if you want to go down a more psychological / Jungian introspection route I would recommend the Psycards. They are great for analysis and can be very to the point you need to hear.

if you want to go down a more spiritual route, I would recommend Linnie's wonderful A'ha Oracle. This is a larger deck of 77 cards with black and white and colour mandalas that she drew from her intuitive dreams. The colour or lack of colour doesn't seem to matter, it all just works! each card just has a number on the bottom, so you can just use it intuitively or look up the number in the book for a lot of info on it. This is great for a "spiritual exploration" type journey and no religion or angels in sight :)

Finally I don't own this deck personally but Flizarraga read for me once with it and it gave a great reading. The Philsopher's Stone Self Awareness Deck, it only has a one star rating on this site but it's German and I think very surrealist and philosophical. It may have been rated down because of that, you really have to get in touch with it but it shows stones some with faces, some without, in weird formations. I get a great reading with it alongside another oracle. Wanted to include it for it's philosophical ideas but I think it might be a tough read! However it's quite out there! I can't decide if I want to get it or not still! However it's also now OOP and can be hard to find for a not high price.

All the best with finding a deck for your daughter Aster :)

Aster Breo

Thank you all very much! This is really helpful.

Aster Breo

Looking at the sample pics, I think the cards Madrigal linked to or the Psycards might resonate best with my daughter. But all of these decks are beautiful!


I second Soul Cards. There are two decks to choose from. Soul Cards I is darker in coloring, or rather, Soul Cards II perhaps has more color overall.

I also recommend Psycards.