

There are standard core meanings for cards in the upright position which can be expanded upon intuitively

Having been reading for a long time with uprights l agree that the cards can be expanded upon intuitively. l always get new insights from the cards each time l use them, so l will keep reading the way l always have with uprights.
Having tried briefly with reversed cards it felt so foreign to me and disruptive, it completely stopped my reading flow.
But good on you who read reversals, if it works for you, and it obviously does for most of you, its all to the good.


I feel differently to the OP. In the 1970s when I was teaching myself to read, there weren't any accessible courses, so I learnt from books and LWBs. They all used reversals, so that was how I learnt.

Then as time passed, I got good enough that I didn't need to use reversals any more to be able to tell whether a card was showing me its best side or its worst side or something in-between, I reached a stage where I just knew. Reversals seemed like a little bit of a waste of time from then on, especially since it took me a bit longer to recognise reversed images (can't read upside-down, either), and it always felt disrespectful to have some cards reversed in a deck when you put it away.

I suppose I used reversals for the first several years, but I certainly haven't any time in the last twenty or twenty-five years. They were a really useful learning-tool for me, but I feel more confident now that I simply don't need that tool.


This has been a really fascinating discussion! As a more analytical type of reader, I prefer less intuitive (and time-consuming) "noodling" and more clinical speed and precision in getting to an answer I feel I can rely on. It probably also has its root in my extensive work with predictive astrology before I came to tarot and, to be honest, my technical background as well as my own horoscopic predisposition (Mars in Virgo conjunct the Midheaven). What saves me (at least in my own estimation) is my love of metaphor and my story-telling flair (Mercury-Venus quintile Mars and conjunct the Sun), which enliven the potentially rote application of rule-based interpretation.

Ruby Jewel

This has been a really fascinating discussion! As a more analytical type of reader, I prefer less intuitive (and time-consuming) "noodling" and more clinical speed and precision in getting to an answer I feel I can rely on. It probably also has its root in my extensive work with predictive astrology before I came to tarot and, to be honest, my technical background as well as my own horoscopic predisposition (Mars in Virgo conjunct the Midheaven). What saves me (at least in my own estimation) is my love of metaphor and my story-telling flair (Mercury-Venus quintile Mars and conjunct the Sun), which enliven the potentially rote application of rule-based interpretation.

I must agree with you Barleywine....the discussion here is interesting....seems like reversals are a topic that concerns most of us a lot: "to reverse or not to reverse." It's probably worthy of a coin toss (laugh). I have a 12th house Mars in Aquarius sitting almost on top of my 0-degree ascendent in Pisces....the only water in my chart. And the only earth is a Venus in Taurus....but it's a tuff one. The rest is fire and air...all rising and uncontainable. Needless to say, I flunked basic logic (laugh). It was too illogical to me. I'm kind of like Saint Teresa of Avila, you have to sit on me to keep me from levitating.


I must agree with you Barleywine....the discussion here is interesting....seems like reversals are a topic that concerns most of us a lot: "to reverse or not to reverse." It's probably worthy of a coin toss (laugh). I have a 12th house Mars in Aquarius sitting almost on top of my 0-degree ascendent in Pisces....the only water in my chart. And the only earth is a Venus in Taurus....but it's a tuff one. The rest is fire and air...all rising and uncontainable. Needless to say, I flunked basic logic (laugh). It was too illogical to me. I'm kind of like Saint Teresa of Avila, you have to sit on me to keep me from levitating.

We've hit it numerous times over the six years I've been here, but this version is more in-depth and thought-provoking, not just a "Do you or don't you?" but more of the "why." Good stuff.


In my case, it depends on how I see the deck. For example, graphic design oriented decks like RWS based, it is good to use the Reversals. In this case, each cards is nothing but manifestation of energy. Upright cards show strong and firm energies, the reversed cards show energy which is weaker, afflicted and shadowy.

Decks like Thoth abstract in images and associated Magical Societies, or the TdM with the pip cards, I prefer not using the Reversals, as they are to be read with Kabala, Numerology and Astrological associations. The energy level is already accompanied with the number on the cards, or the position they are in the Tree of Life or 12 Astrological Houses.


In my case, it depends on how I see the deck. For example, graphic design oriented decks like RWS based, it is good to use the Reversals. In this case, each cards is nothing but manifestation of energy. Upright cards show strong and firm energies, the reversed cards show energy which is weaker, afflicted and shadowy.

Decks like Thoth abstract in images and associated Magical Societies, or the TdM with the pip cards, I prefer not using the Reversals, as they are to be read with Kabala, Numerology and Astrological associations. The energy level is already accompanied with the number on the cards, or the position they are in the Tree of Life or 12 Astrological Houses.

There is a lot of truth in the observation that the Thoth doesn't benefit greatly from reversal, and the TdM even less so. I still use them with the Thoth from a purely conceptual standpoint, not a visual one, since I don't think the effect of orientation is primarily an imagery-driven consideration. Reversal is more a kind of "pointer" than a full-fledged interpretive tool, showing the need to look more closely at how the expression of a card's energy might be skewed in some way. It's an aid to deeper understanding, not a conclusive "black-or-white," "yes-or-no" indicator.


It's really neat to me that there is so much differing opinion on this, and it's making me regret not joining this forum sooner!

Like another poster, I started reading back before there were online forums and courses, so I learned from a book I got at the Psychic Eye bookstore along with my basic-issue Rider Waite deck. It taught reversals, so of course I used them. I just didn't know there was another way! For now, perhaps my point of view has changed to make what I do make sense, but I feel like everything happens for a reason, and that card showed up reversed for a reason, especially in such a clearly-oriented deck like RW. I feel like to ignore a reversal would be to shush a message. I am also a very intuitive reader and sometimes totally ignore (or mostly ignore) the rote meaning of a card if another meaning, storyline or symbol smacks me upside the head when I flip the card, and a reversal is a pretty hard to ignore sign.


I'm curious to know other people's thoughts on this topic. Do you read reversals? If not, why not? In particular, I'm curious to know what the more advanced or professional readers think about this, but all opinions and experience levels are welcome.

In my first few practice readings I've been using reversals. I like the idea of it, but I'm so new at it I think it's a bad idea for me. It takes me days to make sense of my own reading, and I never made sense of my husband's. I would ultimately like to learn them, but I have my hands (brain) full with the right-side-up meanings.


.. To be a truly advanced reader, you MUST master reversals ...

I disagree. I've been reading Tarot for 35 years and have never used reversals. In my opinion if you truly understand the Tarot then reversals become just as pointless as the fabled celtic cross spread. IMO reversals are simply a new age thing invented to sell a few books.