Reversed 3 of Swords??


I don't read reversals. I make sure all the cards in my deck are the right way around, and yet somehow, one of the cards in a 5 card draw was reversed.

The question was between me and an ex and what's coming up. The 2nd of a 5 card spread was the 3 of Swords.

What does this card even mean? Normally it's a card of heartbreak, grief...disappointment.

In reversed...could it mean, blocked heartache? Denial of sorrow? I've also read it can mean healing, sharing of problems, loneliness, storm passing, reconciliation?

Is the fact that I never read reversals and that this card was reversed mean more??


Maybe 3 of Swords Rx here hints that you are re-thinking the hurt feelings (as opposed to being hurt again), and so perhaps re-evaluating what happened.


Is the fact that I never read reversals and that this card was reversed mean more??

First, I'll answer this question. :) In learning the cards, I found that whatever I routinely did with them would become imbedded into my Tarot meanings. If that's how you use the cards, then seeing a reversed card when you don't use reversals can become a card with extra importance. See what I mean? You're going to be the deciding factor in whether you place extra importance on a reversal.

Personally, I'd take note of the card, but put it back upright in the spread. The rest of the spread can indicate whether to give it extra significance or not.

As for giving a reversed meaning to the 3 of Swords, I've tended to see this as a buried heartache or memories that's beneath the surface and festered. Someone hasn't dealt with a major hurt and has buried it instead rather than dealing with it at the time of the hurt.


I am not sure that I will read reversal myself. Nevertheless it is an interesting topic!

Well, a reversed card can be the opposite meaning (with regard to what a card upright means), but not only. It could be something to consider again, or something inner, unconscious or private, something we refuse etc. Mary Greer says there are 12 ways to look at a reversed card!!


I've most often found 3S rx to mean the end of heartbreak or emotional pain or the end of a relationship sometimes. Since one position of a card also carries the extreme meaning within it, it can sometimes be crippling emotional pain (or physical) more intense than the upright but more often than not in reverse the pain is petering out.


The reversed three of swords for me means coming to terms with a situation that at one time was painful, not that the pain is gone, it is that logic is entering in mixing with emotion. You can now a actually listen and try to move on.


I covered this in your other post.


Maybe 3 of Swords Rx here hints that you are re-thinking the hurt feelings (as opposed to being hurt again), and so perhaps re-evaluating what happened.

I haven't really been revisiting the past, but perhaps it's a sign that I need to go back and see if there are things that I haven't dealt with as suggested by Grizabella.

First, I'll answer this question. :) In learning the cards, I found that whatever I routinely did with them would become imbedded into my Tarot meanings. If that's how you use the cards, then seeing a reversed card when you don't use reversals can become a card with extra importance. See what I mean? You're going to be the deciding factor in whether you place extra importance on a reversal.

Personally, I'd take note of the card, but put it back upright in the spread. The rest of the spread can indicate whether to give it extra significance or not.

As for giving a reversed meaning to the 3 of Swords, I've tended to see this as a buried heartache or memories that's beneath the surface and festered. Someone hasn't dealt with a major hurt and has buried it instead rather than dealing with it at the time of the hurt.

I tend to agree around giving the card some extra significance when they behave outside what they normally do. I do think this is extra important to note when a reversal appears in an upright deck. Especially given it's only happened to me once before. I think the idea of buried heartache and a festering wound with the rx 3 of Swords is actually poignant here. I am not sure I totally dealt with the pain of that old break up at the time it happened, though I've tried to deal and heal from it in the years since.

I am not sure that I will read reversal myself. Nevertheless it is an interesting topic!

Well, a reversed card can be the opposite meaning (with regard to what a card upright means), but not only. It could be something to consider again, or something inner, unconscious or private, something we refuse etc. Mary Greer says there are 12 ways to look at a reversed card!!

It could be something that I'm refusing to look at as well. That's a good point. I don't read reversals but it seemed significant to appear in this reading, especially as this card has been stalking me over the last week.


I've most often found 3S rx to mean the end of heartbreak or emotional pain or the end of a relationship sometimes. Since one position of a card also carries the extreme meaning within it, it can sometimes be crippling emotional pain (or physical) more intense than the upright but more often than not in reverse the pain is petering out.

I would hope it could mean the end of heartache. I see the upright 3 of Swords to mean a break up though, not necessarily the rx, though I don't read rx so...! It could be emotional pain petering out as well...though in the position it really indicated neither in so far as movement or change.

The reversed three of swords for me means coming to terms with a situation that at one time was painful, not that the pain is gone, it is that logic is entering in mixing with emotion. You can now a actually listen and try to move on.

It could well be coming to terms with what was, and what is. Given the other cards, I can see that this meaning has some significance actually!

I covered this in your other post.

Thanks B - I've responded :)


I read something yesterday on the the 3 of Swords reversed (from J. Bunning), and I thought about your thread.
She says that the card reverved is better than upright but the seeker has to be careful nevertheless.

It's sometimes challenging to be objective with regard to our own emotions, therefore it could make sense for you maybe (with regard to some past heartbreaking).
This card could be an advice or "a sign" saying that your emotional state isn't so bad, that is to say that there have been an improvement, but as well not so good, and with regard to this matter the card could suggest the need for caution.

Well, it's an interpretation of course! :)