Rider Waite card(s) secret......


Yes, the sacred Hebrew name of God is YHVH. It is a tetragrammaton; if you flip the letters, it is HVHY, which means he/she.

The implications!!!

kara thrace

hello to everybody :)

probably someone get notices that the queen of wands has a black cat beneath her legs?

second, king of pentacles had one leg covered by plants? why?

what does it means?

maybe it s a stupid question, i'm new on this forum and i learn about tarot less than one month.

my english is also bad, as you could see.

this topic is very interesting, many of simbols i didn't noticed until i have read lots of treads posted here.

greeting from croatia :)


jmd said:
The Tora(h) is also the Old testament, the sacred book held by the High Priestess in Waite's version of the deck.

This Wheel of Fortune representation originally comes from E. Levi, and has other 'hidden' meanings:

Orat - to speak/say

Taro - I have to qualify Tarotbear's statement. According to repeated unexamined statements by a number of authors, 'Tarot' is presumed to derive from 'Ta Rosh', presumed ancient Egyptian for 'Royal Road/Path'. This meaning has seriously been questioned.

Rota - which tarotbear has already pointed out, means 'wheel' or 'to turn'

Ator - a variant of the ancient Egyptian Goddess 'Hathor'

and a couple of others... left to discover

I you wish to discover an even more hidden 'secret', look at the various symbols on the Fool's tunic...
to me those things on his tunic just look like stars(pentacles maybe?) but i am wondering what that thing on his pouch is.


i believe what is depicted on the fool's "bag" is supposed to be an eagle, but i have never seen that. however, i don't have a copy of the original rider waite, and as we've seen previously in this thread, that can make a BIG difference.


Hi I think it is a side on view of a Butterfly on the Fools Bag.

I have always found this strange anomaly on the 3 Cups. Grapes and Pumpkins are ready for Harvest early autumn, and strawberries for picking are Summer. I admit that the grapes appear white, unlike the Harvest ready Grapes in the 9 Pentacles. It seems to make the Femme sole falconer in the autumn of her life, having time to relax.

Curious about the Pumpkins and Strawberries.



Yes, a big difference between these two.
The Fool - picture on the bag - University books edition - It looks like an Eagle
The fool on the Universal pocket - looks like an acorn or a bunch of grapes.


The image on the Fool's bag is the head of an eagle almost exactly like that on the World card except reversed. It's quite clear in an original copy of the Pictorial Key to the Tarot.


Hopefully I'll have time to take a scan over the weekend, but on my Pam B, it looks absolutely nothing like an eagle's head to me, not even a very stylized one. I could maybe see a butterfly, but definitely not an eagle.

But it does looks like an eagle's head on the yellow-box Rider, which is based off the Pam A.