RWS Tarot 101 Eight of Pentacles


The pentacle laying on the ground

I do not see any of the pentacles as being attached. Note that even the one in front of his bench is the same size as all the others indicating that all six the pentacles are in air and not attached to anything. PCS did use perspective in other cards to show some of the symbols as being further away than others, especially in the suit of swords, so the six pentacles in this card in a row are suspended in the air. The one that appears to be laying on the ground is not laying flat but is at a angle to the base of the card and to the bottom surface of the bench. I contend that this pentacle is not laying on the ground at all but is specifically placed underneath the artist for a reason. Could this "trophy" be beneath him? Could this be a trophy that he chooses not to recognize or acknowledge? It makes for interesting speculation.
