SA12: Oct - Dec 2016


Cards for the NOW: Lenormand/Kipper/Psycards.

Lenormand: Blue Owl 7 cards/ Kipper: Extra Insight. Psycard: Advice.

A general around your life in New Orleans and this rut you feel in.
NOTE: Will not do anything on "love" etc or anything in great detail as the subject does not interest me.

What do you need to know about this "rut" and/or why it is happening?

CARDS: Man, Bear, Heart, WOMAN, Mice, Snake, Mountain

This rut you are in is the go perhaps due to a few things:

1) RECENT PAST: An overbearing male/boss/patriarchal authority.
2) RECENT PAST: Not having the emotional and/or physical support of a strong male and/or a patriarchal authority.

In addition, due to stress and underhandedness this has put those "blocks" in place and this is likely why you find yourself in a rut. The impact of both has not allowed you to move forward, but rather stopped you in your tracks for the time being.

"Extra Insight: A Long Way: 35"

You need patience as it is going to take a bit more time before you come out of this "impasse" or "rut". In fact, your circumstances may not improve, it is waiting period if you like.

Some aspects of your life are going to move SLOWER then you would like - so try to handle it as best you can.

"Advice: The Message:34"

How do I put this....

Be alert to "incoming messages" whether it be in the form of dreams, a song on the radio, music, art, symbols, numbers, rituals, - even your dog's behavior and other animals.

For some reason you may not picking up signals or communication from the spirit world or other, so it is time to decode what the universe might be trying to communicate with you so as to say.

DND :)



Cards for the NOW: Lenormand/Kipper/Psycards.

Lenormand: Blue Owl 7 cards/ Kipper: Extra Insight. Psycard: Advice.

A general around your life in New Orleans and this rut you feel in.
NOTE: Will not do anything on "love" etc or anything in great detail as the subject does not interest me.

What do you need to know about this "rut" and/or why it is happening?

CARDS: Man, Bear, Heart, WOMAN, Mice, Snake, Mountain

This rut you are in is the go perhaps due to a few things:

1) RECENT PAST: An overbearing male/boss/patriarchal authority.
2) RECENT PAST: Not having the emotional and/or physical support of a strong male and/or a patriarchal authority.

In addition, due to stress and underhandedness this has put those "blocks" in place and this is likely why you find yourself in a rut. The impact of both has not allowed you to move forward, but rather stopped you in your tracks for the time being.

Absolutely correct. Between my adviser's "phantom" promises/help and the "ghosting" men I've encountered during attempts to date, it's all a wash. But especially when it comes to career/general guidance, I've felt alienated/hung out to dry, so it's been survival mode + me trying [in vain] to lower the cortisol levels and just be "normal" those mountains make total sense. I'm "better" than I was at the end of summer for sure, but still not over the humps.

"Extra Insight: A Long Way: 35"

You need patience as it is going to take a bit more time before you come out of this "impasse" or "rut". In fact, your circumstances may not improve, it is waiting period if you like.

Some aspects of your life are going to move SLOWER then you would like - so try to handle it as best you can.

LOL ah... yes, "be patient." Funny this is coming up in your cards... On friday night I met a medium who looked at me and blurted out the exact thing. Alas, when I am in sassy Queen of Wands-mode, patience is not a natural state! I'm trying though!

"Advice: The Message:34"

How do I put this....

Be alert to "incoming messages" whether it be in the form of dreams, a song on the radio, music, art, symbols, numbers, rituals, - even your dog's behavior and other animals.

For some reason you may not picking up signals or communication from the spirit world or other, so it is time to decode what the universe might be trying to communicate with you so as to say.

DND :)

I think this is all really spot-on. My "reception" has felt all cloudy and off as of late. Some say the black moon really affected people -- 9th day of the 9th month of the 9th year... So Friday, I actually (finally) listened to my body and took off work. I never get allergies, but for some reason, my inner ears were not happy and I was having awful vertigo, like my head was in a washing machine, but no ear pain or upper resp symptoms. Weird. In retrospect, seems like the sleep was what was really needed, because my god, what a difference.

I'll take this advice to heart and make more effort to 'clear my palette'. Given the stress levels as of late, it's definitely hard to keep the brick off my chest at times.

Thanks for this!!! Looking forward to what comes after all this patience ;)



Not everyone is "Patient" - especially if you are active and like things to be done or not left in the air etc.

I will be working on PART TWO between NOW and the end of the WEEK.

In fact, after I did mine, I learnt it is better to do it in sections and I think I need to fine tune the "New Year" one a little bit. I think I want to make it personal to each sitter as well. :D

I will at least be able to do the "Lenormand/Kipper/Psycards" part by tonight for you I think.

Will see how my time goes, but it will ALL be done by the end of the week.

DND :)

Absolutely correct. Between my adviser's "phantom" promises/help and the "ghosting" men I've encountered during attempts to date, it's all a wash. But especially when it comes to career/general guidance, I've felt alienated/hung out to dry, so it's been survival mode + me trying [in vain] to lower the cortisol levels and just be "normal" those mountains make total sense. I'm "better" than I was at the end of summer for sure, but still not over the humps.

LOL ah... yes, "be patient." Funny this is coming up in your cards... On friday night I met a medium who looked at me and blurted out the exact thing. Alas, when I am in sassy Queen of Wands-mode, patience is not a natural state! I'm trying though!

I think this is all really spot-on. My "reception" has felt all cloudy and off as of late. Some say the black moon really affected people -- 9th day of the 9th month of the 9th year... So Friday, I actually (finally) listened to my body and took off work. I never get allergies, but for some reason, my inner ears were not happy and I was having awful vertigo, like my head was in a washing machine, but no ear pain or upper resp symptoms. Weird. In retrospect, seems like the sleep was what was really needed, because my god, what a difference.

I'll take this advice to heart and make more effort to 'clear my palette'. Given the stress levels as of late, it's definitely hard to keep the brick off my chest at times.

Thanks for this!!! Looking forward to what comes after all this patience ;)




Am ONLY going to get a start on it NOW and break this up in to sections so that it is easier to write as I go along.

And as stated above this will still be completed between NOW and the end of the week.

What we have to work with from the NOW:

1) Why the "rut" in more ways than one.
2) The "males" that "failed" to deliver.
3) Confirmation of not feeling "supported".
4) Patience and incoming messages from the universe needing to come in and/or be recognized.

What can be expected by December/January in regards to a shift or move from this rut, impasse, stagnancy period?

Lenormand: Home/Dog/Clover/WOMAN/Moon/Ship/Book Focus: WOMAN.


I think someone known to you locally or close to where you live/work may actually provide you with an opportunity/second wind/a chance to move on or forward through either:

A) Emotional support because of the distance you might create due to wanting to process etc.

B) Recognize certain qualities/abilities in you for a position/job/post only this may require commuting and/or going somewhere near a river, the sea, harbor etc. It may also involve research and written work/some degree of diligence/and maybe finding out things that you do not know yet.

C) It could just very well be the undertaking of further studies, a new project, a case study in which in depth knowledge is "key". I know you are working on something only I cant remember quite what. So, it could be that.


Be aware that there should be no indiscretions if the material you deal with is extremely personal. Hopefully, it is not something "leaked" about you, when I think on it.


This is about "all" kinds of relationships including "business" or "shared apartments" etc.

PROS: Strong, unified, positive.
CONS: Separation, going different ways, a loss of a bond.

So, for you it could be a duality of what is written above.

A) Coming and goings of people in and out of your life when it comes to your Social,Personal, and/or Work life.

B) If in a shared place - someone could be going and/or someone could be moving in.

Bottom line: You will try to MAKE things work with people and/or your situation etc.

I feel that when things WORK for you and all aspects of your life KNIT together just fine you likely function better as a person.

ADVICE: What can be done to assist SA12 to get out of this rut perhaps? Psycard: BIRTH (15)

Consider: Being more creative, that pain means gain, working on ideas that might not be your own yet need you, that something new is coming, and no matter what to hold on to hope.

"HOPE" can be a real motivator.

It gives us this vision of things improving and being better some day. At the end of the tunnel is a "light". It could be just a shift in attitude, someone acknowledging you, the sun shining down on a flower in the park that catches your eye one day, being able to put the past in the past, or whatever.

Hope gives people the will to stay strong and to believe that something will change.

SUMMARY: Know that you will come through this impasse, rut, stagnancy at some point - just do not lose hope or being productive in some way. E.g. Creative.


I think this is looking a lot better for you than the last 3 months. As I see it things will turn around, or at least start to turn around, by December/January and for the better. I really do think the "worst" of everything will mostly be put behind you (where it belongs) and you will no longer feel "stuck" so as to speak and be moving into a new phase in your life or attitude/way of thinking etc.

I think that is about it for this part.

DND :)


Oracle GE/Gypsy Witch/Animal Dreaming

GIFT (28):


Near Distance/Future: Up to a month to 6 weeks or so.

1) Receiving and/or giving a gift.

2) Could even be a gift of money (if luck is in your favor).

Gypsy Witch: 27/32/01

Be careful of someone that might not be a "true friend" as you'd like whether socially or in the work environment. In fact, I think it might be an idea to keep an eye out for "someone" that might have it in for you for whatever reason only it might not be obvious. This person may try to put a spanner in the works or just be outright nasty.

Life may be a bit tougher because of a person like this!

WARNING: Just keep it in mind that not everyone is on the same par as you and/or may not see eye to eye with you at all. Could even be a personality clash.

Chimpanzee (36)

You need to believe that you are "worthy" of better things and that soon you will be given the chance to "transcend" from this rut/impasse/stagnancy with a bit of hard work and by trusting in your instincts/intuition.

You will see a "vantage point" which will enable you to realize ways of improving yourself and your life

Wisdom of Hidden Realms/Madam Endora

Ring Master of Scrutiny (9)

It is all about "details" and the little things not anything on a grand scale.

PROS: By looking closely at the small things it is a way of making you aware that "everything counts" and that this is what leads to the deeper meaning in your life.

CONS: You may need to observe the "flaws" in the foundations you and others have built under you. You may be getting caught up in the "details" of your dreams and worrying too much about the past and the future rather than the now.

Watch out for the "fine print" in everything or "hidden agendas" of others.

Leave it to the Universe to resolve by self detaching.

So, something to consider, might be to pay attention to small details and not get so caught up with your dreams not materializing at the minute. By detaching - the Universe will resolve it for you more or less.

The Spirit

Know that you are "protected" and likely guided by a "higher power".
Also, that things happen for a reason including these setbacks and what have you.

Perhaps another "possibility" as a "resolution" is for you to accept and/or understand that "everything" happens for a reason no matter if it is good or bad, but especially the latter.

What to EXPECT in 2017

Enchanted Map: Home (27)/Gypsy Witch 3 & 13/TEA LEAF: Archway/Scissors/Barrel

Home (27)

PROS: Be comfortable in your own skin and find a niche where you "belong". What makes you feel secure, at home, relaxed, and in your element.

CONS: Are you not comfortable in your own skin? Feel out of place? Do not feel safe or secure?

If so, it is time to love yourself and create an environment in which you feel at "home" and what one provides to us all.

2017 might be a year of you finding yourself and either being or working at becoming more comfortable on a number of levels as well as establishing, if not already, a home environment or feeling of safety and security as well as stronger roots or ties etc.

3 & 13 2017 might be a time of "issues" in your home environment due to certain people and/or situations as well.

The good thing is: Some ventures will likely be successful.


In 2017 new doors may likely open up for new or new opportunities, but you may have to take a completely "new direction".

In addition, there will be some "disappointment", it could be to do with this new opportunity and different direction and/or something else completely different in your life.

Lastly, you may go through a period of dissatisfaction or feel like something is lacking so it might be an idea to examine your life or what area is not fulfilled when it comes to that crunch point.

MY THOUGHTS: I think ALL of your reading, like the others flows, and is in line with you really.

Added Insight & 2017:

A) A turn around for the better. E.g. Opportunities/ Change in attitude.
B) Trusting in the Universe. (Small details/Detachment).
C) Still some hard times ahead, but good ones too. (Understanding that things happen for a reason).
D) Someone may not be an ally or true friend and be out to get you.
E) HOME is strong as in security/ties/roots.
F) That a "new direction" might be needed in your career/life.
G) That you may go through another period of dissatisfaction or feel like something is lacking.

I think that is about it.

You can tell me what you think too if you want, but it is not compulsary.

DND :)



Hi there! :) I wanted to write sooner and acknowledge and thank you for this incredible reading and all the time you put into it -- but then Hurricane Matthew + work + me struggling with what to say kept making me put it off. But now I'm here! This so far is pretty awesome and seemingly accurate...

Some preliminary feedback...

I've been looking for signs, because you are not the first person as of late to tell me I need to pay attention.

And indeed, I had one very vivid dream -- a happy dream. But its happiness totally contradicts my reality. Sometimes I do have precognitive dream experiences, or dreams that are definitely trying to tell me "news" that isn't immediately apparent. This dream felt like it was "one of those" -- but I am so afraid of false hope, that lately I feel like I can't trust what I "see."

The other night I was so drained, I took a bath and watched old episodes of the Twilight Zone in black and white. One episode involves a jazz musician who, in his despair, walks in front of a bus -- and in the hinterland, he meets a fellow trumpet player named 'Gabe' who is actually --Archangel Gabriel. That particular archangel has deep significance for me, and I haven't thought of him for awhile, so this retro tv show made me stop in my tracks. Gabe asks the musician if he wants life or shadow -- the musician chooses life. He embraces his art, resumes playing his instrument on the rooftop of his building and voila, meets his soulmate... I burst into tears at that point because that happy synchronicity never seems to happen for me -- in life or love. I allowed myself to hope a little bit these last 6 months, and the way things have turned out, I feel like more the butt of a cosmic joke than a co-creating part of creation...

So suffice it to say, I am emotional -- I know the full moon in Aries was a hard wallop to many of us, and this weekend was awful -- but today should be the last of its "heaviness".

This "thing" I'm working on is my dissertation -- but there's also a novel, so you're right on about the emphasis on creativity -- and I'm trying to get back into it. I haven't been able to touch my PhD research because the job I had to take for survival conflicts with when the archives are open.

But it's interesting that you mention moving... A possible job back in FL has come on the radar, and even if it's not this one, I'm trying to sort out the longterm...and a teaching gig would allow my schedule some more leeway + I'd make more money. So we'll see...

You are also not the first person to warn me about a possible snake in the grass among friends lately, and to advise that I keep information (possibly about the book) discreet, so that's pretty wild.

The marriage card elicits my weak, weary smile. I had a medium reading earlier this month, and I was told I'd be in love by Christmas. I've been single...6 I almost started laughing (but that is always preferable to crying!) -- but she insisted I'd be meeting my husband, and also switching jobs and moving near water. And now here you are with your uncanny cards and insight. Hmm. ;)

So, kindly accept my early-bird compliments for an amazing and thorough read. I definitely think you are on to something with this technique! I'll be back with any updates + feedback at the end. Thank you again <3



Am ONLY going to get a start on it NOW and break this up in to sections so that it is easier to write as I go along.

And as stated above this will still be completed between NOW and the end of the week.

What we have to work with from the NOW:

1) Why the "rut" in more ways than one.
2) The "males" that "failed" to deliver.
3) Confirmation of not feeling "supported".
4) Patience and incoming messages from the universe needing to come in and/or be recognized.

What can be expected by December/January in regards to a shift or move from this rut, impasse, stagnancy period?

Lenormand: Home/Dog/Clover/WOMAN/Moon/Ship/Book Focus: WOMAN.


I think someone known to you locally or close to where you live/work may actually provide you with an opportunity/second wind/a chance to move on or forward through either:

A) Emotional support because of the distance you might create due to wanting to process etc.

B) Recognize certain qualities/abilities in you for a position/job/post only this may require commuting and/or going somewhere near a river, the sea, harbor etc. It may also involve research and written work/some degree of diligence/and maybe finding out things that you do not know yet.

C) It could just very well be the undertaking of further studies, a new project, a case study in which in depth knowledge is "key". I know you are working on something only I cant remember quite what. So, it could be that.


Be aware that there should be no indiscretions if the material you deal with is extremely personal. Hopefully, it is not something "leaked" about you, when I think on it.


This is about "all" kinds of relationships including "business" or "shared apartments" etc.

PROS: Strong, unified, positive.
CONS: Separation, going different ways, a loss of a bond.

So, for you it could be a duality of what is written above.

A) Coming and goings of people in and out of your life when it comes to your Social,Personal, and/or Work life.

B) If in a shared place - someone could be going and/or someone could be moving in.

Bottom line: You will try to MAKE things work with people and/or your situation etc.

I feel that when things WORK for you and all aspects of your life KNIT together just fine you likely function better as a person.

ADVICE: What can be done to assist SA12 to get out of this rut perhaps? Psycard: BIRTH (15)

Consider: Being more creative, that pain means gain, working on ideas that might not be your own yet need you, that something new is coming, and no matter what to hold on to hope.

"HOPE" can be a real motivator.

It gives us this vision of things improving and being better some day. At the end of the tunnel is a "light". It could be just a shift in attitude, someone acknowledging you, the sun shining down on a flower in the park that catches your eye one day, being able to put the past in the past, or whatever.

Hope gives people the will to stay strong and to believe that something will change.

SUMMARY: Know that you will come through this impasse, rut, stagnancy at some point - just do not lose hope or being productive in some way. E.g. Creative.


I think this is looking a lot better for you than the last 3 months. As I see it things will turn around, or at least start to turn around, by December/January and for the better. I really do think the "worst" of everything will mostly be put behind you (where it belongs) and you will no longer feel "stuck" so as to speak and be moving into a new phase in your life or attitude/way of thinking etc.

I think that is about it for this part.

DND :)


Oracle GE/Gypsy Witch/Animal Dreaming

GIFT (28):


Near Distance/Future: Up to a month to 6 weeks or so.

1) Receiving and/or giving a gift.

2) Could even be a gift of money (if luck is in your favor).

Gypsy Witch: 27/32/01

Be careful of someone that might not be a "true friend" as you'd like whether socially or in the work environment. In fact, I think it might be an idea to keep an eye out for "someone" that might have it in for you for whatever reason only it might not be obvious. This person may try to put a spanner in the works or just be outright nasty.

Life may be a bit tougher because of a person like this!

WARNING: Just keep it in mind that not everyone is on the same par as you and/or may not see eye to eye with you at all. Could even be a personality clash.

Yeah...I'm definitely on the look out for the fake person. Work is pretty pleasant, so no one immediately jumps to mind, but I'm on alert.

And yay about gifts! My univ is of course late paying me again, both the extra scholarship/travel grant cash + my earned research assistant money, so maybe they'll come through by the end of this month... but a spontaneous non-related gift could be nice!

Chimpanzee (36)

You need to believe that you are "worthy" of better things and that soon you will be given the chance to "transcend" from this rut/impasse/stagnancy with a bit of hard work and by trusting in your instincts/intuition.

You will see a "vantage point" which will enable you to realize ways of improving yourself and your life

Wisdom of Hidden Realms/Madam Endora

Ring Master of Scrutiny (9)

It is all about "details" and the little things not anything on a grand scale.

PROS: By looking closely at the small things it is a way of making you aware that "everything counts" and that this is what leads to the deeper meaning in your life.

CONS: You may need to observe the "flaws" in the foundations you and others have built under you. You may be getting caught up in the "details" of your dreams and worrying too much about the past and the future rather than the now.

Watch out for the "fine print" in everything or "hidden agendas" of others.

Leave it to the Universe to resolve by self detaching.

So, something to consider, might be to pay attention to small details and not get so caught up with your dreams not materializing at the minute. By detaching - the Universe will resolve it for you more or less.

This. So much this! I'm excited to see how the next 3 months will play out, but this particular advice resonates heavily now.

I definitely struggle with the "detaching" part, being a goal-oriented, driven ambitious pisces/aries cusp spit-fire. I'm so sick of being patient! -- or just having nothing to show for all the aggravation to date! LOL ;)
And it's such a fine line to walk between setting these goals and then just stepping back... but I'll try to do better at this. The vantage point/chimpanzee items definitely put into perspective my current work situation....

The Spirit

Know that you are "protected" and likely guided by a "higher power".
Also, that things happen for a reason including these setbacks and what have you.

Perhaps another "possibility" as a "resolution" is for you to accept and/or understand that "everything" happens for a reason no matter if it is good or bad, but especially the latter.

Ohhh the irony... I am one of those individuals who takes the 'everything happens for a reason' with a measure of skepticism. I totally get the spirit of it, but at the risk of people coming after me with pitchforks, sometimes it's one of the most annoying new age platitudes. I have yet to find "the reason" or "reasoning" behind much of the horrible things that happen to good people. That said, I guess it's time to acknowledge the 'higher power' portion of the program, which I haven't been lately. That part of me chipped off somewhere between 2012-2013, and I can't seem to get it back.... And the medium I mentioned in my last post flat out told me it was time to stop separating my intuition/creativity from spirit. So, how to make this weary skeptic trust and relax again after getting burnt to a crisp....

What to EXPECT in 2017

Enchanted Map: Home (27)/Gypsy Witch 3 & 13/TEA LEAF: Archway/Scissors/Barrel

Home (27)

PROS: Be comfortable in your own skin and find a niche where you "belong". What makes you feel secure, at home, relaxed, and in your element.

CONS: Are you not comfortable in your own skin? Feel out of place? Do not feel safe or secure?

If so, it is time to love yourself and create an environment in which you feel at "home" and what one provides to us all.

2017 might be a year of you finding yourself and either being or working at becoming more comfortable on a number of levels as well as establishing, if not already, a home environment or feeling of safety and security as well as stronger roots or ties etc.

3 & 13 2017 might be a time of "issues" in your home environment due to certain people and/or situations as well.

The good thing is: Some ventures will likely be successful.


In 2017 new doors may likely open up for new or new opportunities, but you may have to take a completely "new direction".

In addition, there will be some "disappointment", it could be to do with this new opportunity and different direction and/or something else completely different in your life.

Lastly, you may go through a period of dissatisfaction or feel like something is lacking so it might be an idea to examine your life or what area is not fulfilled when it comes to that crunch point.

Well I do love my current 'home''s a quirky old house with "issues" but for now it's great. Time will tell if this city becomes permanent or if I move. We'll see what comes down the pipeline! ;)

MY THOUGHTS: I think ALL of your reading, like the others flows, and is in line with you really.

Added Insight & 2017:

A) A turn around for the better. E.g. Opportunities/ Change in attitude.
B) Trusting in the Universe. (Small details/Detachment).
C) Still some hard times ahead, but good ones too. (Understanding that things happen for a reason).
D) Someone may not be an ally or true friend and be out to get you.
E) HOME is strong as in security/ties/roots.
F) That a "new direction" might be needed in your career/life.
G) That you may go through another period of dissatisfaction or feel like something is lacking.

I think that is about it.

You can tell me what you think too if you want, but it is not compulsary.

DND :)

I agree -- the readings do seem to flow together, and what you are picking up on resonates. But we'll see how things play out -- last time I was really surprised by the unforeseeable thing my university pulled, and your cards were spot on in retrospect and in that present moment at the end of the 3 months...Far out! ;)

Thanks again!!! I will update with feedback and progress...


You must be good at writing based on your response alone. WOW! Totally put me to shame and my updated input that I wrote on mine yesterday. So, I am going to have to make more of an effort I think. :D

What I find interesting is that what I have touched on with some things is not too different to what the Medium told you if I read what you wrote is right.

On Halloween weekend I will be attending a special dinner function with two Psychic Mediums or perhaps three, so it would be cool to see if one of them tunes in to me in a similar way and with my readings. I think one or two things may have already happened actually, but some of it does not quite fit yet like "business" prospects.

Still a few months to go and with travel still yet to be a part of it so who knows what could come up between now and then!. I may have a EUREKA moment or something cross my path when I least expect it.

Thanks for such a response - I really do not know if there would be anything left to write after all that.

Anyways, best of luck for the rest of the year. I sincerely hope things do turn about for you in a very positive and productive way.

DND :)