Sabian Symbol Study Group: Aries 7 - #7


Element Ametrine
Discussion: A beautifully natural expression of amethyst and citrine, both varieties of quartz, in one stone. In this physical expression the duality of the mineral resonates with the sabian symbol. Ametrines traditional spiritual properties include aiding in meditation, boosting psychic abilities, relieving tension as well as a combination of the benefits of both citrine and amethyst crystals.
Here again the physical appearance of the stone confirmed the spirit and energy of the element to be linked with this sabian symbol.


I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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My musing/ramblings on the title:

Sun Sign: ARIES
Degree: 7
Number: 7


Aries, fire ....... 7 Chariot ...... water ...... both cardinal, kick-starters as it were. Title makes me think of balance ....... like how to you get fire to burn without the water dousing it? Balance ...... compromise ....... the fire can burn on the water via oil no? Chariot of movement, direction, control ........ masculine energy again I feel here ..... duality ..... competent, efficient ....... able to harness certain talents within oneself ...... and project accordingly to others.


purple_scorp LOVE THAT PIC!
Oh my I laughed so hard...

see I normally see it as a person looking into a mirror - I need to lighten up :)

thanks again



Hi Marina,

thanks for your comments.

The title for me, conjured up an image of a man who is trying to be all things to all people. Honouring his roots (hence the cave man) but realising that he can't move forward if he is stuck in the past (hence the square world that shows no movement). But he strives to strike a balance (hence the precarious position on top of the round world) of what he hopes to achieve for a bright future. Of course the reality of this is that he will be a busy man (shown by the action of the man on the world).

I'm glad that he is successful, as I otherwise see this leading to stress.

with love


Hi -

I think you just gave me some much needed perspecitve on a current situation in my life - all things to all people = stress!!! but sucess is just around the corner if I beleive it is




Well, your time and energy are precious commodities - you must choose carefully who you give them to.

with love


purple_scorp, yes - thank you I do... and I need reminding of it too... regardless of what the situation and how hard, there is something called moderation and kindness to benifit everyone - cautious balance.. yes

thanks again



Hmm, just some quick thoughts here. With Aries, we often see a man wearing the ram's head or horns. This connects to the pagan idea of man plalying the role of an animal, thus identifying and mirroring the creative impulse of the natural world.

Aleister Crowley mentioned in his Book of Thoth that before something can be manifested in this world, it has to be created in our inner world. It has to pass through the mind into thought, into ideas and words. One an abstract thought is verbalized it is then communicated and reproduced in the real world. The word becomes the constructive blueprint in the outer and inner world.

Aries (yang) is ruled by mars, which rules sexual activity and the external reproductive organs, intuitively linking blood, semen and offspring. What Aries needs then is the feminine cycle (yin) which is related to the rhythm of the blood, the egg, creation and new life.

I see Aries as the one who installs new ideas, replaces existing ideas/structures with his own. Again a mirrored image of the inner and the outer.

But if this energy becomes blocked or is misused, we see fire fighting fire...we could see the aggression being turned inward against the self, and the self becoming the thing it so struggled to replace. Does that make sense?



tink27 said:
One an abstract thought is verbalized it is then communicated and reproduced in the real world. The word becomes the constructive blueprint in the outer and inner world
Something that I have said recently to a few people ....... inner thoughts ...... especially sensitive ones ...... are kept inside, in the mental realm ...... by verbalising ...... these thoughts are then *validated* ..... i.e. made real. So I also see this in the title of the symbol ........ not necessarily speaking without thinking or saying exactly what's on one's mind, but the compromise aspect between the two ...... think one thing, verbalise and make it real, but with common sense as to consequences.