Sabian Symbols Study Group: Cancer 18 - #108


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: CANCER
Degree: 18
Number: 108



A hen scratching for her she looking for food to nurture and feed them?

This symbol conjures up all kinds of images for me...the chicks are her offspring, representing the father and the mother.....their many qualities, talents and potentials, bred into each one! Imagine the tremendous energy she would need to take care of and feed them all!

Is she teaching them all that she is and can do...and perhaps more? A process that would probably involve more than the five senses...where we learn to feel, search for and act.

Wow! I just looked up 'chicken' in my Animal Speak book by Ted Andrews. The key words arre Fertility and Sacrifice! Cycle of Power: Year-round/Daybreak - Oh my, being a mother this does ring true!

"Because of their egg-laying ability, chickens are always associated with fertility. The feathers of chickens were used to stuff bedding, the primary place of sexual activity. They have also been, throughout history, a common animal used in sacrificial rites....sacrifice has ties to the ancient mystery of sexuality. In the fertilization process, the male seed is sacrificed to impregnate the female egg. Because ejaculation occurs outside the body, it has correspondences to an act of sacrifice.

....Deities were invoked thorugh the simple act of throwing grains to chickens. If the chickens were listless in their eating, then it indicated that the gods must be angry."

If I may be perfectly honest here, there were times when my children were small that my own creativity felt as it it was being held back, blocked, lacked freedom. And now that I have more freedom, I'm at a loss what to do with it!

I must go make that mandala!



I just can hear her calling...

Hens make such a distinct clucking when they find something to eat for their little ones - and roosters do it later on to call the hens!

A dilligent rooster, when he finds food, he calls his hens and lets them feed first!

Just as a diligent hen will call her chicks and lets them feed first.

There is something touching in this image, something that speaks of caretaking, of love (as much as the inhabitants of a poultry are capable of it), of not just working for oneself.


have a look at this Oracle the Belline card: 28 - Famille


Ohh Simone, what a lovely image!! I didn't know of the rooster's involvement...this helps me to see him a little differently then just strutting his stuff around.

This definitely, as you say, speaks of family!



Roosters (and chicken in general) are very social.

They have a strict social bond and order, with a pecking order among the hens, and on top there is the rooster.

Proud guy, strutting around as you say - but VERY aware of his responsibilities.

Go observe an outside poultry for a while, you'll quickly learn to recognise the different cluckings and calls. And even learn to speak Hennish ;)

I got them each time with imitating the food call... ;) muahahaha

And the call when they see a hawk - one of those and ALL chicken around dash for cover and shelter! Even those of the neighbouring poultries.

They are very nurturing and very aware of their "clan". Won't let anything happen to their family!

At night, chicken are blind, however, hence the need for a safe shelter for them. If they don't go in in time, they hide in the bushes for the fox to pluck them off. They won't move at all, you can pick them up just like that.

And I guess that also explains the need for such a strong family bond among them!


Jones Key Word: Provision
Ridder-Patrick Body : Duodenal opening of pancreatic duct
Element: Phlogopite a type of mica, typically light brown in colour.

Love what you both have written and have little to add -

Chickens, feathers, fertiliser ;)
Such a warm fluffy symbol, family togetherness and nature - nature and nurture, teaching the chicks how to survive... a farm yard image.



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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