Sabian Symbols Study Group: Cancer 25 - #115


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: CANCER
Degree: 25
Number: 115



Key Word: Destiny

Ridder-Patrick: Blood vessels of digestive organs

Crystal Element: Magnetite
Magnetite is black iron oxide with magnetic properties. Magnetite works with spiritual direction and positive choices, it has its own power - energy - magnetic - unseen but powerful.

personal charisma, Potent strength and influence.

I think all leaders have that power, but so many forget where that power comes from -yes it is divine, but it is also funnelled from those of us who love them, vote for them, keep them in our consciousness and in their position.



On May 25th of this year, Lynda posted in the astrology section this very symbol.

Oh darn! It says page not was a CNN report! Lynda can you remember it and find it again?

At the time, this was what I felt this symbol meant to me.

Oh my gosh! I was just working on the Gemini 3, The Garden of Tuleries and saw what this symbol and Lynda's post meant about these leaders of men in their invisible cloaks of power. I was looking at the garden as representing structure, order, formulation and a good strong foundation. Through this grounding I could feel my breath and the stillness of this place calming me. As I remembered this post, I saw the power of these earthly men jetting out from their bodies like erratic flares. Lighthning raced fluidly over their bodies, splitting into bolts until they were nearly covered with light. I was stunned actually by the fiery lacework that ultimately cloaked them invisible! I just wanted to share that with everyone...

I've learnt a few things since I wrote this...especially about The Garden of Tuleries

A very good friend of mine, shared some of his Carlos Castenadas books with me. One of them is called the Journey to Ixtlan. A quote that reminded me of this symbol came to mind.

"I have no routines or personal history. One day I found out that they were no longer necessary for me and, like drinking, I dropped them. One must have the desire to drop them and then one must proceed harmoniously to chop them off, little by little. If you have no personal history, no explanations are needed; nobody is angry or disillusioned with your acts. And above all no one pins you down with their thoughts. It is best to erase all personal history because that makes us free from the encumbering thoughts of other people. I have, little by little, created a fog around me and my life. And now nobody knows for sure who I am or what I do. Not even I. How can I know who I am, when I am all this?

Little by little you must create a fog around yourself; you must erase everything around you until nothing can be taken for granted, until nothing is any longer for sure, or real.



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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