Sabian Symbols Study Group: Cancer 4- #94


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: CANCER
Degree: 4
Number: 94



Key Word Justification

Healing Body Point Ninth rib

Element Cat's Eye (chrysoberyl)

Do you all know TOM AND JERRY - the American cartoon, oh this symbol reminds me of their crazy antics - so much fun,

I have (another) story! recently a friend lost her engagement ring and called me - can you find it using those symbols of yours? I said Ill try and THIS symbol popped up, I asked her did she have mice in the house and she said no, I said have you had a really silly argument lately and she said Oh yes OH MY and hung up the phone, about 10min later she called back, she had been arguing with her 4 year old son - in HIS toy box - guess where her ring was - in the toy box (luckily).

So I think this symbol shows us when NOT to bother arguing, is it best to be right or happy, do we HAVE to justify our actions (everytime) sometimes it is just not worth the effort to make some one else know you know something you think it right..
To me its a superficial image - a cat and a mouse - it sounds domestic that they might even fight...

Shrugs.. I think that is the answer to this symbol, just shrug and walk away ;)



MCsea said:
Key Word Justification

Healing Body Point Ninth rib

Element Cat's Eye (chrysoberyl)

Do you all know TOM AND JERRY - the American cartoon, oh this symbol reminds me of their crazy antics - so much fun,

I have (another) story! recently a friend lost her engagement ring and called me - can you find it using those symbols of yours? I said Ill try and THIS symbol popped up, I asked her did she have mice in the house and she said no, I said have you had a really silly argument lately and she said Oh yes OH MY and hung up the phone, about 10min later she called back, she had been arguing with her 4 year old son - in HIS toy box - guess where her ring was - in the toy box (luckily).

So I think this symbol shows us when NOT to bother arguing, is it best to be right or happy, do we HAVE to justify our actions (everytime) sometimes it is just not worth the effort to make some one else know you know something you think it right..
To me its a superficial image - a cat and a mouse - it sounds domestic that they might even fight...

Shrugs.. I think that is the answer to this symbol, just shrug and walk away ;)


Hi Marina,

There are still Tom and Jerry reruns in Canada...and the kids still love them!

What a wonderful story of your friend and her lost ring! I enjoyed reading this very much. It tells me the Sabians are indeed an intuitive process and no matter what we see in them today, tomorrow could be another story.

I'll be write back with mine!



These symbols in Cancer have been talking to me big time! I figured the logical reason was because I am a Cancer! But this morning I had an inkling to look at my natal chart and zowie……I’ve got Mars, Mercury and Uranus all sitting in Cancer! No wonder Mercury Rx. Is driving me crazy, (cat and mouse) it's on the cusp between Cancer and Leo at 1.10 degrees! Am I an emotional person….nah, not me!

Oh imagine being a tiny mouse and peering out into an immense world that in a human perspective is a tiny room. Mice rarely come out during the day, so I’m looking at this as night time and the Moon’s light pinballing off the shadows…….making this scene a little more dramatic!

We can look at this symbol through the eyes of the cat or the mouse. For a moment I’m going to be that mouse with a strong curiosity about life! How I would want to know what this place I’ve made home is about. Without thinking I impulsively dart out into the open, totally unprepared for what may cross or come my way.

Or perhaps this tiny mouse needs food for its family. Upset, angry, hurt or extremely optimistic, he makes a mad rush for the kitchen. Did he look before he leaped? Did he prepare himself for the unexpected, or tell others where he was going? Did he prepare a plan or a backup plan incase anything goes wrong? I guess we’ll find out soon enough….for here comes one of its most feared predators, a cat.

I absolutely love my cats, but if a mouse or a bird were to appear suddenly in front of them, their natural instincts would take over…..they’d pounce without a thought.

Now what would you do if you were a mouse and a cats gaping mouth was flying toward you and your back rammed against a wall. How does a mouse that speaks mouse language, speak to a cat and vice-versa? How would these total opposites tune into the frequency of the other?

Is this mouse as much as a competent fighter as the cat! Does this mouse know what he’s all about? Is he paying attention to the cat’s every movement or is he so fixed and rigid, so afraid he’s already become the cat’s supper. The worst thing this mouse could do right now is assume there’s nothing he can do!

How well does the mouse know this cat? Enough I would say to stand up and argue with it. And if this is true, which one will drive the other mad? Which one will be forced to feel suffering?

This symbol rings bells for me! My mother (cat) and I (mouse) have played this cat and mouse theme since I was very little. For the cat to verbally attack the mouse or vice-versa, either attacker had to know something about the other, perhaps their appearance, their physical limitations, or even more so, something from their past! Also, the attacker could be something in us wanting to stop us from what we are doing! Sometimes the arguments within us are valid….sometimes they are our fears, old programming that alerts us to past hurts and pain.

I have learned and am still learning this lesson: ‘attacker’s know our vulnerabilities and weaknesses……it’s their job to know! When we least expect it, their claws and jaws are descending upon us, creating a flurry of emotions and uneasy sensations within us! What do we do? Scramble for higher or safer ground? No! We have down first and then out. What they said may have been trivial, or serious or totally in their imagination. But whatever it was, their fiery words churned the very waters in us! And..if they’ve set us up for a fight and we took the bait, lookout! We’re heading for a collision……look at the next Sabian Symbol!

One of the lessons I know I’m here to learn is to love and honor myself. When I do this, the arguing stops! This was and is the challenge my mother is constantly teaching me.

But…and here is what I’ve come to understand. No matter how outrageous or cruel our thoughts or another person can be, first thing, we don’t attack back! Instead, we ‘listen’ and look at the words they’ve just flung at us, because 'sometimes' what was said has a hidden and deeper meaning. (Sometimes it's not our stuff!) Sometimes we have to tell our past and our old pain, we have matured and grown. That we are stronger now, more capable now to move in a different direction. Our egos or pride is so afraid of being hurt and defeated....again!



TINK - you said so perfectly

""But…and here is what I’ve come to understand. No matter how outrageous or cruel our thoughts or another person can be, first thing, we don’t attack back! Instead, we ‘listen’ and look at the words they’ve just flung at us, because 'sometimes' what was said has a hidden and deeper meaning. (Sometimes it's not our stuff!) Sometimes we have to tell our past and our old pain, we have matured and grown. That we are stronger now, more capable now to move in a different direction. Our egos or pride is so afraid of being hurt and defeated....again!""

I think this is one of the KEYS to this symbol, that arguing is pointless, to stop look and assess - really see what is the point of the argument - well thats the higher road. That justificationf or arguing is never a good reason, but as you so clearly point out - there are hidden unknown or serious past hurts that arise through an argument that often need to be dealt with, rather than the action.
Thank you for sharing your mums and your story

and yippeee Cancer time - I hope you find many wonderful things about yourself in this cancer study!



This symbol makes me smile:

a cat usually doesn't argue with a mouse! It plays with it. It lurks for it. It throws it around in the air when it gets it. It lets it escape, under closest surveillance, but as soon as poor injured scared tired mouse has crept away a millimeter too far, the cat pounces on it again. Until the mouse is just too exhausted or injured to try and get away - then it gets killed and eaten, or killed and left.

So here, there must be one special little mouse! One that dared to stand up, to resist, to fight back! Despite their different languages, size and wavelengths.

The predator arguing with the prey!

Not even the other way around!

So somehow the one who was thought the stronger one, the bully, the killing machine - carrying with him all the advantages in the form of sharp claws and pointy teeth as well as powerful muscles and a great patience and agility - must have been brought to... arguing!

How did that happen? And - what ARE they arguing about?? the mouse, thought of as easy prey, must have done something quite unexpected!

In the world of animals, this symbol is unconceivable. So it must be metaphorical - who is the cat, and who is the mouse....


Hi there - again,

I was just watching the news and this horrible expression of war between Israel and Lebanon... now without becoming political... well too much, this symbol reminds me of this 'war'... not so nice at this extreme...



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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