Sabian Symbols Study Group: Cancer 7- #97


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: CANCER
Degree: 7
Number: 97



Ohh, I let my imagination play with this one!

Have you ever had an inkling to create or make something from your own hands? But each time you created your work, you rejected piece after piece each time? So you studied another person’s handiwork trying to incorporate it into your own, but somehow it came out all wrong? It’s as if what you were trying to create had turned against you. It was if it was trying to tell you something….it wanted You to shape it in ways that differed from what You wanted. Oh but to speak of these things, if you were to tell a friend or family member they would think you mad, out of your mind, a crazed lunatic!

But your family, school, work, have considered your journey in meetings, some in private, others among those you work and socialize with. A decision is made, to strip you of your power, to send you back to being an apprentice, back to school until you’ve re-gained the ‘old skill’,

Fear sets in, what you need what you crave is some kind of inspiration, fresh knowledge to create a chemical reaction. Disheartened you take a moonlight stroll away from the big lights of the city to the edge of a forest, where only the moon acts as a lantern guiding your way. You breathe deep and long blowing out all your emotions away. You empty your lungs totally before filling them again, you become calmer, more relaxed….a huge boulder near a bend looks inviting, it fits you perfectly and very comfortably……you sit upon it.

The moon light dots the earth floor and for a moment you sense a stirring among the damp moss, and pine needle floor. A cool breeze and then another (waves) is felt around your face, all at once you can visualize the problem at hand much clearer. Before your eyes two tiny globes of light twirl around you teasingly.. Without a thought you stretch out your hand, and to your amazement, like magic two elegant earth spirits are looking straight at you. Before you think there are so such things, their wings flutter, creating images of charms, signs, symbols…..”ohh”, you cry “no wonder my creations have turned against me……they have a mind of their own!”

The earth spirits speak…“Your raw ingredients, needs a mould, a glass, a vase, a bowl, whatever size you can imagine to shape and set your most valued creations.” Your imagination gives you power…..a power that flickers ~ strength and…..unpredictability.

Remember this well….the more power you throw into the pot, the more it will fight your control!

Suddenly they vanish and you wonder….was that a glint of mischief you saw in their eyes?



Thoracic cavity

This is just a super site in understanding the body parts we've been studying....and the thoracic cavity.

Interestingly, the thoracic cavity is divided into two parts for the lungs. Inside this cavity, which extends from the bottom of the neck to the abdomen are the esophagus, the heart and the lungs.

Our 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras are located below the diaphragm describing our our physical and basic needs. As we move higher among the chakras above the body's midline, we enter the thoracic cavity. It is here we begin reaching out and taking in an awareness of our imagination and spiritual nature.



Dr Jones - Key Word Ascendancy

Element - Opal.

What a lively display of light hearted fun and energy, mind of their own to do as they will, a fresh look a light hearted look at life. the other fairy thread would explain this symbol SO WELL.

Oh yes TINK - Tink are you Tink as in TINKER BELL?


This is taken from the awesome universe site - something I wrote on the Fairy theme in the sybmols -

I believe in Fairies, do you? Do Fairies play in your garden, annoy your cats and leave gifts at your door? Are you a Fairy Godmother? Have you ever seen your wings, changed time to assist you or manifested something you really needed at the last moment? Have you heard of the term Incarnated Elemental Fairy? Are you a Fairy or do you have a Fairy as a guide? Maybe you have a Fairy Sabian Symbol in your natal Symbols.

Fairies are little bundles of joy, happiness, elegance, magic and a little mischief rolled up into colorful flying beings. Fairies love Roses, Bluebells, Thyme, Willow, Elder, Alder and Oak trees. Fairies live in harmony with other fairies, dancing, playing music and drinking (dew). Famous fairies, well we all know Tinkerbell (Peter Pan), the Tooth Fairy, The Fairy Godmother (Cinderella and Shriek), The Blue Haired Fairy (Pinocchio) Oberon the King of the Fairies, his wife Tatiana, Puck and Ariel (Shakespeare) Flower Fairies, and of course the Fairies in the movie Labyrinth who bit, what kind are you?

Beltane is the 1st of May, we must watch for Fairies. Beltane is the night when the queen of the fairies will ride out on her white steed to entice humans away to Fairyland. If you hear the bells of the Fairy Queen's horse, you are advised to look away, so she will pass you by; or she may take you. So for May, the theme is Fairies, as there is much more chance we may catch a glimpse of them magically playing.

This symbol indicates you really need to find like minded people to spend time with or your energy will diminish. You have an active imagination and should let it flow without worrying about if it has practical uses – do ‘it’ for enjoyment (dance, sing, paint, write). The fairy symbol indicates you have access to unseen astral realms – these are real realms apart from our ‘scientific’ world. Full moon and other nature celebrations, and events draw you, you love the full moon. The full moon also links with the divine feminine, secret women’s business and girl power. Fertility, depending which planet is ruled by this symbol may indicate abundance or restricted within cycles. This is the symbol for Fairy Circles, the little rings of mushrooms that mark where fairies have been dancing.




MCsea said:
Dr Jones - Key Word Ascendancy

Element - Opal.

What a lively display of light hearted fun and energy, mind of their own to do as they will, a fresh look a light hearted look at life. the other fairy thread would explain this symbol SO WELL.

Oh yes TINK - Tink are you Tink as in TINKER BELL?


This is taken from the awesome universe site - something I wrote on the Fairy theme in the sybmols -

I believe in Fairies, do you? Do Fairies play in your garden, annoy your cats and leave gifts at your door? Are you a Fairy Godmother? Have you ever seen your wings, changed time to assist you or manifested something you really needed at the last moment? Have you heard of the term Incarnated Elemental Fairy? Are you a Fairy or do you have a Fairy as a guide? Maybe you have a Fairy Sabian Symbol in your natal Symbols.

Fairies are little bundles of joy, happiness, elegance, magic and a little mischief rolled up into colorful flying beings. Fairies love Roses, Bluebells, Thyme, Willow, Elder, Alder and Oak trees. Fairies live in harmony with other fairies, dancing, playing music and drinking (dew). Famous fairies, well we all know Tinkerbell (Peter Pan), the Tooth Fairy, The Fairy Godmother (Cinderella and Shriek), The Blue Haired Fairy (Pinocchio) Oberon the King of the Fairies, his wife Tatiana, Puck and Ariel (Shakespeare) Flower Fairies, and of course the Fairies in the movie Labyrinth who bit, what kind are you?

Beltane is the 1st of May, we must watch for Fairies. Beltane is the night when the queen of the fairies will ride out on her white steed to entice humans away to Fairyland. If you hear the bells of the Fairy Queen's horse, you are advised to look away, so she will pass you by; or she may take you. So for May, the theme is Fairies, as there is much more chance we may catch a glimpse of them magically playing.

This symbol indicates you really need to find like minded people to spend time with or your energy will diminish. You have an active imagination and should let it flow without worrying about if it has practical uses – do ‘it’ for enjoyment (dance, sing, paint, write). The fairy symbol indicates you have access to unseen astral realms – these are real realms apart from our ‘scientific’ world. Full moon and other nature celebrations, and events draw you, you love the full moon. The full moon also links with the divine feminine, secret women’s business and girl power. Fertility, depending which planet is ruled by this symbol may indicate abundance or restricted within cycles. This is the symbol for Fairy Circles, the little rings of mushrooms that mark where fairies have been dancing.



Ohh Marina, you're back! I've missed you!!

This is so-o-o-o beautifully written...I can feel these earth spirits, these fairies dancing all around me!

(giggle) the name tink was given to me years ago when studying the realm of healing. I always saw stardust and sparklies and because of this was given this nickname!

Of the little I know of gemstones, the Opal I know well.

Many healers wear opal or recommend it to those in need of healing. It's changing lights and colors are dazzling, opening the upper chakras, the throat and the third eye...clairvoyance....fairies!

But it also can act as a mirror that projects out and returns what we need to be aware of...what sits within that needs cleansing, healing, loving.

From my understanding this stone can ignite the kundalini and has also been known as a karmic stone?

If one is drawn to opal, think of wearing it, for it will tune, magnify, harmonize and balance. This is my understanding of this gem!



I love what you wrote Tink!



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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