Sabian Symbols Study Group: Gemini 18 - #78


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: GEMINI
Degree: 18
Number: 78



Ah - the foreigners again. I was thinking about them with the Dutch children, and here it becomes more evident.

Chinese in a western crowd - what can be more foreign, except maybe aliens?

The eastern mentalities are completely different and communication between the two cultures can be extremely different due to a different way of thinking, a different way of speaking and expressing things (and I am not only talking of the language, which can be learned - but the way of expressing things is a different matter because the thought process has to be assimilated which is not as easy).

Chances are that those two chinese men will be alienated, ignored or at best (as a manner of speaking) stared at. They will stand out as the unknown element and most likely nobody will dare to approach them. The unknown element scares, makes us feel insecure, and this is where racism comes from.

The symbol talks about this unknown element. Something unexpected within the usual, something coming from a direction that was not thought of, and it makes us either look away and ignore it (which could be fatal), or stop and stare and try to assess, to assimilate, to work our way around it or try to integrate it.

In any case, it makes us react - it provokes a reaction, in whichever way determined by out character. Either we close down and ignore, or we open op and become curious. Which way do you choose? ;)


Oh this is one of my 'past life' indicator symbols, you know some symbols scream out THIS IS A PAST LIFE 'THING" to explore, people with this symbol highlighted in a natal chart have usually already 'seen' their attraction to Eastern - therapies, religion, people - what ever... its an interesting progression to start remembering the pst life through the symbol - IF you beleive in that sort of thing!

OK and to me Chinese sounds like birds chattering - actualy lots of asian languages do, Its my ignorance of course, but I think it sounds pretty.. IM so glad we have a yin yang balance in this life like eastern vs western... but it does worry me at times to 'see' China and the Chinese doing various things... must not spoil this symbol with a political statement!!

Dr Jones - Key Word Difference

Jane Ridder-Patrick - Second rib

Element Jade - the Chinese type you know that soft green... Jade is a stone of the heart. As such it is related to the heart chakra and has a beneficial effect on all heart chakra related issues. So, of course, it can attract and enhance love of all kinds. It is also a stone of fidelity and generosity. Jade is also very helpful as a stone of abundance.

I find when I wear jade people HAVE to reach out and touch it - does that happen to other people too? there is a physical - spiritual connection - bond with this stone... really SPOKE to me....


A typical Gemini:

Lewis Carrol “Alice in Wonderland” said:
“I quite agree with you” said the Duchess, “and the moral of that is –
Be what you would seem to be’
Or if you’d like to put it more simply –
Never image yourself not to be otherwise
Then what it might appear to others that
What you were or might have been
Was not otherwise than what you had been
Would have appeared to them to be otherwise”

Being caught in a crowd is like a funeral precession…so many people look so lost…some scowl, some are sad….some walking intently to wherever it is they want to go.

We’re in such a hurry most of the time, we never get much chance to acknowledge a dear friend, slow down and talk. But if and when we do have time we talk in depth about things that seem important. Usually it starts with the newspaper, the weather, people or old memories and from there naturally builds up to more personal things like exchanging information, ideas and experiences. We should be especially alert to questions and answers that delve deeply within and awaken in each person’s consciousness Then the exchange takes on a different level.

The intellect has a lot of trouble transcending its own limitations. It always needs an object a mirror in which to deal it…it never identifies itself with it, for it can’t do this without obliterating itself.

When we find ourselves interacting with someone it probably means that either the other person has something for you to hear or learn about, or else you have something they need to hear and learn about. The key here is to listen and observe closely when you are around others. There is an abundance of information to be gathered by watching body language, listening to people’s voices and hearing what is not said as well as what is said. But most people are so into their own thoughts and minds, they wouldn’t even notice two people in deep conversation with one another.

Acceptance = recognition….two ways to the realization of a spiritual life. They are both complementary and mutually supporting but most society is trained not to see it.

Buddhism, Zen, etc., recognizes the (duality) coexistence and identity of the two principles, sameness and difference. Things are many and yet one; they are one and yet many.



I remember once getting lost in downtown Montreal. I had lived in the suburbs at least 30 miles outside of the Montreal as a child. Returning as a grownup it all looked so new! I was a stranger in a strange land.

I approached a woman on the street and called to her asking if she knew the way to a Montreal deli on St. Catharines Street. I didn’t think she heard me and asked my question again. She flicked her eyes toward me and then looked away. I knew she could hear me; was she just being rude. Was it because I wasn’t French and wasn’t speaking her language? I walked over to her and a bit crossly asked “Can’t you bother to be courteous to a visitor"? Right away she started speaking rapidly in French! People started crowding around us, I lost my edge in the situation and all of sudden felt very small. “Aren’t there guidebooks where you come from” someone shouted in a deeply accented and broken English? Ohh I prayed someone would save me.

Just as I was planning my escape from the growing crowd, a woman of my same stature and height thrust her way through the crowd and between me and the French woman. Hi she said, I’m Katlyn, and it looks like you need a friend right now. Some people walked on by uncaring, other’s continued to stare….Katlyn grabbed my arm and poked and nudged people aside to clear the way for her and I.

“Sorry” I replied feeling guilty.

“Don’t let the strange ways of some people get on your nerves” she said gently, “because to them you’re strange too”! As we talked I discovered she lived in a little town near Niagara on the lake. The similarities between us was incredible. I never saw her again but that day I learned that we are never alone. There’s always someone who speaks our language and hears our call.



Oh dear Tink,
I too had a French Canadian experience! VERY Similar, after a LONG time looking for help - asking for help... I went into a pastry shop where I asked for one baguette - then paid - said merci and then pardon - then spoke english - canyou PLEASE help me... the pastry cheif was so lovely and helped me, but this was after some time feeling very lost and alone..

Highlighting differences - yes, but so much beauty in difference...



Coming from and living in a small country, we people from Luxembourg are bound to learn different languages. And if it is just to communicate with our neighbours...

Now one of my peeves (tightly bound and locked most of the time) that rattles its cage periodically is when in my own country, I speak my own language and I get to repeat it, invariably, in another language! (in shops, the bakery, the doctor's assistant, nurses, the switchboard operator at companies, etc, etc) And those are mostly not even people living here but just crossing the borders every day to work here...

Our politicians want to raise the inhabitants number from roughly 500,000 to 700,000.

Of those 500,000 people currently living here, only 300,000 are still natives. And birth rates are low... so imagine how they want to do that - by inviting in more foreigners.

While i am not xenophobe at all, this would however mean we become a dwindling minority in our own country.

So what you experienced travelling, I experience every day, at home. As a minority, I cannot afford not to speak languages, but this puts us in a situation where people just expect us to use foreign languages all the time, and there is a very small minority of them actually making the effort of learning our language.

So actually this symbol, of two people travelling abroad but seemingly not making the effort to adapt and just expecting people to accept that hits quite close to home.

(actually my (now past) marriage was similar: the man came here from an entirely different culture, i made many many efforts to make him feel at home, went to extensive labe readings so no ingredients in any food I bought would clash with his culture, but he made no effort whatsoever to adapt to me...)

very personal thought here... tried to keep it out of the discussions but felt a view from the other side of the language barrier was necessary ;)


Simone, Luxembourg, sounds like such a lovely place.. I hope people start to have MANY MORE BABIES ;)

as always all views are held with respect within the symbols, but it sounds so much the same - the trying and the hardship - the aloneness... that feeling of not being accepted when we look around 'who' is it who officially should - accept us that is? our own selves?... we should be able feel at home within ourselves..... (an in our pantry too!)



Thank you Marina and Simone for speaking openly and honestly of this symbol and its meaning in your lives. I struggled with this symbol as with the one before both have helped me to understand their energies that much more.



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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