Sabian Symbols Study Group: Gemini 5 - #65


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: GEMINI
Degree: 5
Number: 65



Why are you here? What are you to accomplish? These questions come into focus when we get involved with certain social issues and politics. Does this radical magazine speaks loudly, angrily and with fear. Or does it whet your insatiable appetite for security, money and possessions? It’s underlying purpose is to put you the reader into a state of readiness and tension. The artist works with the reporter to create a scene, a character we immediately identify with – it could be a torturous imprisonment, abused or starving children, someone killed by a drunken driver. The picture could show someone flinging their arms upward as if begging for mercy.

Or it could be a lavish get rich scheme campaign that is virtually fool proof! Everyone wins it says! Whatever the gains or crisis, we crane our necks to delve more deeply into the article – the profound testimonies affect even the most skeptical readers - it demands we take action - without a moment’s hesitation.

Oh what to do, what to do? As a reader I’m trapped by my own uncomfortable anxiety. I’m losing all power to resist. Without realizing it, this call to action has a high degree of order, created by disorder. By creating a disorder, the radical magazine has increased its numbers of potentialities.

I can’t move. I am in a daze, in the middle of this new information, I’m at the crossroads, which way shall I go, is it a yes, a maybe or a no. My feet carry me forward, but I don’t know where they go.



Dr jones Key Word Tangency (out on a limb ere )

Element Crazy lace agate
Agate is a general term applied not to a distinct mineral species, but to an aggregate of various forms of silica, chiefly chalcedony. Mexican crazy-lace agate exhibits a brightly colored, complex banded pattern - confusing yet enticing to look at. In Islam, agates are deemed to be very precious stones. According to tradition, the wearer of an agate ring, for example, is believed to be protected from various mishaps and will enjoy longevity, among other benefits. In other traditions agate is believed to cure the stings of scorpions and the bites of snakes, soothe the mind, prevent contagion, still thunder and lightning, promote eloquence, secure the favour of the powerful, and bring victory over enemies. The Shia Book of collected prayers, Mafatih Al-janan, quotes the fifth Shia saint Imam Muhammad al-Baqir on agates - something about wearing agate in a ring and praying with them will protect you from all evils - pretty amazing stuff TYPICALLY western beliefs Spiritual Powers: Aids with energy lows. Relieves emotional pain. Opens the way for laughter

A VERY Mercury symbol - communication. information. books, letters, magazines, the media, computers
Sensational, venting!!
and self promotion - publicity and being OUT THERE, its a sybmol some gay friends have - it really describes them coming out of the closet so to speak - not limiting the interpretation to that....

I also submitted my manuscript 360 crystal elements with THIS symbol as the NEW MOON energy... RADICAL!
SENSATIONAL face paced and fingers crossed sucessful.


Yay Marina

Here's to your book being successful, Marina!
Greetings from Katoomba


Marina said:
I also submitted my manuscript 360 crystal elements with THIS symbol as the NEW MOON energy... RADICAL!
SENSATIONAL face paced and fingers crossed sucessful.

Gosh Marina, your knowledge in this area is astounding and definitely waiting to be discovered! Good luck!



The flip side

It's always interesting to note the opposite Sabian Symbol, and in this case it's especially illuminating. Opposing Gemni 5 is Sagittarius 5: An Old Owl Perched High Up in a Tree.

Unlike the Gemini Radical Magazine, the Old Owl sits quietly and watches and digests what's going on.

This presents the dilemma for this degree - to disclose or stay quiet? To make a stand or swallow what's going on. If the 'owl' loses his composure it by letting out a shriek or being distracted, he will lose the opportunity of getting the whole picture, plus capturing his nourishment (prey?). He moves best by stealth, not letting others know he's there, or what his intentions are.

Of course, the Old Owl is not the activist, although one would probably suspect a Sagittarian placement to normally be one. The Gemini arm of this is more vocal, direct, willing to take a risk.

The Owl is more the one with decorum, a quiet knowingness, perhaps a smugness and a denial of accepting what's truly going on...

Looking at the Virgo square is also very interesting... the challenge to both the Gemini Magazine and the Sagittarian Owl is the square to Virgo 5: A Man Dreaming of Fairies. This can show delusions, disallusions, disappointments along with fantasies and dreams and being able to peer through layers of 'reality'.

So, the Radical Magazine is challenged also by the Dreaming Man. Of course, the Man Dreaming of Fairies can be seeing what's really going on and can channel that information after it's been digested through The Owl and feed it to others through the Radical Magazine.

The Pisces end of the four squares is Pisces 5: A Church Bazaar. It's interesting that this degree is opposed by Virgo 5: A Man Dreaming of Fairies. This can conjure up all kinds of themes and brings to mind, amongst other things, the image of Jesus and his still being 'alive' even though he died on the cross.

The Radical Magazine is often employed to make conditions better for the 'average Jo' - much like a Church Bazaar will rally together in order to raise funds to do their good works out amongst the community.

Greetings from DownUnder


HI Tink - thanks

HI Lynda - thats a great insight hey... good to see you back here too!!!

IT really resonates with me this degree at this time - Personally for me the owl is my education, the manuscript is the radical communication, dreaming of fairies - the help the fairies - other realms have given me with this writing and the church bazaar that Im doing it 'for free' that if it gets taken up great, if not its still going to get posted here for the 'good of all' good spirit and all that.. hey thats not such a bad sqare after all! I have the owl up the tree as one of my 5 star aspects.. hmm cant remember now.. probably my sun thinking about it..echos of something more...



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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