Sabian Symbols Study Group: Taurus Degree 29 - #59


:) Welcome to the Sabian Symbol Oracle Study thread!

Please feel free to discuss the Sabian Symbol in this thread, and to ask questions or, explore any aspect of the many interpretions the Symbol holds. Please add your own observations and interpretations too!! The Symbol used in this heading is by Lynda Hill

Sun Sign: TAURUS
Degree: 29
Number: 59



Dr Jones - Key Word Capability

Solar Fire body part - Deltoid muscle and main neck muscles (again)

Element Cast Iron
Discussion Cast iron is an iron-based alloy containing carbon. During the Industrial Revolution, cast iron was also widely used for the frame and other fixed parts of machinery, including spinning and weaving machinery. Cast iron became a widespread material, and many towns had foundries producing machinery, not only for industry but also agriculture. Spiritually cast iron is a balancing metal, it enhances personal magnetism and cooperation at work.

Well its a partnership symbol - a relationship symbol very practical - helping people being the 'bootmaker' helping people move forward in their life... very spiritual, in a very practical taurus way! - Working cooperatively with someone (or a few people) of equal skill and similar interests to you. Special talents - or skills... 'tools of the trade'.


MCsea said:
Dr Jones - Key Word Capability

Solar Fire body part - Deltoid muscle and main neck muscles (again)

Element Cast Iron
Discussion Cast iron is an iron-based alloy containing carbon. During the Industrial Revolution, cast iron was also widely used for the frame and other fixed parts of machinery, including spinning and weaving machinery. Cast iron became a widespread material, and many towns had foundries producing machinery, not only for industry but also agriculture. Spiritually cast iron is a balancing metal, it enhances personal magnetism and cooperation at work.

Well its a partnership symbol - a relationship symbol very practical - helping people being the 'bootmaker' helping people move forward in their life... very spiritual, in a very practical taurus way! - Working cooperatively with someone (or a few people) of equal skill and similar interests to you. Special talents - or skills... 'tools of the trade'.

“Doing what we LOVE, coupled with our intent, allows life’s creative forces to flow and move through us without conscious control.”

This is really interesting MCsea about “Cast Iron”. We are magnetically connected to each other. I think that our greatest spiritual truth is when we magnetically attract the Universal field with our intentions and desires. It is as if these two Cobblers (intent and desire?) are for a time, linked together in a timeless moment – a dance of balance and harmony. Discovering Love for the Self and in turn creating for others.

Interestingly, the hands and feet contain the same number of bones! Together they make up half the bones in the body. In this symbol the hands are working in partnership with the feet by creating a foundation for our rational and intuitive sides to consciously pursue a direction in life.

Tailors, seamstresses and sewing enthusiasts know that sewing involves a lot of work with the thumb and index finger. In energy anatomy, the Lung Meridian (ki, chi), starts in the solar plexus (our Power center) and sends an electric circuit through our bladder, our small intestines and other internal organs “before” entering the lungs, which then travels down our arms to our thumb and index finger. The Lung Meridian not only empties into the thumb and index finger of the left hand, it also feeds the thumb and index finger of the right hand. Together, the Cobbler’s hands are open to and in sync with the universe and their creative powers – a creative energy that was unfolding within them to lovingly give and empower others.



I thought it would be good to use the Orphalese software to record my daily sabian symbol readings and so set about looking for appropriate images to convey the meaning of each card.

Attached is what I came up with for this symbol.

with love


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