

Thank you,Sharpchick. I appreciate you posting pictures for me. Now I have to wait for daylight tomorrow, so I can see what I'm growing.

I always try to smudge when my husband is gone, but occasionally the lingering smoke/smell does irritate him. He likes the smell of fresh sage, but not the scent of smudge sticks. I think I'll try sweetgrass and see how we like that.

Thank you so much for the information.



You are welcomed Michelle. I've also learned from this thread about using sage for smudging. I did not realize that the 'preferred' smudging is using white sage, though i will continue to use my own sage for now, as I have it available. As was also noted here in this thread, I don't think the Great Spirits will mind. I've had good results using my own sage for smudging so far!


Smudging with herbs is a tradition among many Native people, and they used herbs and grasses they had access to. As I said before, I think the Great Spirit recognizes our intent, so using what you've grown is an excellent idea, in my opinion. There is the addition of your own loving energy as you have planted and cared for the plants you harvest. As I harvest mine, I always thank the plant for providing me with its bounty. Kinda makes me realize that 'common' sage isn't quite so common. . .


doreen said:
White Sage is used for smudging,
It was used by Native American Indians.
Its very powerful.

It is still used by Native Americans. I get mine from John Two-Hawks' website.
