Scythe in scythe / Garden in garden - GT


Hey there,

Just drew a GT and saw the above cards in their own houses.

So this would indicate a very decisive time and like a pruning of what's not helpful, as well as being a very sociable or public time.




What's the go with scythe on scythe?

I actually experienced it as helpful energy around me in terms of being Easy going, taking things lightly, accepting what is, staying grounded.


Well for me this would indicate a change in jobs, or the offer of one. As Garden for me always come comes up as a career changes, yes I know I'm a bit different in how I read the Lenormand! :)



I love this - actually that's in the air!! Amazing


Well read :)


Bonny, I think your instincts are right here. Garden though could also indicate 'social media' -- so 'pruning' away those obnoxious friends/people you don't really know/nasty political posts could bring much relief.

Also, 'garden' isn't so much my 'work' card, but it could definitely apply to your 'company culture or an institutionalized social space -- the company you keep in work or at leisure. Scythe also makes decisions, so depending on where your significator is, I wonder if you won't be deciding to do/achieve something that will make you stand out from the crowd?

Just some thoughts! :)


Ah! Wow!!!

This is really true.
Yes I have found I have cut off contact wth some in public (social) media .

My significator is actually in heart for this duration.

Thank you!

I value these suggestions !
