Seasoning a deck

morticia monroe

I've just been doing what instinct tells me to do with my cards. I have heard that they should be kept in either wooden boxes or silk bags. I sew, and have decided to make a bag for each deck as I purchase it. I got into my giant scrap box and found some black and some red velvet. I embroidered the black with silver and gold thread and lined it with white satin. The drawstring is black and I tassled the ends. I embroidered the red with gold only in a geometrical design and left it unlined, the drawstring is gold cord and the ends are tassled as well. All in all, they turned out very nicely, each bag seems to fit the "personality" of the deck it holds.
I also feel compelled to rub my hands with a few drops of perfumed oil whenever I handle my Golden Tarot. The smell fits with the Renaissance theme of the deck.


I should probably add to this, since I am still using my Robin Wood, and I posted about seasoning it five years ago...

So, to add to it's experiences:

It's survived 4 years of university with me.

It's been dried out rapidly on radiators after having white wine spilled all over it.

It's been read on beer-sticky tables in pubs and nightclubs, has been read with by the side of Sulis' waters in the Roman Baths, read with many more times in Glastonbury (in the Chalice Well, the Tor, the Goddess Temple...); it's been in my hands on frozen January mornings at Stonehenge, and was almost lost to the sea at the cliffs in Boscastle... It's been on my altars to Brighid, Baron Samedi, Odin, Maman Brigitte, Mithras, and Isis...

It's known many hands and many readers: friends who want a reading will often ask to borrow the deck for five minutes to ask a question. The deck goes to them and they read fine, then give it back to me. This deck will read for anybody - it's obviously not fussy!

It's been used for Tarot games, and has taken part in a Tarot story game at the Framlingham Tarot Conference 2004, with myself, Umbrae, Simone, and Major Tom. (It also has a few ink stains on it from where a pen burst in the bag I was carrying it in on that trip!)

6 years of readings and use, and although my deck's edges are getting worn and it's colour and thickness tell it's 'seasoning', it looks better to me now than a brand new Robin Wood deck does. This is MY Robin Wood; it has lived the last 6 years of my life with me; it has got a bit battered and dirtier around the edges like I have as time has gone on; and it's shared some pretty amazing places, experiences, and faces with me.



Handling extensively, shuffling, talking to the deck. Journeying into it.

I also sage the daylights out of a deck if I get a used one or it has been used with someone or sometime that has a funny energy about it/them.


Wow - Thanks for the update on your deck, Kiama. It sounds like you and your Robin Wood have been on an amazing journey. :)

This is a fun thread. I'm glad it keeps getting bounced up. I love hearing stories about how people have seasoned their decks...either with pepper or with use. ;)


I normally have at least one on me, even if I have to buy it "out there" (incorrigible, but I got a tarot deck (Universal Waite), I Ching coins and a pendulum all in the same box with a book as well for £6, so what more can you ask for?).

My Morgan Greer (main "handbag deck") though will soon need a new box. Took it away with me at the weekend and used it to teach my boyfriend the inner workings of the tarot (and myself). Turned out he was way ahead of what I thought he was, every time I tried to explain about a weird event I'd had he came in and topped it.


Was browing thruogh the threads listlessly, looking for something with an interesting title and found this thread.

Your cards have been to beautiful places and done beautiful things with you.

No doubt this thread was started in 2001, what is even more beautiful is that the ppl who posted in 2001 are still posting in 2006 to relate how beautifully their cards have aged....

I can only hope that one day, my cards will become as beautiful as your cards.. :)


What a lovely thread - especially post 1!

I just got my decks, and I hope they will someday be as seasoned as some of yours are!


The Hanson Roberts is my seasoned deck, It's not older than 3 years but is aging beautifully, I like the fact that after all this time it keeps the Nag Champa inciense smell I gave to the deck.

It has travelled with me all around the country, the cards had received sunshine in Southafrica and raindrops in Paris. I have read with this deck for family, friends, completly strangers, puppets and of course for myself.

Best of all, it has given me constant evidence of reliability and readability, couldn't be happier, look forward to spend more years with my Hanson Roberts.


Crowqueen said:
My Morgan Greer (main "handbag deck") though will soon need a new box. Took it away with me at the weekend and used it to teach my boyfriend the inner workings of the tarot (and myself). Turned out he was way ahead of what I thought he was, every time I tried to explain about a weird event I'd had he came in and topped it.

Oh WOW, marry him ! ;)

M-G is my hadbag deck,too!

About seasoning decks.. The way I see it..I rather season myself untill I become one very peppery and salty crone.. I soak myself in wine and sleep out in the Arctic-untill hopefully one distant day ANY deck will start to tell me things..;)


this has been a wonderfull thread to read.... I'm not sure if I'm seasoning my TdM, but I know I love it and every day it teaches me more and more things.... it's like a family member to me.