

Ok, I'm at a loss about shuffling. I want to encourage reversed cards, but only if they are meant to be. I wanted a general consensus about how everyone starts a you right your cards and then let them shuffle? There are so many ways of shuffling and letting them pick. Also, my second question was...they shuffle their cards, then you ask them to pick x number of cards from the deck?

Thanks so much!


greetings devilsweet

One way to ensure "deliberate" reversals is to first
have all the cards in the deck upright to begin and
then shuffle and cut into 3 piles, reversing the one
in the middle (or any of them really) and then keep
shuffling until it feels right. Then you are the factor
that has introduced the random reversals yourself.

For how to conduct a reading with others ~ why not
try role playing to find a method that works for you?
See how it feels to do things this way or that way...
and maybe even, find that upright cards work fine. :)


I have most decks ready to read with reversals.
When I shuffle, I take small portions of the deck and turn them in between shuffling. Not every time, and sometimes I'll just turn the whole one side to be shuffled. I tend to be a person who shuffles and shuffles and flips and shuffles and shuffles and.....well, you get the idea, it takes me a while.


Hi devilsweet...

Good questions...if you haven't already explored the "Mechanics of Reading" pinned section in Talking's the to go through threads already there....

Scroll down to section on shuffling which has topics on reversals as well.

Best to you.



I always start with all the cards upright. I riffle, and if a small section of cards sticks and doesn't want to go back into the deck, I reverse those cards only, put them at the bottom, and continue shuffling. I do not force reversals, and they do not occur in most of my readings. When I was first learning the Tarot, I used to force reversals, but as my method developed I found they were not necessary to accurate interpretation. Since shuffling my way severely restricts reversals, they are very meaningful to me when they do appear.

After years of having the sitter shuffle, I now shuffle the cards myself and choose them myself. This has no effect on the validity or accuracy of the reading, but it does cut down on wear and tear on the cards, time spent shuffling, and sitters feeling self-conscious because they've never shuffled such a large deck, feel unsure of when to stop, worry that they're "doing it wrong," etc.


I either do it as lunalafey does, or sometimes I play 78 pick up (on the table of course): I smooge the deck around and then put it together. I encourage people who say they can't shuffle to do that too, they sometimes like it. And it does randomize them well!



Thank you all for your input...I guess I'm just nervous and feeling as if there is a concrete way of doing it all..guess not :) Thanks for clearing it up for me!! I really appreciate it!


devilsweet said:
I guess I'm just nervous and feeling as if there is a concrete way of doing it all..guess not :)

Nope! doing magic has no rules If it does, it isn't magic.


Ace said:
Nope! doing magic has no rules If it does, it isn't magic.

Ace - I like that alot!

...For me, I tend to keep my cards righted when I think of it, and I let the querent shuffle however they want to. I like watching it, and some people do introduce reversals while others never do. That's interesting to me - I've been thinking about what it means if you automatically shuffle the cards together in opposite directions (I tend to) - maybe it means you have a topsy turvy view of life? Or that you like variety? I'm not really sure what it means but I guess it must mean something...

full deck

You should do a search for "reversals" in the AT database. Here is one result:

Personally, I spread cards out, face down on a special table I have and pick cards out. When I pick them, I visualize if the card is to be reversed or not. Mind you, I use a pretty intensive method of visualization to do this, which may be alien to how you currently work. The good thing is that cards are reversed because I see them reversed (backs only).