Never Did Anything !


Hello I'm new to this site and hoping to learn a lot of things from all of you.

Well my situation is the following. I started studying and learning about the tarot about 6 months ago, because I have always been interested in it. Well 6 months ago I saved enough money to buy The Golden Rider deck and the book Learning The Tarot by Joan Bunning. When I first received my cards thru the mail I felt a sudden rush to do just shuffle and pick a card. Well I did this and I took out the three of swords, and it was true cause at that time I was going thru a very big and horrible heartbreak. Well I continue to use it and everytime (happened 3 times) I'm going thru a hard time and I take out one card I always get the Nine of Swords.
When I came here I saw that all of you talked about cleansing the cards and various things to get in touch with your cards. I would like to know if that is really neccessary and if it can give me even more connection with my cards.

p.s. sorry if this topic was already posted, but I didnt find it.

Thank you


I've never cleansed a deck, but then again, I've never let any murderers touch them...


Hi, Amenty14, and welcome!

I wouldn't say that those rituals are necessary, but if you feel that it would help you establish more of a connection, it wouldn't hurt to try them.

All the best


firemaiden said:
I've never cleansed a deck, but then again, I've never let any murderers touch them...

Good one :)


Thank you for all the replies. I guess I'll keep doing what I have done, it has worked for me.


I’ve never cleansed a deck. I shuffle them – a lot. Works just fine.

Ahhh keep picking the 9 of Swords?

Keep in mind that the tarot is often more descriptive than predictive. As you say you are going through a rough time, perhaps the 9 of Swords is pertinent to this time of your life?


The 9/Swords often means that things *seem* worse then they are--that they may appear nightmarish, but if you just wake up, you'll realize that you can deal with them. It's not to say your worries and fears and problems aren't real. They are, absolutely! But you may be dwelling on them so much that you've blown them out of proportion. You're letting them control your mind.

One of the things you should always do if you keep getting the same card is to pull it out of the deck, put it down and ask the cards, "What should I do about this?" then pull a new card and see what the answer is. In this case, it seems that the deck is trying to tell you that when you're having difficulties (or certain difficulties), you get overwhelmed by them. So, ask the deck, how can you avoid falling into this response?


Oh thank you for the interpretation. Im new to this and I dont know much and its nice to see another persons interpretation. I will do what you said because everytime I get my panic attacks I feel the urge to get my cards and I always get that card.


Don't Panic!

Amenty14 said:
because everytime I get my panic attacks I feel the urge to get my cards and I always get that card.
Ah. Well, there you go. If there's card in the deck that is emblematic of "Panic Attack!" it's 9/swords.

The cards are telling you what you know--that you're having a Panic Attack. And they're telling you that they can't give you a clear message while you're in the grips of such an attack. It makes sense if you think about it. When you're having such an attack, everything alarms you. Lay out even the most positive cards and you will still feel scared and worried. And if the cards are not so positive, you're going to blow them way out of proportion. You'll see the 5 of Pentacles, and think you're going to go bankrupt and be left homeless--rather than just running short of money that day.

In short, tarot cards are not the best security blanket to grab while having a panic attack. In fact, trying to read the cards in such a state is probably one of the worst things you can do--and I think the cards are trying to remind you of that. If you're in a panic now, just lay out the cards. Your imagination will run wild and your panic will get worse.

To read the tarot, you need to feel fairly calm. Listen to the cards. Stop grabbing the deck when you have panic attacks. It can't help you, it can only make the situation worse. Wait till you're calm and clear-headed before doing any kind of reading.


Thirteen's advice is invaluable and to me, so to the point. Getting back to your original question though, since your deck seems to be freaking you out, even though, as Thirteen explained, you get what you're feeling from the deck and not the other way around, perhaps as an exercise in getting into a more calm state when using the cards, a bit of cleansing ritual might help. I cleanse my cards now and then, just for fun. I use the light of the full moon. I find a window where the full moon is visible and open the deck and spread the cards slightly so all are in view and leave them over night. Does the moonlight 'cleanse' the deck? It doesn't matter because the deck just feels good in my hands the day after it's been 'cleansed'. And it makes anticipating the full moon fun. I find myself watching the calendar and hoping for a clear night. During the winter, the moon shines through a sky light so I have to follow the moonlight across our kitchen floor. Do you see the point here? It doesn't matter if the cards are being cleansed. I enjoy the ritual and believe the cards have been re-energized and by doing this little ritual, I am showing my respect and love for my decks. Hope this helps.
