six of pentacles


Vincent said:
You can have one without the other. We see the results of having one without the other every day. For example, an imbalance of Yin/Yang can lead to acupuncture. An imbalance of Pentacles can lead to a Reign of Terror.

Think of the balance that should exist between Judgment and Mercy, and what happens when one is missing. Also, because of its placement on the Tree, the Six is balanced between the very highest Sephira and the lowest, so it is not just a two-way thing.

This card is showing balance for the time being, but it is not static, there are fluctuations, and the balance has to be restored endlessly by making (hopefully) small compensations in any direction.

This card shows that moment when it is perfectly balanced in the material world, the suit of Pentacles. It is called Material Success, but that success won't last. It never does. And, success itself implies that what has gone before was less than ideal.


Vincent!!! When you said this the Card just came to me in a flash! Thank you so much - it does tie in with say the Two of Swords where the position cannot be maintained indefinately, that sense of balance for the time being. Again harmony and balance.

Also the Wheel of Fortune - what goes up must come down. For now you are riding on your success but you must come down eventually; that it the rule of nature.

One is being given to in the card and not the other - the scales are tipped just slightly to one side. So it could mean for a querent, again, to question the give and take within a situation, what it means to give and what it means to have. To give emotionally, financially, knowledge, power, whatever can be given can also be received.

The card could also be a warning that there is a lack of harmony, a lack of give and take and to examine your motivations and methods...

Wonderful! Thank you so so much:)


Please bear with me as I throw in something else here:

The Six of Pentacles may relate to the number 6 trump - The Lovers. Just as every six in the pips relates to a certain aspect of this card.

Universal Law 6 - Free Will and Conscience. The Lovers can refer to a choice - having to choose between what is right or wrong for example.

The conscious mind - The masculine
The subconscious - The feminine
The intuitive - our higher self

Using our powers of discrimination to ascertain what is right or wrong - and having the free will to make that choice and abide by the consequences.

Also, let's say that the subconsious mind refers to that which is past. The conscious refers to that which is present and the intuitive refers to that which is in the future.

In the Six of Pentacles we see a merchant discriminating between the two begging for money. He has used his judgement as to who is more deserving or needy - the one who seems to need it least. Distribute what you can spare according to how they can use it rather than outer appearances. You must be objective and detached, not easily swayed by the initial impression of something before you give. You give after having weighed up how it will benefit the recipient.

Could this mean to apply your conscience in matters of material concern? I said before that I found this a very masculine card, a very conscious decision on behalf of the merchant. But then again, charity is often associated with this card and that is also an act of conscience. Appeasing your own conscience - attempting to make up for past mistakes, balancing Karma, balancing the scales of your past mistakes or indeed tipping the scales slightly in your favour - attempting to balance what lies in the future. It could even refer to saving money - the present and future. In order to harmonise your life don't spend all you have now - save a little for when you are older...Always hold something in reserve.

It could also mean, look at what you are doing right now - examine your motives, examine your conscience, examine your conscious actions. Nothing is truly reconciled (the conscious is not reconciled with the subconscious - there is no integration) but harmony can be maintained. It could represent someone who relates easily to others, is fair, open minded and just but finds it difficult to convey their feelings ie lack of feminine elements.

Any thoughts?


the sixes

Hello everyone... a question of the 6 of pentacles, I had a reading, done by a Waite REader, and it was about the question of whether I was a viable "romantic" partner for someone... answer for outcome was 6 ofpentacles then he crosses all the cards in that celtic and the cross to the outcome was The Lovers. He told me he wasn't sure what it meant.. any thoughts? He also told me that Waite seemed to hide secrets and wasn't allways up front about... the knowledge they convey
Ms. Ae


Hello everyone... a question of the 6 of pentacles, I had a reading, done by a Waite REader, and it was about the question of whether I was a viable "romantic" partner for someone... answer for outcome was 6 ofpentacles then he crosses all the cards in that celtic and the cross to the outcome was The Lovers. He told me he wasn't sure what it meant.. any thoughts? He also told me that Waite seemed to hide secrets and wasn't allways up front about... the knowledge they convey
Ms. Ae

I said in the post above that the sixes may all relate to various aspects of the Lovers. The emotional/material/mental/creative for example. The Universal Law of six refers to the conscience - also conscious acts.

I'm unsure of the rest of the spread and realise now it's not so clear afterall but maybe you could use that as food for thought in relation to your reading and come back with some ideas - it would be enormously helpful:)


Thank-you, I appreciate some help in the intrepretation. It was a reading done and I got the information over the phone.. there were a few questions I had about the rest of the cards... and ultimately the question, as the Reader had only said he was checkingout what I was "feeling". Seems like the Fool was in position 7, there was a 7 of swords somewhere... base, crown? I don't even remember except the 6 of pentacles was outcome and we discussed that for a while, me being a Reader myself, and I don't use the Waite deck or system necessarily for divination. The Lovers crossed to it... I was thinking I was going to run off and go visit this guy... a new beginning, I decided against it. The meaning of the card... straight up, and as it is modified by the cards around it. I just don't have the other cards, but I can tell you that.... the whole idea of "relationship" certainly went south, as I suppose it was meant to be.... not sure.
Thanks. I only know the 6 of pentacles has been studied intensly since this which has only been 1 day. You can understand how much I appreciate this thread.
Ms. Ae


Thank-you, I appreciate some help in the intrepretation. It was a reading done and I got the information over the phone.. there were a few questions I had about the rest of the cards... and ultimately the question, as the Reader had only said he was checkingout what I was "feeling". Seems like the Fool was in position 7, there was a 7 of swords somewhere... base, crown? I don't even remember except the 6 of pentacles was outcome and we discussed that for a while, me being a Reader myself, and I don't use the Waite deck or system necessarily for divination. The Lovers crossed to it... I was thinking I was going to run off and go visit this guy... a new beginning, I decided against it. The meaning of the card... straight up, and as it is modified by the cards around it. I just don't have the other cards, but I can tell you that.... the whole idea of "relationship" certainly went south, as I suppose it was meant to be.... not sure.
Thanks. I only know the 6 of pentacles has been studied intensly since this which has only been 1 day. You can understand how much I appreciate this thread.
Ms. Ae

You know the thought that popped into my head when you mentioned the other cards was someone being unfaithful - that would be a combination of the Lovers and seven of swords. Also, someone not being true to themselves or honest with themselves - not listening to their conscience.

The Fool could represent your innocence - the fact you don't know about a third party - setting out on this journey into the relationship without full knowledge of what you are getting yourself into here.

The Six and Lovers combine here as though the six of Pentacles is pointing out which part of the Lovers you need to pay attention to - bringing out that aspect as it were. Maybe if you actually followed your desires and went after this chap you would be giving more than you were receiving. He would have more than you because he would have two women. He would be unable to give fully due to his circumstances. The relationship would be unbalanced and tipped in his favour. It would bring disharmony to your life...

I also think that you should bring this up in the Using the Cards forum and see what others say or the Spread forum and I would follow it with interest as it seems - I am STILL unsure of how to interpret this spread in a reading:)