SMUDGING Practices....

Dee 04

I am interested in the smudging, incense burning, saging, etc., practices that you may have.

I burn cedarwood incense a couple of times a week for clearing and purification of my home. I sage for the same purposes as well. I usually sage a room if I am going to do a REIKI session. When I purchase an onject that will have some sort of spiritual use (a candle, candle holder, crystal, rattle, ad rum, etc.) I sage it as well.

What are some of your practices/rituals?



My practices are pretty much like your's. I use sage primarily but use other smudge substances as well. I actually sage myself every day. I'm going through a lot of changes right now and the saging helps break up and disipate negative energy, blocks, etc. It also seems to help expand the etheric field.

Who couldn't use a good field expansion?

Dee 04

LOL, I agree Blue!
But you just taught me something new - I did not knwo sage was used for etheric field expansions. Thanks for that!



I have started creating my own smudging mixtures.

I also use smudging ceremonies for cleansing my tarot decks or use them when I do rituals.


im interested in some alternative ways to clear negativity that dont involve sage. i want to do this at work where i cant burn anything and at home the smoke bothers me. i cant blow the money on a big hunk of citrine so any good fairly inexpensive ideas?


first, i would suggest that you boil some cedar in a pot. go to a cedar
bush/tree and ask it for it's permission to take a few boughs. you will know
it they say no, so don't doubt it, if you think it's yes, it is. :)offer
some tabacco as an exchange and as a sign of respect for the bush. (borrow a
cig from someone and just remove a little tabacco) place the tabacco at the
base of the bush/tree. when you cut, make sure that you take the three
prongs........if you look at the end of the bough, you'll see a set of three
at the end look for some about 6" long at the longest (if possible) take a
set of three, six or nine. although 3 is probably sufficient.

put them in a large pot (that will become unusable afterwards) and boil it
all day long. add water to the pot as it begins to evaporate. keep all the
windows shut except one on the other end of the house from the kitchen. the
cedar will remove all negativity! when you are done..........poor the
remaining water from the pot (remove the cedar first) into a hot bath and
get in. (not while you are menstrating though) - soak in this solution, get
your hair into the water etc. it will remove all negativity from you as
well! it's very very cleansing. (be sure to put your entire head under water
as well.)


something else that you can do is check out your feng shui of your home
and set up plants and fountains in areas to improve the positive energy.