Source for Tree Lore


Does anyone know of a good source for tree lore? There are plenty of books and websites on the Ogham trees, but I want something that covers non-Ogham trees as well. I am specifically looking for lore and/or metaphysical properties rather than scientific info.


Tree Wisdom by jacquline pearson might be a book you want to look at - deals with mainly UK trees with lots of others rather than just the oghan 20/25

Also maybe some of Fred Hagander (sp) books like the Living Wisdom of Trees could be more up your street. lots of glossy pics and general blurb about trees.

Those are two of the top of my head


I guess it depends which culture or area of the world you are coming from.

Do you want to know about European Tree lore, North American Tree lore, South African Tree lore, South American tree lore?

I would imagine that your question could be answered in a very specific way or a very generalised way depending upon what sort of information you want.

Do you want to know just about the metaphysical properties, healing or medicinal properties, mythological occurances or perhaps something else?

Quite a few sites on the net give some good help about European trees because of their association with the Ogham and hence the ancient belief structure which surround them.


Sacred Trees - Spirituality, Wisdom and well being Nathaniel Altman
Myths of Sacred Trees (from around the world) Moyra Calecott
The Meaning of Trees - Botany, History and Lore - Fred Hagender
Leaves - Myth Magic and Medicine- Alice Thoms Vitale
.... and Nature Speak - Ted Andrews