Southern Hemisphere Blues


Hi All,

I have recently (several months) taken a great interest in paganism and wicca. I've been reading all I can about it and so far am feeling very drawn to it. Reading up on the Sabbat celebrations has been enlightening and also....depressing. I live in Brisbane, Australia and I feel really disconnected from things here. Firstly, we don't really have true seasons here. I lived in Scotland for 3 1/2 years and I really miss the pattern of the seasons. Secondly, our seasons are reversed, so while the majority of the (pagan/wiccan) world has just finished celebrating Yule, we have just celebrated Litha. Somehow it just doesn't seem right.

Are there any other Southern Hemisphere dwellers who also feel this way? Or is it just me....feeling like I'm not at home here in Brisbane, and missing beautiful Scotland?



HI! I am in a pretty similar situation to you, as I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I also spent a bit of time in Scotland (Perth) and I felt very connected to the earth there (probably cos I'm half Scottish!). It DOES feel "different" or "odd" celebrating Litha here when everyone else (ie non-pagans) are celebrating Yule!! But I found getting together with a group of like-minded friends brings truth and a sense of fun to celebrating the seasons "our" way - that is, the topsy turvy Down Under way!

Blessed Be!!


Y'all are more than welcome to join those of us who plan to celebrate Imbolc/Candlemas cyber-style, beginning January 19!