spirit guides


ok so I've been trying to get in touch with my guides for a few months and my friend who has gotten me started on this has been mildly helpful (Josh is not a hands-on teacher, unfortunately).

Anyway I've met the male over my right shoulder a few times (in dreams) and I believe his name is Nicolas. I think the female on my left has come to me once in the form of an acquaintence named Jessica (and lately I've been wondering if that is what she's telling me she looks like, if that is her name, or if she was just appearing to me in a familiar form). THe female is a lot more mischievious than my male. I havn't got a clue about my one above me yet :eek:

So anyway, I'm curious as to what other people have done to meet their guides. Josh always tells me to ask which I do every night but I usually forget my dreams by morning, which sucks. THough the night I learned Nicolas' name I asked to remeber it that morning which I did, so that was why I'm sure that's his name.

Also, how do you guys communicate with them? And know that they are speaking to you. I have a serious problem with listening to any sort of inner voice and telling the difference between my thoughts and other ones. :p


if you look in the archives, there have been talks about this in the recent past.

i don't have time to post the title of the discussion, but i will later.

blessed be.


Ah, well, I'm new here but I'll search for some of the old ones.


I can't find any old entries on this. :-( Please any ideas peoples?


Hello Cayacia,

Have you tried using your Taro cards as pathworking tools (mandalas)? It is a fairly easy process.

for spirit guides the card to use is 'the moon'. If you have a classic deck, then the moon card should have the following elements......a crayfish emerging from water, a path, two towers and the moon.Heres what you do....

Look at the moon card for a couple of minutes with full concentration. Close your eyes and visulise the card in your minds eye. The trick is to treat the card as one frame in an animation, in your head lift the pause button.

Imagine you are the crayfish, emerged under the water. Stay under until you feel comfortable. Then walk out of the water and onto the shore.(use all the senses in visualisation, as it helps the mind build into the scene) . Walk along the path. You can now metamorphis into any 'entity' you like. Stand between the two towers and either wait for, or call for guidence. A guide(s) should appear out of the night. Greet them as friends you love. Look up and wink at the moon. From here you can go anywhere( visit the towers / or walk the path into the horizon for example).

You can repeat this operation with every card in the deck. Often things that don't make sense will at a later time, so it's a good idea to keep records of your journey with each card. All this travelling takes place in the mind, which is really inside universe(unity in verse). Just let your imagination go (1.magi nation) :) Over time your links with your guides will grow stronger.


I've used my cards before to ask about my guides personalities and I've had a couple of different things happen. THe most recent thing I had come up was using the Haindl deck lent to me and my female (to my left) came up as the mother of wands in the east, a wild, mischivious woman, which I've felt before with her. It's as though she's hiding herself (things like her name and form) from me just to be funny. \^_^

SInce I posted this originally I had another dream like the one before where the acquaintence Jessica came and talked to me only this time it was another acaintence of mine (I say acquiantence because they're not people I'm very close to). WHen I woke up I got out the Haindl and asked which guide it was that had spoken to me and I pulled the moon. What is funny, though, is that when I was first lent the deck I asked for my Self card and it was the moon. So that was very confusing. However, another thought occured to me: perhaps it was my divine (the one above me I havn't concentrated on yet).

I'll deffinately try meditating with the cards like you suggested, AmounrA. It's something I've often considiered doing but have never actually sat down and done o_O


The moon is the card of initiation. It's seems to me you are now firmly on 'the path'.Fro the moon the path will take you too the sun card. Over the mountains in the moon card comes the sun. In the sun meditation, the fool may appear. A lot of the 'fool' symbolism, corralates to the symplicity the sun card represents. When in the sun areana, try and visulize a white rose being planted in your heart. This is your spiritual heart. The trick is to keep the rose growing stronger.....(some visulize and oak seed being planted).

I don't know if you have ever played with a map called 'tree of life'. It is an excellent pathworking map. (on it the central sphere is the sun/star) Taro cards are as much designed for visulization as they are for divination. The games you play inside, will also interact with your external reality( as the moon card is already showing)



Cayacia, the moon is blessing your journey. I can recommend daily meditation as an excellent base for developing relationship with spirit guides. There's an excellent book of guided meditations I can suggest too, if it's still in print, called, Mother Wit, by Diane Mariechild. it's published by Crossing Press. I'm sure there are plenty of aids available.

You do get what you ask for but it comes at the right time rather than the time you think it should come. Setting aside some time each day when you are receptive to your spirit guides is a good way to invite them. I've found that they like that show of commitment. You may also benefit from meditating with the Star card.

Sometimes you have to back off a little and create a space for something to happen.

May your journey be blessed,



Mine is advise most people here will tell you NEVER DO..I used a ouiju board...

I'm not ituitive without my cards..it sounds like you are...keep an open mind and heart




While I'm not heavilly into spirit guides (mostly tarot and Qabalah), i am a member of a very loving communiy where there are several people who are .


