Spellwork and spirituality


Hmm, how do I put this into words.
A few years ago, I did regular spellwork, crystal work, goddess work. I found to be Wiccan required a lot of work and attention on my part- casting the circle, calling in the guardians, grounding etc. It seemed to consume me, spiritually, but in a healthy way. I had alot of time and space in my life, which I filled with gods, goddesses and spiritual living in general.
These days I'd be lucky to have 5 minutes to meditate. I miss the intentionality and feeling of doing something you get with spellwork, but I just don't have the time or emotional space in my life for the religious/spiritual aspects. I can do things like put crystals under my pillow, light coloured candles- kitchen witchcraft, back to basic kind of stuff. But the more elaborate - "take your athame, consecrate this type" of stuff doesn't suit my life or mindset at the moment.
Do you believe that you can do spellwork/ crystal work/etc without putting in the more divine aspect. Is it self serving or just practical. I have a bit of a moral dilemma with myself in this regards.
I'd love to hear how people manage to fit it into their very busy lives. I hope I haven't offended people or their beliefs. Everyone has their own path, I'm just trying to discover how to make mine work.


first off, we all have the same 24 hours to live in...............we each choose what to fill the moments with.

second, i seldom cast a circle. i use reiki to create a sacred space instead and then i perform the spell inside this space. after all, intention is the power in magic.

although, when i explain to my customers, regarding the spells that we sell, "if you want to give the goddess as little time as possible and want a BIG something in return...................remember that all exchanges must be equal. if you give the goddess 3 minutes, expect 3 minutes worth of 'big something' in return"



I really don't think it is self serving to make your spell work fit into your life. One of the reasons I'm drawn to wicca is the fact that you are able to make the religion fit your life instead of having to make your life fit the religion.

When I first became interested in Wicca I would do things much more elaborately. But it wasn't "me" to do things that way. It was more what I was reading and what I thought I should be doing. I slowly started to make it fit into my life. I do keep my spells simple. Because that is how I like them. But it doens't mean I put any less of myself into a spell than someone who does things very elaborately.



i'm probably not a very good wiccan, i consider myself more of an aeclectic pagan. but here's my opinion anyway;)
there have been times when i've needed to do a "spell in a hurry"! my kids make sure of that :). i used to worry that they wouldn't be as effective. i've found that incorporating many, many small (some unnoticed by others) rituals throughout my day, helps to keep me connected with my "spirit guides and the powers that be". the longer i've done this the better all of my spells have worked!


Jade: yes people do choose how they spend their time. My family takes up a large amount of mine- probably too much- at the expense of me. There are probably other areas I could trim back.

My main point I guess is as Bing says fitting it into my life as opposed to fit my life into it.
So the question is how do I do that? Any advice, book suggestions, examples and ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Zorya- I love your ideas of lot's of little rituals often.
How does everyone give back to the god/dess in this way? (non elaborate, quick, often, streamlined etc)


Zorya- I love your ideas of lot's of little rituals often.
How does everyone give back to the god/dess in this way? (non elaborate, quick, often, streamlined etc) [/b][/quote]

a few examples would be; touching the ground each morning, and thanking mother earth for my life. burning incence or a smudge stick, directing the smoke with a feather to each of the 4 directions. meditating for at least 5 minutes each day. lots of little thanks. connecting with a trees energy, by leaning against it, (diana explained this well in another thread). leaving offerings in a special place. keeping an altar. as you can probably tell by now, i borrow from many traditions! you can make anything you do sacred!


Zorya: I love how you said you are an "aeclectic pagan" and not an "eclectic pagan". Now THAT'S your subconcious at work for you!

Rhiannon :)