Spread Journal


I know many readers keep a tarot journal with readings and notes about card meanings but has anyone ever created a journal specifically to catalogue spreads?

Up until this point I have just written interesting new spreads down in my tarot journal along with everything else but that means they are spread out (pun not intended) across 5 different books and not very accessible. I've decided to create a spread journal as a home for all the interesting layouts I come across. Any advice?

For each spread I would include

Name of spread
Source (credit where credit is due after all)
Diagram of the layout
Description of each position.

Anything else anyone would recommend?


I don't keep a journal of card meanings, but one of spreads as you've detailed here. I should probably start writing them down, but I try to just keep meanings in my head so they come up intuitively when I'm reading. The spreads journal I keep is fun though. I like to flip through it and find spreads I haven't thought about in awhile. Sometimes when I do a spread for the first time I'll also write down the results and what I thought of them, which would be another interesting thing to add.


Keeping a spread journal is a great idea, Shade ~ I'm going to do the same thing :)
Noting the 1st time results & impressions is also brilliant, thanks Newlillith!

Once I start my spread journal, I will divide it into sections, to make searching for particular spreads easier.
For example, the sections could include: "Relationship Spreads", "Yes/No questions", "Decision Spreads", etc.

I will also leave some blank space in between spread entries, in case I find the need to tweak or modify the spread with time. I find this happens quite often, as I adjust the spread to fit my needs.


I keep them in text form on my Kindle sometimes :D


Yes I keep them seperate, I have a journal for cards and a journal for spreads, I tend to use the same three of four spreads anyway and I know them off by heart, but you never know what situations are going to come up and I like to know exactly where to go when I need something different or more specific.


I have mine mixed up in my journal, which is probably not the most efficient way to do it - have to remember to get a new journal specifically for spreads .....even tho I use the same ones all the time!


I tend to use the same few spreads all the time as well and that's why I'm interested in creating a spread journal.



I've kept a file of tarot spreads on my computer(s) for years. I use shaded tables to organize each spread. Some of them have been from this website or other sites and some of them are my own spreads.


I was inspired to start a spread journal by this post, and did so last night, dividing it into the following 8 sections:

1. Relationships
2. Decision Making
3. Conflict Resolution
4. Career & Finances
5. Personal Growth (future goals, creativity, body & health)
6. Spirituality (Karma, guides, past life exploration, meditation)
7. Miscellaneous
8. Quickies


I keep them in text form on my Kindle sometimes :D

Oh your a genius!!! I never even thought to keep them on my kindle! Thank you for the tip. I carry my kindle everywhere I go and can't believe I never thought of this.