strange things abroad.


Last night, I was making my children mac and cheese. I had finished spooning it out into the three bowls, each bowl had a spoon in it. The counter was cleaned, and no dampness anywhere. Nothing else was going on. I looked down, and one of the bowls started slowly turning in a circle and traveling along the counter. I looked at the bowl with an eyebrow raised and thought "hmmm". I picked up the bowl just to check for something to be under it, dampness or something, and there was nothing. I set the bowl down again on the counter and watched it, and sure enough, it started doing the same thing. It slowly spun in a circle and traveled along the counter as it spun. After I had finished pouring their drinks, I picked up all three bowls and gave them to the children, served dinner and kept my incident to myself, as we had dinner guests over last night. No one had seen it happen.

My thoughts on it was kitchen faeries, either that or a poltergist. But why? Why would the faeries move things around like that? I don't understand. Anyone else with a thought on this?


That's really interesting.
I asked my Faeries what this means and I pulled the Singer of Intuition.
And they told me "Because she's ready."

Does this coincide with anything you are writing in your book right now?
It might be an experiance you need to have and to work through in order to go into this kind of thing in your book.

I have seen fairie lights.
Hundreds and hundreds of little colored lights dancing around, many times.
They've never moved anything right in front of my eyes though.
But they sure do like to hide things!


Hey, what's your recipe for mac and cheese? If it's attracting that kind of action, it must be special! LOL

Every time that happens to me, it's physical - the thing glides along the counter or table top on a bed of moisture or really hot air. Empty Coke cans on a glass table top with a bit of wind, for example.

Anyway, if it isn't physical - if it's a genuine 'weirdness' - it'll probably repeat itself. You in some sort of special state of tension these days?


I do not see the answer at the moment, so let me guess. ;)
Poltergeist might be a reason, but it should repeat if yours is the case.
I pulled 2 cards from the Oracle and they were Ta'Om the Poet and Penelope the Dreamweaver. To get a broader view I pulled another card, but from Osho Zen Tarot. It gave me the King of Fire, which is in this case quite similar to the Singer of Intuition Lark talked about (moreover, it's about ACTIONS). I have noticed physical 'reactions' from the environment when there's a transformation going on inside a person. In your case, perhaps, you are going through transformation on a deeper levels of conscience and subconscience. As far as I can tell it's a positive influence. There may be another explanation - physical 'reaction' are encountered when someone suppresses his/her inner Source. I've seen people doing (trying to do) it. But, in my opinion, it's not about you. Ta'Om and Penelope might be saying about opening new Source or altered state of perception (which offers a wider range of affecting physical realm around us).
Good luck!

Laura Borealis

What I want to know is, who got the bowl that was moving? You might want to watch that kid for signs of levitation. :joke:



Laughs! regular ole kraft mac and cheese, follow the directions on the back. I used shamrock milk for the table spoon of milk, and used Crock for the margarine.


:} I did watch the child that got that particular bowl actually, as a just in case, Laughs. She was fine!

Ocotopus and Lark,

Thank you very much, both of you for pulling a card on this. I think it does have to do with changes. I forgot to add that when I set the bowl down once more, and it started it up again, I just softly smiled, and in my mind said "hi" to whoever it was. As odd as it was, it didn't freak me out, or scare me or anything, it was more a "hmm...that's kinda odd, well, hello who ever you are". I'm not stranger to spirits moving things, closing doors, opening cuburds, etc. It just hasn't happend around me in a long time. So it was kinda odd when it just happend all the sudden like this again.

I have been going through a lot of changes in my spiritual growth. I keep thinking about what lark said about "Because she's ready"...hmmm. Definitely makes me think! Thank you again, both lark and octopus!

Pssst...lark...they didn't by any chance say WHAT I am ready for did they? lol. In a comical way, it kinda makes me nervous, faeries talking behind my back, all in agreeance that i'm ready for something that i'm not aware of. It's like their training me, and i don't even know Just thought I'd check!


sagitarian said:
Pssst...lark...they didn't by any chance say WHAT I am ready for did they? lol. In a comical way, it kinda makes me nervous, faeries talking behind my back, all in agreeance that i'm ready for something that i'm not aware of. It's like their training me, and i don't even know Just thought I'd check!
Well, I was hoping you would know! LOL
I thought they were talking about your fairie book that you are writting or should write.
I pulled three cards for you.

What is she ready for~ Lady of the Harvest~
They definitely feel you are ready to move to the next level.
Are you holding on to something you know you should let go of.
Do you keep saying "Yes, I know I'll do that tomorrow." Because the letting go might be a little painful.
It might involve your children as the fairies moved their bowls.
Or it might be deep within yourself, where your child heart lives.

How will she know~Aval Parrot~
Someone will communucate to you exactly what you have been thinking.
You'll remember Aval and have an "AH" moment.
Then you'll know what you're ready for. Listen for it.

The outcome of this readyness~Faun~
Natural magic is at work in your life. Trust it. No pushing or prodding.
But remember to keep returning to the source of your inspiration. The Faeries.
If you have already experianced magic in your life expect more.
One of the keys is your words. "It didn't freak me out."
Once you've reached that level where you accept the magic as sacred and natural you're over the hump and then the real spiritual work can begin. But, hey you already know that! :)
Maybe they just wanted to remind you in a dramatic way.
They're such drama queens.
You might have felt that things were not flowing as smoothly and naturally in our life as they could.
That will change with The Faun at work.

Wisp Wings

sagitarian said:
I'm not stranger to spirits moving things, closing doors, opening cuburds, etc. It just hasn't happend around me in a long time. So it was kinda odd when it just happend all the sudden like this again.

Do you have journals of where in times past similar things happened? If so, check those out and if not, then try to mentally go back to those times and see if anything that was going on in your life or of those around you that is happening again. It may well a break-through to a higher spiritual level and this may be the link you had with these things before as well.

If you think it may be relating to either the house guest (like if something going on heavy with the guest) or if this is about one of the children, then I think I would do two readings. I'd use the Daily Digest Spread with a regular Tarot deck first since that spread deals with all involved in our life and of ourself too. I think for "circle of contact" I would prior to doing the spread, state you are mostly focusing on this guest for this reading for that section. Then after the reading, getting as much info as you can from it, do the same reading again with the F.O. asking "What more do I need to know" for them to add to the first reading and where needed to help give clarity.

Keep us posted! :)


Wow, thanks!


Thanks so much for that. Yeah, i don't feel ready to write this book, and it's at the forefront of my mind, but i just don't seem to have it in me to "write" right now.

I just keep hearing the words "you're ready now" and i do feel that some of the message pertains to the book, but I also feel that it applies to my spiritual gifts, as they've been SOARING lately. And the accuracy that i've been having in my readings is at an all time high.

It's all in the works, i know. It's a gentle push, but a pushing none the less which i want to push back or be more stubborn in not moving if that makes any sense :). Darn Sagitarians! :).


sagitarian - maybe the message is about a book, maybe it's about something else, but here's my understanding of those sorts of messages. You don't have to do what it tells you to do if you've got some sort of ethical objection to it (like if it's damaging to you or your relationships), but you have to listen to it and consider it and not suppress it. It's the outcome of collaboration - you listen to the guidance from the other side and you listen to your own heart, and then decide.

Time for me to take some of my own advice LOL. Good luck with it.