SWWF ~ Healing Group ~ Undressing of a Salad ~ Geministar, moderndayruth, Aximili, K.


May we all shine!

Just something that entered my mailbox today and I thought I should share:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

by Marianne Williamson



I just wrote a detailed "report" on my first two days of Undressing of a Salad experience when my computer crashed :(
Kahlie, thank you for the awasome quatotaion, i really needed it :)
I was thinking over Kahlie's initial post: "To tap your potential sometimes you will need the Blue Fae, doing some serious juggling, finding a place in your busy life for things that also matter, working those balls overtime and letting them move in flashy ways.
Sometimes however, you need to be like the Fae in the left of the card, just grabbing one ball and running with it. Seeing what takes priority and makes you move on
Or like the top Fae, holing your ball, but not seeing it, instead comforting others first while your ball might grow in weight as you get used to what you are and what you can do."
Well, i drained myself last year or so with numerous tasks: two careers, two spiritual paths ( by western astrology i have both, the Sun and the Moon in Gemini) and basically i was sticking to one thing dropping totally the others for certain period of time; now i decided to make a priority list for next six months where, with the help of Faeries i should focus on:
1. daily maintenance the skills and info i need for my job (following the news, reading the official sites of the goverment, political parties and stuff for at least two hours daily) - this will exclude the sleepless nights before the important meetings when i am catching up what was happening in the world while i was busy with other things ;)
2. Reading good fiction whenever possible - for inspiration and to expand vocabulary - i still need to finish that second book;
3. Dinner-cancelling - to foster my human growth hormon and loose some weight;
4. Daily work outs.
I am glad how things are developing last two days, i got such energy from the card that i am actually looking forward to exercising, i am not so hungry at the end and i worked really hard; haven't red any fiction though, but i am going to- this evening.
Btw, i am doing the visualisation daily, but i "see" just three of us, we should be four, right? I hope with time i'll connect with everyone in the group.
Well, this would be my "input" for now, guys, i am looking forward to hearing other member's news and impressions.


Well Lena,

Well done for you for feeling like exercising! I'm also full of energy *bouncy bouncy* making me really happy :) The nicest thing is that although I've been doing an incredible amount of stuff... I no longer feel hectic...

I feel fine!

I haven't been making my goal to study daily although I did it most of the time, but I have been doing things for Third Eye Readings on a daily basis. Whee :D

Also, I've received some very good news from my specialist and I'm still losing weight without diet or anything else. So, basically, my health is soaring, so finally I have time to spend on other parts of my life that need healing.

Finances... for example ;)

More on this later,




Hi Lena, You are a gemini like me, we're always trying to do too much. I completely understand you burning yourself out last year, I am the same.

I went over my priorities on Sunday night, wrote them down in a small notebook and I think it helped alot, I have felt better ever since. As long as I stay focused on those priorities and keep updating them regularly, I just dont know how regular yet. Also, I havent started on my boxes yet but that is my main priority of things to get done around the house so I hope to get a start on it by the weekend.

One other thing I need to work on is my health, its feeling a bit all over the place at the moment too. I find it hard to exercise as that seems to set me off feeling rundown and Im constantly getting sore throats. I have a specialist appt next week which will get me on the right track. Im not sure if our card can help me focus on my health but I just thought I would mention it and see if anyone had any suggestions?

Kahlie, Im going to look at your website now and check out the visualisations :)


geministar said:
Hi Lena, You are a gemini like me, we're always trying to do too much. I completely understand you burning yourself out last year, I am the same.

I will politely refrain from commenting... says another Gemini :D

geministar said:
I went over my priorities on Sunday night, wrote them down in a small notebook and I think it helped alot, I have felt better ever since. As long as I stay focused on those priorities and keep updating them regularly, I just dont know how regular yet. Also, I havent started on my boxes yet but that is my main priority of things to get done around the house so I hope to get a start on it by the weekend.

Great! It seems all of us are starting to feel less hectic and more in tune with dealing with various issues, that's a nice plus to have :D

geministar said:
One other thing I need to work on is my health, its feeling a bit all over the place at the moment too. I find it hard to exercise as that seems to set me off feeling rundown and Im constantly getting sore throats. I have a specialist appt next week which will get me on the right track. Im not sure if our card can help me focus on my health but I just thought I would mention it and see if anyone had any suggestions?

Well, I'm hoping that now that you feel more at ease and able to cope with everything that is going on, your 'run down' feeling will go down a bit. As for sore throats, you could ask the Fae to help you out.

I'll be sending you some energy Healing in *my* afternoon to help too :)



Hi, Gemini fellows... So, our group seems to be the "busiest one", we are six for now, the three of us plus our "alter ego-s" ;) No wonder we all feel special connection with Undressing of a Salad, it's so... so Gemini lol
I must confess i "sinned", it was the new year by Jewish calendar so i skipped the work out and the studyng and i ate too much kugel and challah :(
The good side is that i don't feel as guilty as usual, i put the UoaS in a beautiful silver frame in the central place of the living room, started the Atkins induction fase this morning and i am going to do the work out as soon as i finish this post. I feel the faeries are helping me to get back on my feet after i've stumbled ;)
The energy that i feel from the card is soothing, calming and it does make me less hyper-active. And yes, i do feel less stressed :)
Btw, does the blue fae in the front reminds you of the guy in the RWS two of pentacles? Today, i am drawn to him and mostly to his wings - as though they are telling me - even if sometimes you have to do many thing simultaneosly - it can be done in the elegant, faery way, you know what i mean ;)
My other oracles and Tarots are "sending" me messages that are in sync with the UoaS message and they are telling me to pay attention to my body and diet as well as to slow down. I noticed that all the faeries on the card have their eyes closed or semi-closed, as if they are dreaming awake - for me it's a sign to pay attention to my dreams, to journal them at least.
One more observation - the number of the UoaS-31-summed up gives four - the number of stability and "grounding".
...and a little bit of the home work ;)
"Some small Questions and starting points that might set you to thinking on what to work on." (originally posted by Kahlie)

* What fear is in your way?
Well, mostly fear of failure, than fear from aging; fear of social inadeqacy; fear that i'll stay single for ever, fears related to health and looks (weight mostly)
* Are you making your life busy so that at the end of the day you did not fulfill the things you want most to do?
Mostly not, basically i arranged my life so that i have enough time for the thinghs i like doing the most; what i have to change in my thinking patterns - that doing what i do like includes a lot of sacrifising and poor income. I think i have it deeply set in my mind somewhere that one should be actually doing things he/she doesn't like in order to be materially prosperous.
* What do you do to distract yourself?
i'll have to think on this one more
* What do you do to diminish yourself?
again, this question goes to my journal for "further contemplation"
* What happens when you set goals on specific dates/times?
Mostly i make it, especially if the goals are related to my job or spirituality; i am less prompt for my excersise program and some paper work that i tend to procrastinate forever :(
* What past events are making you cringe or shy away?
I did so many clearing sessions, regressions and other techniques that i am mostly ok with my past, not that i am proud of many stupidities i did, but i learned to live with them and... they made me who i am; they say the seed of wisdom is in foolishness ;)
* What criticism do you take to heart from yourself or others?
Well, i take any brutal and not-loving criticism very personal, i am critising and beating up myself all the time so if i feel someone else is judging me without real understanding and care - i react badly. I don't like so-called brutal honesty... i mean, i have my oracles, Tarot and Yi Jing for that ;)
I broke one friendship recently cause i felt , under the veil of friendly critism, the guy was actually putting me down and manipulating me. I had an issue with this one, i mean everybody "normal" likes when true friends are pointing out the qualities they can improve or the blind spots we are not aware of - that's what friends are for, but when you have an "energetic vampire" who is draining you claiming it to be for your own good - it's all other thing ;)
Kahlie and Geministar, i am so happy for the insights you had and the progress you made so far :)
I feel great support from you and i am really happy that we are doing this work... and that we are doing it together :)
I am looking forward to hear your new UoaS experiences


moderndayruth said:
No wonder we all feel special connection with Undressing of a Salad, it's so... so Gemini lol

It is isn't it? It reminds me of myself sometimes... all of the Fae in there! :D

moderndayruth said:
The good side is that i don't feel as guilty as usual, i put the UoaS in a beautiful silver frame in the central place of the living room, started the Atkins induction fase this morning and i am going to do the work out as soon as i finish this post. I feel the faeries are helping me to get back on my feet after i've stumbled ;)

Don't you worry! We all stumble! I definitely didn't spend so much time studying as I would have liked. At least I noticed that I don't mind doing it, although there are some blocks in thinking about exams.. so I'm going to work on that for myself today!

moderndayruth said:
Btw, does the blue fae in the front reminds you of the guy in the RWS two of pentacles? Today, i am drawn to him and mostly to his wings - as though they are telling me - even if sometimes you have to do many thing simultaneosly - it can be done in the elegant, faery way, you know what i mean ;)

I know exactly what you mean :D

moderndayruth said:
One more observation - the number of the UoaS-31-summed up gives four - the number of stability and "grounding".
...and a little bit of the home work ;)

I've been doing home work... I'm hoping I'm in sync with Geministar ;) I know she still has to unpack some boxes! So, today I cleaned out my clothing closets. I used to have only 3 shelves full, then I suddenly had 5! :p I got like 3 large sacks of clothing to donate now!

In my defense, due to the thyroid issues I got into quite a lot of sizes... I've been size 34,36,38,40 and 42... in 1 year! For Uk sizes that's 6 till 14! And for USA it would be: 4 till 12! :D

Really not fun! I'm returning to my old sizes 36/38, but while I'm that on top, I'm not yet that way with trousers! I'm still size 38/40 there. I know I'll be slimming down quick as I'm returning to 'normal' :D

mdr, I'm curious to ask you what is the type of work you want to do that won't earn you enough money? After all, there must be somebody in that field that's earning enough?

I'm still working with Third Eye Readings and I'd love to have more clients so I'm thinking of things to work on and build on... I know there are others in that field at least that are making good income, so why can't I? :)

Today my cards all pointed to de-cluttering, cleansing and clearing... well, I use did that...




Hi guys :)
Here is my "weekend update".
I did something extraordinary to connect better with Faeries... as i can't really sing as it is suggested in the book... i chanted with them! I choose words Love, Peace, Trust... Hopefully neighbours didn't hear me (us) ;)
It's an empowering experience indeed. Later on we danced together, i made it sure the bllindfolds (ugh, i am not sure this is the right word) on the windows are shut cause "dancing with faeries" would't really contribute to my hardly won image of a "serious politician" ;)
I sticked to the Atkins "induction" and lost some four kilograms for now (i guess most of it was water?); i did excercise, but not the weight loss plan i wanted to do - it came out that Faeries prefer belly-dance work outs and long walks :)
Btw, i decided to choose randomly a book from my library (remember i have to read more?) and it happened to be... Brem Stoker's Dracula! I asked the Faeries whose choice it was and they said- the Dark Lady's lol well, no wonder. Than i really had fun "interwieving" them who likes to read what ;)
By looking at the Undressing of a Salad i remembered the importance of the team work... as well as of the importance of having a group of friends who believe in same things you do. I feel it accentuates the progress we are making as a group here, it like triples our chances, right? ;)
I am sorry that this post is not so elloquent, i am having a "bad English day" :(


Good work girls, looks like you both are on your way to achieving your goals.

I have also started on my boxes, but only now I have "stuff" all over my spare room floor *LOL* in piles of what to keep, what to throw out and what to give away. Im achieving my goal of only doing a little bit, say, 15 minutes each night. not every single night, but most nights.

Every time I look at the card its only the little guy on the left that stands out to me. But sometimes the grinning guy in the middle smiles at me too, maybe he's making sure I get on with my goal.


geministar said:
Good work girls, looks like you both are on your way to achieving your goals.

Well, not really. I still haven't finished those articles and I notice how I keep myself *busy* instead of going for the things I say I want... it's making me ponder if I'm not overshot some things...

Mdr, so cool you danced with the Fae woohoo! :D Way to go you!

moderndayruth said:
By looking at the Undressing of a Salad i remembered the importance of the team work... as well as of the importance of having a group of friends who believe in same things you do. I feel it accentuates the progress we are making as a group here, it like triples our chances, right?

Well, I do believe in the importance of Team Work and I'm reconsidering what I was planning to do. These Healing Groups seem to be so important for people, especially seeing how the other Groups are going... still I'm wondering if I should be doing them *here*....

As for new potential, I just did myself my own Personal Mandala Drawing Reading. I did it for friends before but never for myself. I've attached it. I've often wondered if I wanted to go and do these in person too for others.

In any case, from the symbolism you can see how fragmented I'm at the moment... while the uppermost part is mostly pinkish, blue is dominating as the last 2-3 days I've felt really blue. And stuck in little bubbles of emotion... My playful side still exists though and it's telling me that it's the way to ascension if I walk with Dolphin and Sea Lion, there is also a bird like figure in it, reminding me to flow above these currents of emotions.

Furthermore I've got myself a dark brown moth (not noticable much on the scan) showing how I'm just desperate to get myself out there and be noticed... while at the same time feeling trapped.

Of course the Yellow Birdlike/figure is the most noted part as well, showing how horridly much energy I have at this moment that just wants to *burst*... I still got an ache of where I was drawing there, it's not within lines and it's going wild, really wild... even so, it seems to break free and allow inside of it, a receptacle for new growth.

So now I gotta ponder this for the next hour or so... instead I'm probably going to exercise... too much power!



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