T-square linked to multiple conjunctions


I have been away from astrology for ages, and thought i was destined not to really understand aspects at all, i know the theory and have for a while, but it never started to 'click' until just before Januarys new moon (very apt!).

I was a lecture from Sue Tompkinson on Aspects (i have the book too) and she made a comment about multiple conjunctions, also the person had a sneak peak at my chart as had it open and mentioned i had a T-square.

Now i am not sure if this is noteworthy, but it seemed interesting to me that each other points of T-square contain conjunctions. so my chart seems to be made up of three sets of conjunctions (in the 4/6/12th houses).

I havent seen anything that mentions multiple conjunctions in different houses, is it interesting or fairly mundane?

I have recently started understanding more, and tracing back events to transits or to my natal chart and i keep having the same houses come up again and again.

As usual, i might be asking a fairly dumb question, but i thought i would 'bite the bullet' and ask. so dont be afraid to say that i should simply ignore it and look at other areas, all help appriciated


Some charts set you up for an interesting life.

T-Squares are one of the typical patterns that are seen as "drivers" --- forces that push us to be involved, to be active, to challenge or be challenged.

So, is it any wonder that transits to the T-Square seem to bring situation into our life that cause change, excitement, worry, problems, opportunities. Let us suppose that a planet X trines the middle planet of a T-square. Planet X also is inconjuncts one end of the T-Square and is semi-sextile the other end. If planet Y trines one end of the T-Square, then it inconjuncts the middle planet of the T-Square and sextiles the other end of the T-Square. No wonder a T-Square is considered to be a driving pattern. Everything in the chart is always banging away at it.

Now, if you have multiple T-squares that sort of overlap each other by virtue of being close (but not conjunct), then it is constant transit-mania. Hardly a week goes by without the possibility of something significant happening.

So, how are you enjoying your cosmic fireworks? Dave


Thank for your input Dave!

The fireworks are getting easier, i can now start to enjoy them rather then wanting to hide, i used to not be able to understand what/when/how but now am starting to see the patterns. however as you said it feels like there are soo many things, so many transits hitting everything, i started trying to work on transit grids (from The eagle and lark book) and its a nice simple way to start and keep a record, but i suddenly kept finding every house seemed to always be involved, so i wondered if it was the orb i was using, trying to do too much, so i try to slim it down but i think its like dominoes....so am now glad that you have explained that to me, i thought i was counting too many things.

My chart is basically a bucket shape , lovely overlaps..lol

at the moment i am trying to work out what is significant for me, i am writing a journal and trying to track what causes what, but sometimes i feel i am confused about what is the cause. am hoping that keeping a track of these will help me breakdown what affects me, and how.

The full moon in leo just smacked all my planets , but atleast i was prepared, i felt it last week and it hit the day before full moon and the information did seem to relate to the transit grid. sometimes i feel its easier to ask, what house/planet is not going to be affected.

i think i am figuring out my jupiter return which happens later this year, and that thankfully looks fairly positive and i can harness that energy.

yes, every week there is something new happening, but i do feel more equipped now to be able to deal with it, they have been very helpful to me now, rather then scary. now i want to use them to become more aware of whats coming, to harness the energy of the transit, and also to know when to just write it off .

also the amzing thing is i can confirm the timing of some things i have been told through my guides and mediumship, it all just works!


T-Squares are one of the typical patterns that are seen as "drivers" --- forces that push us to be involved, to be active, to challenge or be challenged.

So, is it any wonder that transits to the T-Square seem to bring situation into our life that cause change, excitement, worry, problems, opportunities. Let us suppose that a planet X trines the middle planet of a T-square. Planet X also is inconjuncts one end of the T-Square and is semi-sextile the other end. If planet Y trines one end of the T-Square, then it inconjuncts the middle planet of the T-Square and sextiles the other end of the T-Square. No wonder a T-Square is considered to be a driving pattern. Everything in the chart is always banging away at it.

Now, if you have multiple T-squares that sort of overlap each other by virtue of being close (but not conjunct), then it is constant transit-mania. Hardly a week goes by without the possibility of something significant happening.

So, how are you enjoying your cosmic fireworks? Dave

Interesting how this ties in with the "astrological signature" discussion of the other thread. I too have a T-Square (Cardinal between Moon-apex Neptune-Sun), although there is only a multiple conjunction at the "Sun" end. I never considered it seriously since the orbs (six degrees to Moon, 10 degrees to Sun, 6-7 degrees to Venus and Mercury) are a bit wider than I was formerly comfortable with. Now, with a growing understanding of traditional methods, I can see the rationale behind the considerably larger orbs for the Sun and Moon and am more accepting of the T-Square as being fully functional in my life.

Fast-forward to June of 2011. I had been away from astrology and similar pursuits for over 20 years, too busy with work and family. But in June of that year, Saturn made a lengthy station and then went direct exactly on my natal Neptune, which in turn sits precisely on my 11th House cusp. This occurred at the same time transiting Uranus was square to the Sun and Moon (from the "empty leg" of the T-Square near the end of the 4th House) and transiting Pluto was conjunct the Moon; transiting Neptune had recently made its ingress into Pisces and was closely trine Sun/sextile Moon; and transiting Jupiter was in early degrees of Taurus, closely tied into the Moon by trine and Sun by sextile. Transiting Mars - which is often seen as a "trigger" planet - while not contacting the T-Square - reached conjunction with my Descendant and Part of Fortune in late degrees of Taurus shortly thereafter; that was about the time I discovered the AT forums, sharply spurring my renewed interest in astrology, tarot and geomancy.

Another consideration I have been looking at is whether there was a "collection of light" scenario between natal Moon and Sun and the much slower Neptune at the apex of the T-Square. Both of the luminaries are applying to the square, which is one condition for that, and certainly the Moon makes no other major aspects before the square to Neptune becomes exact (another condition); the Sun, however, is converging on its partile conjunction to Mercury and Venus, which are both retrograde and moving further into "combustion." This intervening contact may serve to prevent the "collection of light" from perfecting. (Perhaps Minderwiz can weigh in on this.) At any rate, this possibility adds more emphasis to the sensitivity of Neptune as the apex planet of the T-Square.

Although there were no "cosmic fireworks" apparent in any of this, a deeply buried undercurrent of past experience and interest was exposed during this time, and Neptune seems to gain prominence as an "astrological signature" in my chart.


I do think that for these senarios the bigger orbs should be used, it seems to work.

you seem way head of me Barleywine with your astrology development, one day i will understand some of what you say:)


I do think that for these senarios the bigger orbs should be used, it seems to work.

you seem way head of me Barleywine with your astrology development, one day i will understand some of what you say:)

Well, I'm now nowhere near as well-versed in the fundamentals as some of our other contributors (although at one time I might have been). Hopefully we will get their perspective as well.


Well, I'm now nowhere near as well-versed in the fundamentals as some of our other contributors (although at one time I might have been). Hopefully we will get their perspective as well.

i am just glad to see i am going int he right direction, and now understand why i seem to have way too many transits!


OMG i think i might have now worked out the astro.com chart that has progressions and against natal chart, i might be slow but i get there in the end, i always wondered how to read the transits on this one!!


Be careful of giving too much weight to secondary progressions - they are purely symbolic, and I read somewhere that they tend to manifest inwardly rather than outwardly. Except for the progressed Moon (which can move in the vicinity of 13 degrees in a year), and to a lesser extent Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars, most of the planets don't move enough during the course of a life to significantly alter their natal meanings. Some exceptions might be when a planet - by progression - changes signs, thereby taking on a different "coloration," enters a new house (which might serve as a rectification flag), or changes apparent direction between retrograde and direct or vice-versa. Other than those distinctions and seeing what the progressed Moon is up to during the course of any interesting transits, I don't spend much time on them. I'm much more interested in exploring Primary Directions, but in that area I AM a real newbie. I understand the principles but haven't looked at them closely since before computers were available to make them easier.


i am not intepreting them now, many will be in hindsight, however i was just glad i could read it, and understand the red markings (wasnt able to before).

I also found out i have a progressed new moon in my 5th house in jan 2013, fabulous!