Tarot dreams - Queen of Pentacles and the world


Ive never dreamed about the Tarot before but last night I got a really strong image flash up. The Queen of Pentacles with the World lying horizontally at her feet (Witches Tarot)

I have the world at my feet?
Im at odds with the world?
Im cross with the world?

It feels important and Im stumped.

Any thoughts?

Water Lady

I think dreams are messages, never thought about dreaming about tarot cards before but ... so Q of pentacles is a lot about home, perhaps the message is your home is in order, complete, finished and you can look to do other things now.


I think dreams are messages, never thought about dreaming about tarot cards before but ... so Q of pentacles is a lot about home, perhaps the message is your home is in order, complete, finished and you can look to do other things now.

That makes a lot of sense, my house is up for sale and I *think* I may have a buyer for it, it will be a wrench leaving, it but it is time to move on, onwards and upwards.

Water Lady

Oh, good, I am just trying to do the intuitive reading so feed back is helpful


That makes a lot of sense, my house is up for sale and I *think* I may have a buyer for it, it will be a wrench leaving, it but it is time to move on, onwards and upwards.

I was going to suggest travelling when I saw this. <laughter>