Tarot Ethics

Ruby Jewel

I find the words
" contributing to the querent's obsession"
"highly unethical as a professional practice"

pretty derogatory to start with. I'm not sure how the thread can get more derogatory. They describe common practices of may members of this forum both on and off line. Are you suggesting that this forum itself promotes highly unethical practices?

I also think that "That is my take on it" is pretty clearly a personal opinion.

I feel that most professional tarot readers have ethical standards that take the possible psychological pathologies of their particular client under consideration. A lot of damage is done by unprofessional readers who are completely ignorant of the psychological ramifications of their prognostications. There is no need to presume this forum is made up of nonprofessional readers.


I feel that most professional tarot readers have ethical standards that take the possible psychological pathologies of their particular client under consideration. A lot of damage is done by unprofessional readers who are completely ignorant of the psychological ramifications of their prognostications. There is no need to presume this forum is made up of nonprofessionals.
I'm sorry, but you're making a number of assumptions that I just can't agree with. I'm not professional by any standard, and I don't think many on this board are either. Furthermore, there are plenty of fraudulent professional readers out there!


Of course, that is one person's analogy regarding a grammatical error in the posting which has been corrected. I have to ask if you read all the posts as this "spoon/shovel" thing has nothing to do with the subject of this post. Certainly nobody advocates using the tarot like that.

I can comment on someone else's comment and share information concerning tarot. There are many people who use tarot for mainly divinatoy methods, others use it as a tool in the occult. Either way, and in which ever manner it is fine with me, which I did state. I'm sorry if it was taken the wrong way.

There are lots of threads that have been started regarding your question concerning third party readings. They always seem to get very heated. You can find them in "talking tarot" if you would like to read others thoughts on the matter.

Ruby Jewel

I can comment on someone else's comment and share information concerning tarot. There are many people who use tarot for mainly divinatoy methods, others use it as a tool in the occult. Either way, and in which ever manner it is fine with me, which I did state. I'm sorry if it was taken the wrong way.

There are lots of threads that have been started regarding your question concerning third party readings. They always seem to get very heated. You can find them in "talking tarot" if you would like to read others thoughts on the matter.

Thanks Laurelle.....wow...I had no idea I was stirring the pot like this. But it is interesting to see others' opinions. In the beginning I wasn't thinking it would get so heated....or I would have worded my post a little differently. For instance, there was no need for me to use the word "snooping".....my mistake.

Ruby Jewel

I'm sorry, but you're making a number of assumptions that I just can't agree with. I'm not professional by any standard, and I don't think many on this board are either. Furthermore, there are plenty of fraudulent professional readers out there!

I'm not sure which "assumptions" you refer to here; however, I think you are probably correct that there are plenty of fraudulent professional readers out there. On the other hand, I feel it is important to approach the tarot in a serious rather than a frivolous way.


I usually avoid these topics, because I don't want to be frowned upon for my opinion and how I work with the cards. As a professional, I don't have an issue doing third party readings. I don't bat an eyelash. Because I don't believe it's truly prying or as invasive as some might think. As someone said it's not like a hidden camera. It's a very, very, vague picture of what is going on. And I've found it's just about as accurate as any other type of reading I do. To those who have different standards, that's their practice and is none of my business. Each reader is widely different from each other. I have turned down clients for certain topics, such as if they're too emotional about a topic. But I know plenty other readers who would take a different approach :)

That's what I like about the community. That there's no giant tarot committee saying what is and isn't acceptable.

Ruby Jewel

I usually avoid these topics, because I don't want to be frowned upon for my opinion and how I work with the cards. As a professional, I don't have an issue doing third party readings. I don't bat an eyelash. Because I don't believe it's truly prying or as invasive as some might think. As someone said it's not like a hidden camera. It's a very, very, vague picture of what is going on. And I've found it's just about as accurate as any other type of reading I do. To those who have different standards, that's their practice and is none of my business. Each reader is widely different from each other. I have turned down clients for certain topics, such as if they're too emotional about a topic. But I know plenty other readers who would take a different approach :)

That's what I like about the community. That there's no giant tarot committee saying what is and isn't acceptable.

Thanks for your honest opinion here. I had a feeling that I was in the minority (laugh)....which is okay....and, frankly, to be expected. Being of the "hermit" variety of humankind, I tend to be very protective of my privacy and feel others deserve the same consideration I reserve for myself. I find it feels rather strange that someone would ask a card reader to tell them how I feel about a 3rd person when they can always just call me up and ask me......I certainly would not bite their heads off....no doubt I would enjoy hearing from them....and also finding out how they are doing. More than anything, I really hate the thought that someone else is telling another person how I feel about someone else.....that rubs me wrong for some reason....probably because I don't think they would have a clue....the meaning of the cards carry many possibilities and facets....with no knowledge whatsoever of the energy between a 2nd and a 3rd person relationship, the possibilities and consequences of being "off" in the interpretation are profound.


Hello. It can be argued that use of tarot is unethical regardless of the questions presented to the cards/spirits.

Also, if the question only involves the querent instead of a second party or even a third party it can still be "snooping" unless someone is asking for advice. Even when the querent is seeking advice on the best course of action it can be argued that seeking the tarot for this answer is unethical. It's life cheating yourself and the people with whom you are involved (in the situation of topic) out of one of life's learning experiences.

IMO ethics has no place in tarot readings. It's like people purchasing stolen goods complaining that the thief is selling the goods at an unreasonable price.

If I had to choose one thing that I consider to be unethical relative to tarot readings that would be the act of not reading reversals. There are cards such as the 5 of coins and 4 of coins amongst others that have completely different meanings when reading them reversed.


I feel that most professional tarot readers have ethical standards that take the possible psychological pathologies of their particular client under consideration. A lot of damage is done by unprofessional readers who are completely ignorant of the psychological ramifications of their prognostications. There is no need to presume this forum is made up of nonprofessional readers.

As someone who has read over the phone for a fee, I have encountered people with psychological issues. I would not judge but would help that person back to reality. For instance, there was a girl who would call all of the time asking about a guy named Elliot. One day she would speak as though she was in a relationship and then a few days later it was clear to me that she had never been in a relationship with that person.

On one occasion she spoke of his mother as though she held a conversation with the woman in her home (the mother's home) and the next phone call she stated, "His mother looks like her name could be Jackie." Then she asked me to ask the cards if the woman's name was Jackie. At that point, I hit the brakes and put the car in reverse. I reminded her that she told me that she met the woman and I asked how could you have a relationship and several conversations with someone and not know that person's name.

I gave her my email address and offered her friendship because I felt that she was really living in her head and needed a friend or someone with whom she could converse. Did that stop her from calling? No, she moved on to the next reader. I know because I saw that she had left several entries of feedback for them. It's not always ignorance. It's pretty clear that there are querents with mental health issues but for some tarot is a profitable business. And, the damage was done before the querent had even made the phone call.


Sometimes the cards say, "He loves you," and don't add "which makes him want to run far far away."

Yes. And even if they did, it would take a really skilled reader to tell the client tactfully.

I have ethics regarding myself in the sense that I won't kill a person or steal or stuff like that. But my ethics regarding Tarot are actually quite low, by other people's standards. A Tarot reading just isn't like installing a hidden camera in someone's room and has never given me that kind of information, so I don't worry that much about the ethical side of it. However, I do have double standards and the kinds of readings I do for myself I will usually not do for others because I can't recommend it as a good course of action. But I'm the reader and I allow myself to "sin" because I know the deal and how fraught with uncertainty such a reading can be.

I do however use it to my advantage, like asking before a date what "energies" the person will respond to, or before a job interview what will land me the job. Both of those can be considered snooping but the way I see it, an ability or power should be used, used well and used often.

I also lie to querents on occasion. I mean, I don't tell people one thing when the reading says something else, but recently I was asked to do a reading for a friend who had his new boyfriend with him. They had been dating something like less than a month and they both asked me, in the presence of the other, about the future of their relationship. I didn't see good things but I told them I saw nothing about their relationship at all. I didn't feel it would be right to intervene so early, and with both of them there I felt that keeping my mouth shut was the more tactful thing to do. Sometimes telling the whole truth can do damage.

I don't find this to be unethical at all. We're expected to use common sense and consider the effect of what we're seeing if told to the client. I don't read for couples like two people at once. I haven't been asked to yet, but if I were, I wouldn't care to do it.

Hello. It can be argued that use of tarot is unethical regardless of the questions presented to the cards/spirits.

Also, if the question only involves the querent instead of a second party or even a third party it can still be "snooping" unless someone is asking for advice. Even when the querent is seeking advice on the best course of action it can be argued that seeking the tarot for this answer is unethical. It's life cheating yourself and the people with whom you are involved (in the situation of topic) out of one of life's learning experiences.

IMO ethics has no place in tarot readings. It's like people purchasing stolen goods complaining that the thief is selling the goods at an unreasonable price.

If I had to choose one thing that I consider to be unethical relative to tarot readings that would be the act of not reading reversals. There are cards such as the 5 of coins and 4 of coins amongst others that have completely different meanings when reading them reversed.

Yes. I totally agree. And I use reversed meanings but not actual reversed cards. The reversal of the cards is distracting to me so I allow for reversals to express themselves by positional meanings and card combinations.