Tarot in Movies


Lover's Path in Music Video

I saw the Lover's Path in Ashley Monroe's "I Don't Want To". It's a country song. You can probably find it on UTube or actually on the CMT website and watch the video.

It was pretty cool. I was just watching TV the other day and I saw it. I know that deck!! I wonder if Kris Waldherr knows.

Also in Joe Nichols' song "She Only Drinks When She Smokes": I can't seem to figure out what deck that is. It shows the Death card (of course), the Tower card and lastly the Sun. It has a New Orlean's atmosphere feel to it.


I just watched Edmond on DVD. It's a 2005 drama, adapted by David Mamet from his play, and starring William H. Macy. Early in the movie, Edmond Burke (Macy) goes to a storefront fortune teller for a reading. She lays out a CC with many threatening cards (RWS), and heavy background music, and portentous looks, and then because it's a Mamet script, she says something unexpected, which pretty much sums the theme of the film.

Various cards from the spread turn up through the movie, and apparently their choice was thought out by the writer, or someone he consulted. I can't exactly describe the layout because the way the scene was shot, I wasn't sure which cards were reversed. She did use a significator, the Knight of Wands, which fit Edmond's character well.

I wasn't crazy about the film as a whole, though it was interesting as a collection of individual scenes. But it was the most Tarot I've ever seen in a movie, and the best integration of Tarot into the story I've seen, as well.

Briar Rose

I just watched again, "Moonlight and Valnetino" with Woopie, and BonJovi, and a list of other famous actors.

Woopie was on the sofa with Elizabeth Perkins and she pulled out the Rider deck (extra large cards) and laid them out. Perkins said that she wasn't following the book, and Woopie said, "You got to feel the cards, and lay them out the way they want."

It was so kewl.


Not a movie, but I was just watching the last episode of Roswell, yesterday, and they showed a woman reading tarot cards. The fronts were definitely a RW clone of some sort, the back were dark blue with a small white border, and the cards were very shiny. I believe it was the Radian Ride Waite. Can anyone verify this by looking at the backs of their deck? I don't have this particular one. Thanks! :)


The coolest Devil card ever is the one in Day of the Beast, which by the way, is my favorite movie second only to Robocop. If I had that card I'd carry it around with me in my wallet.


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HearthCricket said:
Not a movie, but I was just watching the last episode of Roswell, yesterday, and they showed a woman reading tarot cards. The fronts were definitely a RW clone of some sort, the back were dark blue with a small white border, and the cards were very shiny. I believe it was the Radian Ride Waite. Can anyone verify this by looking at the backs of their deck? I don't have this particular one. Thanks! :)

Hm, it sounds like the Universal Waite back, which has a dark blue back (with some gold four-pointed stars) and then a white boarder. Basically it's the same illustrations as RW, but with softer coloring tones. Could this be it?


The Radiant RW has a dark blue back with small white stars sprinkled on it and a narrow white border. Heavily varnished, so very shiny.


Yep, it was definitely the Radiant RW. It was quite a dark back, but blue and very, very shiny, and the colours of the cards were deeper and brighter than the softer Universal Waite cards. Thanks, everyone! :)


Kirali said:
I saw the Lover's Path in Ashley Monroe's "I Don't Want To". It's a country song. You can probably find it on UTube or actually on the CMT website and watch the video.. . I wonder if Kris Waldherr knows.

actually, I didn't. (I lurk on aeclectic, but rarely post because of time constaints -- have a toddler daughter at home ;))

Thanks for this heads up!


Well, if anyone hasn't said this already, in the movie "Now and Then" starring Christina Ricci, Rosie O'Donnell, Melanie Griffith, Demi Moore, etc. When the girls are depicted as young, they visit a card reader (played by Janeane Garofalo) who shows them the Death card that invokes fear in the girls, in true Hollywood fashion. The whole movie has occult themes where at the beginning they stage a seance, and Sam's room has various books on magick scattered around her room.