Tarot of Paris


I have been hearing about this deck and the images look beautiful and evocative. So, after reading the reviews here I clicked through to Amazon and saw they have it for about $23. Then I saw it listed again on Amazon for $35. I read both descriptions and they sound just the same, but they have different ISBN's.

I don't understand...they are both new from Amazon and not re-sellers. Can anyone enlighten me?


I've checked the Amazon too since this deck is on my wish list for quite a long time now... weird, it doesnt say anything why such a difference in prices? :confused:
Maybe the 23 usd price is for the deck only, without the accompanyng book?
Check out this thread, it might help


Is one Amazon offering the deck/book set and the other a deck only edition?

I purchased the set through Amazon around a year or so ago and was underwhelmed. Currently, the deck's creator, J. Philip Thomas, is offering an amazing re-print of the Tarot de Paris here in the advertisements section of the Forum. Unless one of the Amazon versions is the same reprint currently offered by Thomas himself, I urge you to purchase directly from him.

The card stock of the reprinted version is vastly superior to that found in the original printing of the deck as is the clarity and coloration of the artwork itself. I do like the deck's accompanying book, however, and one can only purchase the deck from J. Philip Thomas. That said, he has indicated that he will be posting a revised edition of the book on his website in the near future so we'll all have access to that soon.

For me, the current reprinting has made all the difference in the world as to the accessibility and workability of the deck. The artwork found in first version of the deck somehow looked out of focus and overexposed. In the reprint, the lines are crisp and the colors are vivid. The difference is such that my original version of the deck sat around collecting dust. My new version is seeing daily use.

Perhaps others will know if any of Amazon's offerings are the same as the reprinted deck currently being offered here. If so, whatever the extra cost might be, it is well worth it. Otherwise, assuming he has any more copies available to sell, I recommend purchasing the deck directly from Mr. Thomas himself. BTW, for only a small amount more money, he is also selling richly colored embossed pouches to house the deck. I picked up the large version. It's great!



The new deck version is great!! But, there is no book. However, if you look around, half.com etc, you should find the book for sale by itself. I have in the past. You can find JPT's offer up under Advertisements at the top of our AT forum, and elsewhere I'm sure!!

I finally find a set on half.com for low money and got it arrived only 3 days prior to JT advertising the new decks availability!! So - now I have the book, and both decks! I also then got a new deck as a Christmas-type present for my DIL as we all went to Paris 3 yrs. back during the week between Christmas and New Years. So - it was a personal thing.

Look around - the books are available separately. PLUS he is updating keywords on his site. I have the current ones printed out - plus I think he is adding more soon.

Hope this helps!!

The new decks are not available at Amazon. I believe they were only for Japan, and he offered us, here, the extra ones. :)


definately go for the new deck, it is a vastly better printing


Thank you so much moderndayruth, weaver, skydancer, and ZenMusic. I have pm'd JPT hoping he might still have a deck. And thanks for the heads up about the pouches.

Awaiting his reply (tapping foot, shuffling RRW).


Short update - just ordered my deck and pouch. Thanks so much for all your (combined) help. Now more waiting...


I ordered mine this morning and can't wait till they get here.
Hoping that they are here by Friday. I have a Witches ball to go to and would really love to take them with me and do some readings.


I just received this deck today. It is more than I had hoped. The large pouch is a gorgeous color and perfect for it. Thanks go to JPT for this beautiful reminder of one of my favorite places and thanks again to those of you who pointed me in the right direction.

Le Fanu

Can anyone help me work out which edition 1-3 of the Tarot de Paris Ive got?

What are the tell-tale signs?

I found a copy in a fairly battered box: deck only. No LWB even. Ive read all the comments about the terrible cardstock of the 1st edition, and the cardstock on the deck I bought seems to me OK. Quite stiff in fact. But mine says Made in China (Connections) and I read that the 1st edition was Made in China and that was the problem.

I also read that in the original 1st edition there were 9 firey staves erroneously placed on the 8 of Fire card. I double checked and found that I do indeed have 8.

I don't know whether my colours are "washed out" or not as I have nothing to compare it with.

The extra card I received has copyright 2002. "This edition 2003."

Any ideas? (lovely deck by the way)