Tarot of the Black Mountain


It looks like the printers did a great job! Thanks for posting these pics Lena- I am now doubly excited of course! :)

Em xxx


Congrats, MDR and Em!


Thank you Helen and BrightEye!!! :love:
Em did it again... :D
So, we have two leading newspapers, Vijesti and Pobjeda and this is today's
Vijesti, first page, with Em's Emperor and Hierophant (Title says 'Montenegro through Tarot's prism') and the full text !
(To us, "Vijesti" are what the The New York Times is in US ;))

"Podgorica - Book with title “Io Triumpe” by author Lene Ruth-Stefanovic, was recently published by Open Cultural Forum from Cetinje. The book is devoted to misteries of Tarot, but the story goes in an unusual way and through prism of both Montenegrin now days and hystorical circumstances.
With the book, the reader receives Tarot cards, created especially for this project by artist Emily Carding. On her work on Montenegrin Tarot Carding says in Lena Stefanovic's book:"Through seeking appropriate symbols and images to represent the Major Arcana of the Tarot, I went on a journey of discovery through all aspects of Montenegro’s landscape and culture. In the Tarot of the Black Mountain you will find images inspired by historical figures, architecture, modern life, ancient mythology, folk tales, Christian, Pagan and Muslim spirituality, Montenegro’s stunning countryside and rugged mountains, and even a glimpse of an optimistic future", writes Carding..."
(The rest of the text is about textual part of the book and the recent launch.)
The text is signed with initials D.T., standing for Dragana Tripkovic (wiki entry), widely considered the greatest living Montenegrin poetess and columnist with Vijesti :)


I've just been back to read that reading Ruth! The Ace of Swords does seem to have done its job! I am so pleased for you :)


Lol, i re-read the reading you did for me prior to launch at least ten times and i have to say it was 100% accurate... i couldn't figure the 'Tower' moment, but it made sense by the end of the launch and its something quite personal, non-related to the book and deck... pm-ing you ;)

Little Hare


where can we order the book and cards from?

Little Hare


Little Hare said:

where can we order the book and cards from?

Little Hare

Thank you for asking, Little Hare :heart:
Em has the copy-right and she'll be in posession of first decks distributed outside of Montenegro as soon as her parcel arrives, so you can contact her :)
Thank you for your interest :love:


WOW!! Look at those newspapers!!!!!

And you, my dear MDR, have done a great service to BOTH your beautiful native country Montenegro AND the Tarot community at the same time ... how grand is that?? :bugeyed:

I am so happy I could dance! Oh wth, I WILL dance :D


Aulruna, thank you so much! :heart:
Em and i were really enthusiastic about this project and we both invested a lot of effort into it, i believe that's why it turned out to be a success :D
Thank you for your support :love:

Tansey Ella

I first card I saw was the death card and I was hooked. Now this is a deck I will definitely want and not just for art.