Tarot vs. Oracle: Can you read with just one or with both?


I decided to start a separate thread for this, prompted by another thread where the question came up.

Some people read equally well with Tarot and Oracle cards. Others, like me, can read Tarot well but not so readily with oracles. Which one are you and why do you think that is?

As for me, I have a couple of oracles that I do read pretty well with. One is a little ladybug oracle that was a gift to me and I love it. Then I have a carved box full of Lenormand oracles that I hoard like gold and would never part with but haven't learned to read with. And I've got a few more that were gifts that I can't part with. I also have the LS Tarot Lenormand that I love.

So I was wondering a few things about this.

Is it personal preference?

Is it something about Tarot that works easier for some people than Tarot? If so, what is it?

What do you all think? All questions and comments are welcome.

Oh, another comment just for me, personally. I had another Tarot breakthrough recently and I think that's also given me a breakthrough with oracles. I'm going to try it out to see one of these days.


Like you Griz I find tarot's more my forte, but have a couple of oracles that work well for me. I feel like with tarot I am able to address a wide range of types of questions eg predictive, emotional, story based etc. With oracles I've found I'm more comfortable matching a certain type of question to a certain deck. Eg I got Druid Animal Oracle recently and could only use it for emotional based readings, not for anything predictive.


I'm finding lately that I do read better with oracles. They are more simple, for me. When I work with tarot there is such a variety of ways to take each card.

Tarot readings, therefore, take lots more thought to digest.

Since I began amassing such a collection of decks, the issue is further complicated by the differing takes on the cards from deck to deck.


I now read equally well with Tarot and with Oracles, but it took me while to get in touch with my inner oracular person :D
Being a more analytical person (and reader), I like stringent systems and structures, so only after years of experience with Tarot and building a solid foundation of symbolism and correspondences I was able to apply reading skills to vaguer things.

My weakest discipline is definitely Divination - I'm doing okay with pendulums and very well with Runes (studied them for years), and thanks to franniee I dared lithomancy and found it worked! However, I'm more shaky on my legs here, and some arts like tea leaves totally escape me for the time being.


your on the ball griz today!

i have got 3 oracle decks, but mainly use tarot. I want to use the oracle decks more, however i am not sure if i am cut out for oracle cards....am not sure why. maybe its because they often have words on the cards which stop me working with them intuitively as i see the word and i get stuck

i can however do other forms of divination well (psychometry, mental mediumship etc)


Im a tarot girl for sure, I just feel you get so much more detail from tarot and more of a specific reading I have read with oracles, own many but never use them to read for querents...I just dont feel like its enough BUT I must say in all respect to oracle readers and ofcourse cards I like to use them for meditation and daily guidance when I remeber:p Also they have been very popular when we have people over..(too often)Everyone has a shuffle and a read my guests amuse themselves with my oracles :)
But I do like the idea of perhaps pulling out 3 cards of oracles after a tarot reading for that "guidance" it would be a lovley ending for a reading, many of my tarot freinds do that:)


I'm definitely a tarot person and not an oracle person.
I've tried to read with oracles but they just don't do anything for me. With tarot there is a system - there're the Major and Minor Arcana and there are also elements and numbers which can be read as well as the image.
With tarot there just seems more to go at.


I like to read with both seperately, or combine readings with Tarot and Oracle. They talk to me. I like the discipline I put into Tarot (and the time spent working with Tarot has been a joy and pleasure) - and Oracles I find fascinating - like a different voice.
Cheers Griz
Elven x

Scorpio Kitten

I definitely read better with tarot. Though I have quite a few oracle decks that I love, I've never been able to get a good read out of them. I don't know if it's because tarot is more in depth or what, but any readings I do with an oracle deck just never make any sense to me. Maybe I just need to spend more time with them.


I read equally well with both, no difference really. Of course that is likely because I read them both in exactly the same way. I read Tarot more of less the same way as I read oracles but I just add in the basic meaning of the suit, the very basis concept of the Majors. Otherwise I read all cards mainly by analying their images.
