TdM Exchange December 2012 - with special celebratory holiday season give away!


Thank you very much le_charior & EnchantedShadow! I am looking forward to giving this deck a go in the next exchange! :)


Is there still time to sign up? I just had my internet hooked up! I have a Jaques de Vieville just crying to be used!


Is there still time to sign up? I just had my internet hooked up! I have a Jaques de Vieville just crying to be used!

Sorry, the sign up was closed on Wednesday and I assigned the reading partners already... :( So I think it's too late for this round... Hopefully the next one!

But if you're up for it, I wouldn't mind a Vieville exchange! I rarely get to use it and it would be fun! Let me know and we can set up a thread over in the appropriate forum!


Oh, sure! I wasn't sure if I could anyway, I had to wait for my internet to get connected here @home.

I would love to exchange, I'll sign up! :)


Congratulations to the winners!!

I'll start a thread for my exchange in a bit. :)


Rasa and Flavio thread is here!

Congratulations to the winners!


The Tarot de Marseille Pierre Madenié is absolutely beautiful! It seems so perfectly packaged, it seems a shame to use it. But tarot is created to be used, non?

Thank you to le_charior and EnchantedShadow!


Le_charior and Sulis's exchange is complete :)


Now that I've done my expanded feedback, momentary light and I are completed.


porcupines and Est are done...