Temperance and the Hermit: what are they?


the hermit is the old man with wisdom
the temperence is the union of the oposite


"The Hermit is a symbol of ageless wisdom, standing on the
mountain of attainment."

"The androgynous angel is a perfect blending of polar opposites,
of male and female. It is an angel of the Sun, the life force,
as shown by the solar disk on the forehead. The red wings
depict the fiery nature aspiring to higher consciousness.
This key teaches you to verify your destiny as a manipulator of the
life power, the kundalini. This should be verified by actual
practice and testing until you feel the presence within."

Numerology and The Divine Triange
by Faith Javane and Dusty Bunker

Hermit could be the teacher
Temperance the angel


Temperance and the Hermit : What Are They ?

The Hermit shows illumination from solitude, a turning inwards to find the light no eyes see. The Temperance Angel performs a miraculous operation, that of Combination of separates into a harmonious whole, for all to see.


Then, and according to these posts:
1- two differents ways to reach the same: balance, inner knowledge, healing, control...
2- Middle age man and an Angel at the most.

I'm noting as many of you are using the "balance" reference.
And balance referes to the Justice card too.
But i think that in the Temperance card is a different kind of Justice.
I mean, it seems to be representing the Aristotelis concept of Justice:" trate the equal as equal, and the unequal as unequal" ("Corrective Justice")
What do you think?