Ten of Pentacles


Hallo everyone, I'm new to this and fairly new to doing readings for friends as well...
But even when reading for myself, sometimes I find even the most apparently simple cards confusing...for example, I've been dating a guy for a few weeks, and when I ask about his expectations for us, I keep getting the ten of pentacles...I've always read the 10 of pents as a card relating to family, stablility and home, even starting a family, but I am just wondering if it can mean something more mundane...
Thanks for your help !


10P as expectations suggests that he's expecting something long-term with you.


10P as expectations suggests that he's expecting something long-term with you.

Thanks a lot, I thought about that, but because the relationship is very new, I thought it might be too much..


10P as expectations suggests that he's expecting something long-term with you.

I was thinking...could the same be said for the 10 of cups ? What do you think ?


I was thinking...could the same be said for the 10 of cups ? What do you think ?

Yes, but in a slightly different way. The 10P is more about something tangible like a legacy or inheritance or even the future generations of the family. The 10C focuses more on the emotional side of things as a long term happiness or love.

Either card as one person's expectation or hope for a relationship is likely a good thing for the person asking the question. Unless of course that person is a Knight Wands or Swords who's out for a quick fling or an ill-dignified KnC who's a Don Juan type. ;)



I was thinking...could the same be said for the 10 of cups ? What do you think ?

Considering it is 10 Pents, it tells you a little bit about this guy. He is more about being stable, financially. He is all about living the American dream and sees you as someone that can be his partner to attain it. Generally speaking, Both working parents, having kids, buying a home, settling in and living happily ever after, so to speak.

10 Cups would show you more of that falling in love, making love under the stars, going on date night.... when you have a baby, he would grab you and tell you how amazing you are to have given him such a special gift. Kiss you with tenderness and love.

The 10 of Pents, to me, signifies a responsible, realistic person. 10 Cups would be a more emotional, romantic person, in regards to your question.