The combo Temperance and Justice in a soul mate reading


This combo has me stumped. As an outcome, what would the meaning be, for a soulmate relationship coming to an end? All the different ways to interpret this combo is what I'm curious to know how others have gotten these two together.

I see Temperance/Justice together being two sides of a quarter. There is no clear winner. It shouldn't be about winning. It should be about being treated with equality. Maybe,understanding the other person, providing closure, but I just know I am missing the message. It doesn't feel like that is the advice the cards are trying to tell me.
As for attraction of each other, they are equally attracted to the other. Two peas in a pod. Compatibility. They think alike. Perrfect for one another.


People who think alike are not necessarily soul mates or even compatible and/or happy together. It can be a dynamic duo relationship or a total snooze. Thirteen made a post several years ago about Temperance that rang true with me. I'm a Sagitarian and so was my late husband. We were very close and we did think alike in many ways but that wasn't always true. Temperance is the card in the Majors that's associated with Sagitarius. We're free spirits, don't like to be inhibited and even though people see the Temperance card as a card of peace and balance, it really isn't. It's impossible to be even-Steven about everything and that's what one of the parties is expecting or demanding (Justice)...or maybe both of them expect it. That could cause it to end. Life isn't fair and even-Steven. Not even if you share the persons sun sign.

For instance, let's say that, in thinking alike, the couple feels they need a new living room furniture set and to tile and remodel the bathroom. But they only have the money to do one or the other, not both. The Mrs. Thinks the bathroom should come first because she loves long, leisurely soaks in a tub but the Mr. says since they entertain a lot for his job, redecorating the living room is more important since the bathroom is already elegant but just doesn't have the jacuzzi the wife wants. Then comes the bickering over who always gets their way..yadda yadda. So secretly they each go against the other's wishes and make arrangements to get the work done and what they end up getting is an over-extended credit card to add to their over extended budget, more fighting and stress over who got to spend money on what and the unfairness of it all.

That stuff gets really old and can cave in a relationship pretty quickly.


People who think alike are not necessarily soul mates or even compatible and/or happy together. It can be a dynamic duo relationship or a total snooze. Thirteen made a post several years ago about Temperance that rang true with me. I'm a Sagitarian and so was my late husband. We were very close and we did think alike in many ways but that wasn't always true. Temperance is the card in the Majors that's associated with Sagitarius. We're free spirits, don't like to be inhibited and even though people see the Temperance card as a card of peace and balance, it really isn't. It's impossible to be even-Steven about everything and that's what one of the parties is expecting or demanding....or maybe both of them expect it. That could cause it to end. Life isn't fair and even-Steven. Not even if you share the persons sun sign.

Hmmmmm...... Maybe, it's saying you are oil and vinegar. Thus, it's over. This is definitely a soulmate relationship, however.