The ChronaTarot


6 Haunted Days said:
You know posting all the cards, people are gonna bug you to publish! That's just cuz we love your work so much!


*clings to Minute Deck*


Fantastic RTH!! :p :D
I love the way you see so many possibilities within a card, and your designs reflect and give a whole new meaning.
The Heirophant card is very special - something about the colours - Ive never seen him 'look' like that before, but it just clicks for me.
Another favourite is the Empress - she is the Green Woman - and she's just gorgeous and bountiful.
The Sun card - is sooo cool! The colours are great, and whole feel to the card puts a differnt lightness about the Sun.
I love the idea of the 2nd Fool card - she is beautiful too!

So RTH!! How do we order one of these awesome decks! LOL!! :p

Congratulations on the Chrona Deck!

Blessings Elven x


aw Thanks Elven! So sweet of you! Isn't it funny that I never meant for these to be tarot, but they work so well?

I don't think I got any e-bay feedback at all on this. I just hope the person who won it really appreciates it.

Since I doubt there will be more, unless I can come up with enough old art to make minors too! LOL!

The notes on this deck were from the lwb that I made for it.

I know I'm going to have to work on another lwb very soon for my other deck, but this one was pretty easy, so hopefully the next one will be too!


AW. Pity you didnt get feedback, I'm hoping the person realizes what you put into your art and your decks. So much! The LWB is wonderful too. You put alot into the thread - it was great to read all the info for the card.
... and really, this is a lovely Majors Deck - very expressive and would even be fantastic with the minors from the Minute. (I'd combine them :p) ... and what an twist for Tarot - choose which Majors for your Minors :p

Cheers ((((Robyn))))
Elven x


I agree--such a pity you didn't get feedback from the eBay buyer!

I'd be interested to know who they were; a collector, just some person who liked them for the art, someone who will read with them? So many questions!

I agree, again, that even as a Majors only deck, it works beautiful. The cards as so emotive that they really do work for Tarot, even though they weren't made originally intended to be it.


I love it, no surprise there! and i REALLY like the alternate fool!!!

congrats!!! i like them a lottt


* guilty confession incoming *

Ok, I bid on this deck... even though I couldnt afford to...but I wanted it!

I loved the scans, and now I wish I would have just shot the moon and bid staggeringly high so I could have it :( But I didn't.

Seriously, I really like the Empress (who doesn't?!) and the expressions on the Lovers' faces are fantastic.

I think my favorite is Temperance. Something about the colors of the rainbow showing up so radiantly and the balance of the absence of color thing that is necessary to see know what I'm talking about right? I can't remember any other temperance card offhand that runs with that concept.

Also, I frickin LOVE the Devil! He's very "Bad Boy!" Right up my alley!
I'd love to see the rest of the tattoo flash series that he belongs to....*hint, hint* ;)

But, Good Lord, Woman! Don't you ever sleep??!!


my dear Chronata,

as always, your deck takes me places.

I see this deck as a more mature deck from you. it is mature but also light enough that each character is a display of imagination, and of the link between this world and the others.

the one thing that I do want to reiterate here is that, i get kind of concerned about your choice of showing your work without much regard for your own copyright safety. know what i mean?

just think about it some time. someone may be spending your rent money by just printing and selling YOUR deck without permission.

again, it is just my view.

blessed be and print this deck asap so we can get our hands on it GRl!


Bouncing this thread back...

Good news...the ChronaTarot is now available in a very limited edition of 22 decks. Price is $35...see advertisement thread for details!

I know I stated that I was probably NEVER going to make another copy...but desperation and financial crisis demands that I make at least a few...

To make this different from the one of a kind edition, it will have a different Wheel card.
The last one was actually made for a different collaborative a new one was needed.

Here is a peek at the new card that will replace the old one...

it's called the Nature of Change, and depicts Mother Nature turning the Wheel of the natural order of cycles.

I made this card for a Nature Goddess swap originally, and I had completely forgotten about it! But I think it is the perfect Wheel of Fortune card.


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    Nature of Change sm.jpg
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Congratulations on getting your deck ready for sale!