The hanged man as feelings/attraction


Hey there, the hanged man has been a card that always confuses me especially in relation feelings or attraction. I know the hanged man is about surrendering yourself and I've seen this before as 'surrendering to the feelings you have for someone' or it can sometimes mean a person just will not make a move and stay at the same place they are with a person. In terms of attraction I'm not sure if the hanged man is a positive card or not, again the idea of 'surrendering' to someone comes to mind. I've heard people say the hanged man is suffering in this position however in my cards the hanged man looks quite content and peaceful and is just hanging there without a care, ( the deck I use most is the Sharman-Caselli card deck and all the imagery is quite light even in cards like 3 of swords)

So I was wondering what everyone's interpretation would be of the hanged man in this context and what the negatives are and so on.


As feelings or attraction, the Hanged Man could indicate that one's feelings leave them off balance or in an unfamiliar or uncomfortable position. Based on your description of your deck's imagery, it's possible that they enjoy being in this uncomfortable position.

Or it could mean that they feel like they've been left to hang out to dry if they believe their feelings haven't been returned.

The Hanged Man is a Water card, so it's also possible that the card is showing that the person in question is taking their time to immerse themselves in their feelings for the Querent to better determine exactly what their feelings are.

There is no cut and dried, one-size-fits-all answer. This is tarot, after all.



As feelings or attraction, the Hanged Man could indicate that one's feelings leave them off balance or in an unfamiliar or uncomfortable position. Based on your description of your deck's imagery, it's possible that they enjoy being in this uncomfortable position.

Or it could mean that they feel like they've been left to hang out to dry if they believe their feelings haven't been returned.

The Hanged Man is a Water card, so it's also possible that the card is showing that the person in question is taking their time to immerse themselves in their feelings for the Querent to better determine exactly what their feelings are.

There is no cut and dried, one-size-fits-all answer. This is tarot, after all.


Makes a lot of sense, I have been getting this card recently in feelings/attractions positions for a person I like. The interpretation you made about "feeling like they've been left to hang out to dry" sticks out the most for me. I have a hard time showing people I like them and don't give away much and people never catch on to the fact I like them because of this. I usually get this card a lot when I ask about a guys feelings or attraction for me.i can definitely see your interpretation of taking time to immerse in their feelings also. Thank you very much.


I have had the hanged man for "capitulation" in love once, but it was with other cards that was pointing out what has happened.

Queen of Wands was before the Hanged Man and the outcome was 6 of wands = meaning that the guy was very satisfied with the capitulation and felt like a winner after it. The Hanged Man was symbolising the emotional release after the encounter with QoW and 6oW the feelings that came after the release.

Just some input!

Ps. The couple was older, like 50-55 years or so, they were both mature. Everything is context....