The Other Frog Tarot.


I'm not touching it.

It can be like it is.

It's pained me enough already.

Maybe I'll do something to it when I sort them all out at the end (if there is ever an end...)
There are others that need sorting out.

Maybe I'll get some inspiration for it then.

I have never liked religious leaders and I have never liked teachers.
They annoy me.

That first one was never a card, it was just me messing with the frogs.


Dammit Kenny.

You weren't wrong, were you?


This is it.
And if people don't like this one, tough.
Cos I am so sick of this card I never want to see it again....


I love all of them and I have KEPT all of them :D



I'm going to remove the other three.

Keep them if you like, but they were wrong.

Same frog photo on all of them, only the decorating changed.


I think you should check and see if Adam McLean might be interested in doing them in his Art Tarot series.

And that Frog in Scanner would make a fabulous back. If ANYONE decides to print these for more than just their own consumption (assuming Lillie and the Frogs agree), I'll have one, please.



That's very kind of you to say, but I don't think Adam would want anything this silly!!!

Anyhow, here is the wheel.


Lillie said:

That's very kind of you to say, but I don't think Adam would want anything this silly!!!

Anyhow, here is the wheel.
I am sorry to say I have to agree about Adam. Not that this is silly - but it isn't Adam's kind of thing. His decks are ART - and while I absolutely LOVE this - well - um - I also love Lillie :*, but....

GREAT card :D but how did you make the poor little things hang on there ?


Adam does serious, proper decks.

And this one is very silly.
It's sole purpose is to make people smile at the funny frogs.

How did I get them to hang on?


This one was so difficult.

I had to photograph them all separately.
The big one was just sitting, but the two small ones were pinned onto an embroidery hoop.

Then I had to get the three pictures, remove all the background so they were floating and paste them carefully on to the wheel in the picture, with a bit of jiggling and scaling and turning round so they were right.

It worked quite well I think.

By the way, the boy frog is on the way down and the girl frog is on the way up.


Oh right. I thought it might be threats and withholding of flies :D

Or Krazy Glue.....



I offered them flies but they refused and I had to pin them on.

They weren't happy.

I told them they had to suffer for their art.

Next I am going to string them up to be falling frogs for the tower.

I tried chucking them in the air and trying to photo them as they fell....

yeah, right....

Pictures of the wall, pictures of the carpet, pictures of my hand....

Not a frog in sight.