The Tarot of Vampyres - The Priestess


She definitively bears the arrows of Artemis, her dress is the same color as the moon. Or the tree behind her is dead or we are in autumn here and she doesn't feel the cold at all; if it's the case it goes well with the passive aspect of the card since autumn is a time of rest when things germinate. While she seems to be young, she has some white threads in her hair which reminds me of the witch Polgara in the two series Belgariad and Malloreon by David Eddings. That white silver thread in her black hair was proof of Polgara being a witch and an immortal. I sense that vampire is a witch too. Two of the suits animals appear on the card, snake on her arm and dress, bird on her dress. The moon and the sky are both eerie and more dreamlike than real.


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Lady Iron Side

The Priestess

I personally love this depiction of the Priestess

When I look at this card it is done in black, white and gray, with just a little red.
The black means death,
the White means purity,
the Red means passion,

The Moon enjoys Silver, soft and smooth substances like her dress, also the Moon isn't behind the bare tree of autumn, but is the veil along with the fog/mist, between the Priestess and her sanctuary.

Her book floats before her, she needs not to touch it, for it is a magical book and can flip the pages it self, to me it means, all the knowledge you want to know is before you, and you don't need to physically touch/reach for it.

The serpent/snake on her arm, is endless time. she wears a pack of 3 arrows on her back, and a lit black candle at her side.


As you can probably tell from my username, the High Priestess is my favourite card. If I don't like the look of the High Priestess I pass on the deck.

I particularly like the expression on her face. She looks as if she's just had a profound insight regarding something she's read in her book.

Her dress kind of reminds me of a wedding dress. I find that sort of funny because the High Priestess is usually veiled in some way, reminds me of the moon card from this deck.


She definitively bears the arrows of Artemis

What do you think is the meaning of those arrows, they really intrigue me. Artemis had poisonous arrows if I remember well, she and Apollo killed those Niobe children. Not sure how to associate it with this card.

I think, bow and arrows are kind of women weapons so female principle comes to mind, but also although being so serene she can still act swiftly if needs be and she is not defenseless, she's got her ways. Also the rising arrow is surpassing the powers of gravity so maybe the promise of spiritual liberation.

It would be really interesting to know how other people interpret that.


What do you think is the meaning of those arrows, they really intrigue me. Artemis had poisonous arrows if I remember well, she and Apollo killed those Niobe children. Not sure how to associate it with this card.

I think, bow and arrows are kind of women weapons so female principle comes to mind, but also although being so serene she can still act swiftly if needs be and she is not defenseless, she's got her ways. Also the rising arrow is surpassing the powers of gravity so maybe the promise of spiritual liberation.

It would be really interesting to know how other people interpret that.

Well, Artemis is a huntress with a bow, she likes hunting with her hounds at night. She was often shown with a bow and arrow. She was also the goddess of the hunt. Also Artemis was like the High Priestess single, unlike the married and has a few children right-next-card Empress. Artemis, like her brother Apollo, were later associated to the moon and sun. In the Thoth the High Priestess has the bow of Artemis and is linked to her. So when I saw the bow in this card I immediately thought of Artemis and her bow.


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Artemis is the Greek Goddess associated with the Moon (the astrological association of The Priestess Card), linked to Diana of the Romans. She was known as the Goddess of the Hunt (hence the arrows), wild animals, the wilderness (her location), virginity (links to the purity of the Priestess), childbirth, women and girls (back to the Moon, and The Priestess).

Her black candle counters The Magician's white candle (for the God/Masculine/active), and represents the Goddess, the Feminine, and receptive qualities.


This actually reminds me of old Greek paintings and Roman intaglio works of Aphrodite where she is keeping the bow and arrows of Eros away from him and out of his reach for a while.
For me it says that now is not the time for matters of Love but it´s time to be serious and read and research matters that are secret, hidden, unspoken and in the unconscious. Time for love comes later with the Empress..

I´m not sure if black candles mean feminine energy and white candles mean masculine energy to me. I think black just means deeper and darker matters compared to white and more conscious ones.